Choose the correct translation: muddy 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Choose the correct translation: muddy

C) кірлі

44. Eliminate the extra word: steppe, grass, siol, elimate, team

E) team

45. Choose the correct word: the act of going from one place to another taking a rather long time

E) journey

46. Choose the word opposite in meaning: to lose one's way

B) to find one's way

47. Choose the proper English equivalent to: ашуланшақ

E) despair

48. Choose the word opposite in meaning: below

D) during

49. Choose the correct definition of the word: nomad

A) A member of a tribe which travels about

50.Choose the correct variant: The Tower of London was used as a

A) prison

51. Choose the correct preposition: I was bored... death

E) to

52. Choose the word close in meaning: To remain

E) to stay

53. It has a great effict on England's elemate

E) sea

54. In this part of London ''cockney'' is spoken

A) in the East end

55. The Welsh call their country

E) avon

56.Choose English equivalents to the following Kazakh one: Сіз бізбен шай ішсеңіз қайтеді

С) you'll have some tea with us, won't tou

57. Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence: When Kate... the door, the children... round the tree

E) opened,, were dancing

58. Choose the proper English equivalent to:Бір нәрсенің қалдығы

C) the rest of smth

59. Complete the following sentence, (mind the text ''A Foul Play'' by R.Ruark) In te cabin There was

A) A safe

60. Complete the following sentence:Discipline on boaed was haed... and Zabinski made it worse. (mind the text ''A Foul Play'' by R.Ruark)

E)to keep

61. Complete the following sentence:Alec's duty was to pay wages... (mind the text ''A Foul Play'' by R.Ruark)

C)to his personnel

62. Complete the following sentence: I'm going to change the whole plan and sow his new work... (mind the text ''A Good Start)

E) in the autumn

63. Complete the following sentence: If anybody was drunk and in trouble ashore... (mind the text ''The Filipino and Drunkaed' W.Saroyan)

C) it was zabinski

64. Two days before the close of the exhibitrion he received he received a latter. Te main character of the text is


65. These sentences are from: It seemed impossile that i should die on the shors of my own country and withen view of men's houses. But the second day passed; and though I kept a look out for boats or men, no help came

D)'' the shipwreck''

66. Complete the following sentence: It has just came to my mind that you are the best girl I know, and I've lived next door to you... (mind the text «The Boy Next Door» by L.Baker)

D)for seventeen years

67. One day, very soon, we're going to have an out break of an epidemic. It's the main sewer that's to blame. This sentense is from the text... (mind the text '' The Exposion'' by A.J.Cronin)

E) ''The Expiosin''

68. Complete the following The...... I explored the entire island and choose a place on a hillside to my home (mind the text '' The Shipwreek '' by r.L. Stevenson)

B. second day

69. Complete the following sentence R.L Stevenson wrote the story which ts entiled

B) The Shipwreck

70. Complate the following sentence being the same age myself and just out of techical college i sow at once that his know ledge was... mind the text Success Story by J. G.Cozzens

E) rather poor

71. Chosse the correct Participle: The news was

E) exciting

72. Lexicology is the part of linguistics dealing with

C) the vocabulary

73. Complete the following sentece: He looked round the hall. I could see that he was... (mind the text'' A got and three dollars'' by M. Twain)

A) looking for someting

74.Complete the following sentece: He borrowed large sums from a man named... (mind the text ''Brave Mother'' by H.Beecher Stowe)

E) Halery

75. These sentece are from: He was a tell, thin mab with a face like Mark Twain's: black eyebrows, a grey moustache, and grey hair. His eyes were drak brown and sad: they seened not to belong to his face or to the world around him. He had never married and lived quite alone. He never much money

A) ''surprise''

76. Complete the sentence: Hungaer and misery... terrile there. And the...... eating people who protested, or stole, or begged. (mind the text ''Home'' by L.Hughes)

