I. Скажите, что вы умеете делать сейчас и что не умели в детстве. 

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I. Скажите, что вы умеете делать сейчас и что не умели в детстве.


I couldn’t cook in my childhood but now I can (and now I can’t).


1. speak English/German; I couldn’t speak English in my childhood but now I can.

2. ski; I couldn’t ski in my childhood but now I can.

3. use a mobile phone; I couldn’t use a mobile phone in my childhood but now I can.

4. use a calculator; I couldn’t use a calculator in my childhood but now I can.

5. cook; I couldn’t cook in my childhood but now I can.

6. drive a car; I couldn’t drive a car in my childhood but now I can.

7. make computer programmes; I couldn’t make computer programmes in my childhood but now I can.


II. Вставьте can/can’t или could/couldn’t:

1. I haven’t decided yet. I ___ can’t __ give you my final answer today.

2. The weather was fine so all his friends __ can ___ come for a big barbecue.

3. I think we __ can’t ___ accept these delivery dates.

4. She was ill and __ couldn’t ___ go to the concert.

5. Why did you walk from the station? You __ could ___ take a taxi.

6. When I visited my granny in the village I __ could ___ go to bed as late as I wanted.

7. We ___ can’t __ reduce the price because our models are in great demand on the world market.

III. Вставьте will be able/ won’t be able:

1. I’m ill. I ___ won’t be able __ to come to the office tomorrow.

2. Our model is very popular now so we ___ will be able __ to reduce the price for it only next year.

3. I’m very busy now. So I __ will be able ___ to translate these letters from our Italian partners only tonight.

4. I have to go on a business trip. So I ___ won’t be able __ to be present at the talks tomorrow.

5. The equipment will be ready only next week so we ___ won’t be able __ to show it on operation on Friday.


IV. Вставьте must или mustn’t:

1. I haven’t got any money. I … must … go to the bank.

2. It’s raining. You …… mustn’t ….. go out without your umbrella.

3. The road is busy. You …… must …… look carefully before you cross it.

4. My tooth hurts. I …… must …… go to the dentist.

5. You …… mustn’t …… play football in the house, Jack.



V. Вставьте mustn’t или needn’t:

1. You … mustn’t … play with matches. It’s dangerous.

2. You … needn’t … do the washing - up. I’ll do it.

3. You … mustn’t …. talk loudly. The baby is sleeping.

4. You … needn’t …go by taxi. I can give you a lift.

5. You … needn’t … come with me. I can go alone.

6. You mustn’t ……park here. There’s a No Parking sign.



VII. Вставьте may или may not:

1. I …… may not …. go to work tomorrow. I don’t feel very well.

2. We …… may not ….. visit the Browns. There is a film on TV we want to watch.

3. Mother … may … cook something special tonight. It’s my birthday.

4. Ann …… may … come home late tonight. She’s got a lot of work in the office.

5. Father may not ….. cut the grass today. It looks as if it is going to rain.

6. Where is Paul? He … may ….. be at the cinema.


VIII. Вставьте may или may not:

1. 1. Where is Paul? He … may ….. be at the cinema.

2. I …… may not …. go to work tomorrow. I don’t feel very well.

3. Mother may ……cook something special tonight. It’s my birthday.

4. Ann …… may …come home late tonight. She’s got a lot of work in the office.

5. Father … may not.. cut the grass today. It looks as if it is going to rain.



I. Вставьте is, are, was, were:

1. Big Ben __ was _ named after Sir Benjamin Hall.

2. Visitor _ was __ asked not to smoke in this area.

3. The Great Pyramids __ ware __ built in Egypt.

4. The Houses of Parliament __ are __ visited by many tourists every year.

5. The first photograph ___ was _ taken in 1826.


II. Поставьте глагол в нужной форме в Passive Voice:

1. Your letter was received (receive) yesterday.

2. The products of our firm is exported (export) to many countries.

3. The invitations for the presentation was sent (send) to different companies 2 weeks ago.

4. The price problem was settled (settle) 2 days ago.

5. The latest catalogues were delivered (deliver) 2 hours ago.

6. Some modifications in the compressors will made (make) next month.

7. The businessmen was invited (invite) to the restaurant after the talks.

8. Shipping documents will sent (send) to the Buyer tomorrow.


III. Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения по образцу:

The letter was typed by the secretary.

The letter wasn’t typed by the secretary.

Was the letter typed by the secretary?

1. Our machines are usually sold very well.

Our machines aren’t usually sold…

Are your machines usually sold….?

2. Model A5 will be improved soon.

Model A5 won’t be improved….

Will model a5 be improved

3. The laboratory equipment was tested last week.

…………………………….. was not tested…..

was The laboratory equipment tested….?

4. All reports are kept in special files.

All reports are not kept….

Are all reports kept….?


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