E)were police were

77. Choose the correct model verb: He... play the pioano at all

D) can't

78. Chosse the correct modal verb:... you anything

B) cannot promise

79. Chosse the correct modal verb: He said, '' the boy... to apologize''

E) ought

80. Chosse the correct modal verb: We... go there whenever we wanted

B) could

81. Choose the correct Participle: He liked... with children

E) playing

82. Chosse the correct Participle We like... tennis

E) playing

83. Choose the correct verb: Then the difficulty... to them

A) was explained

84. Choose the correct verb: The student... to the lackoard but he was not ready

E) was asked

85. Choose the correct verb: He ordered that he

C) should come

86. Choose the correct verb: If only she... her keys

A) wouldn't lose

87. Choose the correct verb: Even if he knew, he... us anything

E) wouldn't tell

88. Choose the correct modal verb: We... ring the bell; I have lost the key

E) have to

89. Choose the correct verb: Mather asks the children if they... some biscuits for tea

D) have bought

90. Choose the correct verb: I don't like it when I'm... about

E) Ordered

91. Choose the correct verb: This... trough the microscope

E) cannot be seen

92. Choose the correct verb: He... to open the door because he couldn't do it y himself

E) was helped

93. Choose the correct verb: The factory... by two brothers

E) is managed

94. Choose the correct verb: The song... and the audiece applauded

E) was sung

95. Use the correct tense from: Tom said that he... to see the doctor the next day

A) would go

96. Choose the correct indeirect statement: My friend said: ''I was in London last week''

A) my friend said that he had been in london the week before

97. Chosse the correct fromof the Gerund He keeps... on my going to the south

B) Insisting

98. Use the correct grammatical from: I avoided... to then about that matter

E) speking

99. Choose the correct verb: They... just....

E) have arrived

100. Choose the correct verb: I... at my aunt's since my arrival

E) have stayed



1.Оқытудың жалпы дидактикалық қағдасын анықтаңыз

Е. Тәрбиелеп оқыту қағидасы

2. Диалогтық сөйлеудің түрі

В. Сұрақ жауып

3. Ағылшын тілін оқытудың екінші кезеңі

Е. Орта

4. Ағылшын тілі сабақтарындығы негізгі әреіекеті

А. Сөйлеу

5. Оқытудың екінші кезеңіндегі қолданылатын іс әрекет

Е. Оқу

6. Оқытудың жоғарғы кезеңіндегі қолданылытын іс әрекет

Е. Ауызшы сөйлеу

7. Сұрақ қоюға жән бір қалыпты сөйлеуге дағдыландыратын тапсырма

А) talk to your friend

8. Тілді білу дегеніміз

Е. Тілдің құрылымы мен сөздерді білу, тілді меңгеру

9. Аударма мына сыныпта көбірек қолданылады

А. Бастауыш сыныптарда

10.Тілдік дағды мен біліктіліктерін қалыптастыру оқытудың мазмұнының мына компонентіне жатады

Е. Психологиялық

11. Жас ұрпақты оқыту және тәрбелеу жөніндегі ғылым былай аталады

Е. Педогогика

12. Белгілі бір жүйе бойынша оқыту іс әрекетінің қағдасын ааңыз

Е. Жүйелілік

13. Бастауыш сыныптағы ағылшын тілін оқытудың мақсаттары

Е. Тәрбелік, дамытушылық, білімділі тәжірбиелік

29. Fill in the correct necessary preposition: The plane landed safly... the two mountains

A) between

30. Find the correct sentece with the Indirect Speech: Ann asks her brother: ''Are you playing chess now?''

C) ann asks her brother if he is playning chess

31. Choose the correct tence from: Where... she... last summer

D) did/ spent

32. Choose the correct from of the verb: He is sure that he... solve the probiem quikly

A) Will

33. Choose the correct verb: The news... me yesterday

E) was told

34. Choose the correct verb: The dam... by the flood last Monday

D) was broken

35. Eliminate the extra ward: tiger, lion, ass, bear, wolf

E) ass

36. Eliminate the extra ward: tiger, lion, ass, bear, wolf

E) swine

37. Eliminate the extra ward: tiger, lion, ass, bear, wolf


38. Fill in the correct preposition: He must go to St.Petersburg.... spring.

C) in

39. Express in one word: a general term for anything that people eat

C) food

40. One of primary aims of Comparative Lexicology is

E) the comparison of the foreign language wich the mother tongue

41Choose the correct suittable word: The rivers of Great Britain are of no great... as waterways

E) valne

42.Expriss in one word: a wool producing county in Britain

C) the Cheviots

43. Choose the correct translation

B) бассейн

44.Choose the correct word: traveling y getting free rides in passing automiles and walking between rides

A) cruise

45.Choose English equivalent to the word:джаз

E) pit

46. Choose English equivaent to the word:Темза

B) the Jaik


47. Express in one word: the square where Nelson's monument stsnds

E) Times Square

48. Choose the correct translation of the word: To hold exams

E) емтхандарды жүргізу

49.Choose the correct preposition: Senior students apend fifteen weeks... eaching

50. Choose the word close in meaning:pause

B) break

51. Express in one word: a 26-mile running race

D) marathon

52. Choose the suitable word:The rich... of south-east England is well cultivated

A) soil

53. Choose the word close in meaning:to examine

B) to check up

54, Choose the word close in meaning:to fit

E) to go with

55. Chosse the word opposite in meaning:to refuse

C) to accept

56. Choose the word opposite in meaning: active

E) passive

57. Choose the coorect definition of the word: play

E) a piece of performance

58. Express in one word: a monetary unit cireclating in Great Britain

E) pound

59. Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: Look ahead

D) сақ бол

60.Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: to hurt

C) ауырту

61. Choose the proper Kazakh equivalent to: stay awake

E) ұйықтау

62. Choose the correct paraphrase:to go in for teaching

E) to be in teaching

63. Choose the correct parephrase:A challenge to your characcter

D) something you have to cope with

64. Choose the word opposite in meaning: to be angry with smb

E) to be glad with sm

65. The old twon of Edinburgh is situated on the

E) princess rock

66. Translate the word- combination: That's pity

E)қандай өкініш

67. Choose the proper article: The living-room is... largest room in our flat

E) the

68. Choose the correct from of the vreb for the following sentece: If you...... you will miss the train

E) don't hurry

69. Choose the correct type of syllable: note

E) IV тип

70. Choose te correct Kazakh equivalent: There's nothing the matter with the iron

E) үтік істеп түр

71. Complete the following sentence:One morning said that he had... (mind the text ''The Vager'' W.S..Maugham)

E) 30 000 dollars

72. Culdn;t help thinking of his table when the other day I sow George Ramsay Iunching in a restaurant. Thes sentece is from the text

A) ''The Escape'' by W.S.Maugham

73. Complete the folowing sentece: They looked at... (mind the text ''The Escape'' W.S.Mangham)
D) playing children

74. Complete the following sentece: Suddenly I sow a letter pushed... (mind the text ''Mr.Know-all'' W.s.Maugham)

D) under the door

75. Like most studetns he need money. Doctor Caswell kept his promise. The main chapacter of the text is … (mind the text Art for Heart‘s Sake’’ R.R.Goldberg)

B) Frank Swain

76. Finish the following sentence: “ He was lucky,” the planter was saying to this quite village … (mind the text “Wager with Destiny” E.E.Gatti)

C) man

77. Complte the following sentence: we walked side through the quite village … (mind the text “The Scholarship”)

E) to the lake

78. Complete the following sentence: When the doctor came he took … (mind the text “ A day’s wait” by E.Hemingway)

E) the boy’s temperature

79. Complete the following sentence: His facevwas very white and there were darks areas … (mind the text “ a day’s wait” by E.Hemingway)

E) under his eyes

80. Complete the following sentence: (mind the text “Is he leaving or is he dead?” by M.Twain) the plan of selling … … With all of us

A) was successful

81. Complete the following sentence: He sat deep in thought the loos hours as the train ran towards … (mind the text <<Pledger's Ways Home>> by

E) Chicago

82.Finsh the following sentense: Wen he read a letter in his lurried round the corner to te telephone office... (mind the ''Letter in the Mall'' I.Caldwell)

A) where sat grace

83. Common germanic stock has no paralles in

A) Kazakh and French

84. The american word ''Fall'' is the synonym of

E) autumn

85. Find the word which adopted into English thrigh its Australtan variant...

D) dingo

86. The word orrowed from Scandinavlas is

E) husband

87. Lexicography is the theory and practice of compliting

D) Dicttioaries

88. Complete the following sentence: it is impossible to describe the silent joy of our... (mind the text ''The Scholarship)

E) meeting

89. Coohose the correct Participle: A... boy was seen through the window

E) runing

90. The evolution of any vocabulary is the object of

E) historical lexicology

91. The branch of linguisties which studies the problems of meaning synonymy, differentiation of vocabulary treated in lexicology is

B) Stylistics

92. The second name of funetonal affixes is

E) endings

93. Synonyms belong

E) to the same of speech

94. So many % of the english vocabulary are loan word

E) 7%

95. Choose the correct verb: I wish you... me

D) would believe

96.Choose the correct modal ver: You... come and see the baby. We insist!

B) must

97. Choose the correct modal vreb: I... say what she looks like

D) cannot

98. Choose the correct Infinitive: In his childhood he dreamed... a car

E) to buy

99. Choose the correct Participle: Talking without thloking means... without aim

B) shooting

100. Choose the coorect Participle: Mary came in... loudly

E) singing



Дұрыс жауаптар кестесі

N 1 2 3 4 5

1 E E A E D

2 E E D E B

3 B A E D E

4 E E E E E

5 E A E E D

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7 B E C E E

8 C E A C B

9 E B C B E

10 E D E B E

11 E E B E E

12 C B E B E

13 E E C C E

14 E E C B E

15 E A A E B

16 E D B E A

17 E B D E A

18 E E A E D

19 E C B A A

20 A E C E E

21 E D E A B

22 E D C E A

23 A E A B B

24 E E B C D

25 E E E E E

26 E E D E E

27 A E B D C

28 C C D B C

29 B E C A E

30 E D E B E

31 B C E E A

32 E D E E E

33 E D E E E

34 E D B E E

35 D D E D E

36 D E B E C

37 C E E C E

38 A E C B A

39 D E E E C

40 B D C E E

41 E E E B A

42 B D E C E

43 B E E C E

44 D E E C C

45 E C E E E

46 A C E B E

47 E E E C D

48 C E B D C

49 C A D E B

50 B E D B E

51 C D E B E

52 E B E D B

53 D C D E B

54 E D E A E

55 C E B E D

56 C E E D C

57 A E E E E

58 E E E E E

59 C E C E E

60 B D A C D

61 D C A E B

62 B E E D B

63 A D E E E

64 E C B C E

65 E E D E C

66 A D E D E

67 A E B D E

68 E E E E A

69 B E A B E

70 C E B D C

71 E E B B C

72 E A E A B

73 E E E E A

74 D D E B C

75 C E E D D

76 C E E D E

77 B A A E D

78 E C C C D

79 E C B C E

80 E D E A E

81 D B E B D

82 B A E E D

83 C A E C D

84 E A D E E

85 E E C B E

86 E E E E E

87 E E A E B

88 D E A E E

89 D A E C E

90 E A B A E

91 B E A A D

92 E E E E D

93 A B E B E

94 D E E C A

95 E E E E B

96 E D E D E

97 E E E E B

98 C E A C A

99 D E E E A

100 E E A D E



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