B. Vital Functions of Minerals 

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B. Vital Functions of Minerals

Minerals have many vital functions in the body. The skeletons of vertebrate animals are composed chiefly of minerals (nearly all calcium and phosphorus), and minerals are essential constituents of the soft tissues and fluids of the body.

Phosphorus is a vital ingredient in the proteins that characterize the nuclei of all body cells, and also is a component of certain other important proteins such as the casein of milk. The phospholipids, which are phosphorus-containing milk fat-like substances, are essential parts of all living protoplasm. The power of the blood to carry oxygen is due to hemoglobin, the iron-protein compound in the red blood corpuscles.

The acidity and alkalinity of the digestive juices is due to mineral compounds. Thus, the acidity of the gastric juice in the stomach, which is necessary for the action of the enzyme, pepsin, is due to hydrochloric acid, derived from sodium chloride and other chlorides that are present in the blood.

The osmotic pressure which is necessary for the transfer of nutrients and waste products through the cell walls is largely dependent on the concentration of mineral salts in the lymph and in the cells.

A serious lack of calcium in the blood such as may occur in milk fever of cows and in certain advanced cases of rickets is the cause of convulsions and tetany.

Vocabulary List

break (broke, broken) (v) - ломать

to be due to smth. - быть обусловленным, являться следствием чего-либо

nutrient (n) - питательное вещество

acid, acidity – кислота, кислотность alkali - щелочь

rickets (n)- рахит milk fever - молочная лихорадка

a lack (of smth.) (n) – недостаток чего- либо

gastric juice - желудочный сок

transfer (v) - передавать, переносить

in order to.. - для того, чтобы…

advanced case – запущенный случай (болезни)

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text "Vital Functions of Minerals".

Exercise 5. Render the text "Vital Functions of Minerals" in English, answering the following questions:

1. Каковы важнейшие функции минеральных веществ в организме?

2. Где в организме животного находится фосфор?

3. Чем обусловлена способность крови переносить кислород?

4. Что представляет собой гемоглобин?

5. Какое минеральное вещество обуславливает кислотность желудочного сока?

6. Для чего необходимо осмотическое давление?

7. От чего оно зависит?

8. Что может явиться причиной конвульсий и тетании?


A. Shipping Fever

Bovine shipping fever is an infectious respiratory disease. It is somewhat comparable clinically to influenza in man, but it has a longer incubation period and is primarily a disease of the lungs.

It has been a major disease of cattle for at least half a century. In some years it probably has caused the death of more young cattle that any other disease.

Because its primary cause has not been determined, it has never been given a fully satisfactory name.

Shipping fever usually is associated with the shipping of animals. It often spreads during transportation of native stock, and it occurs occasionally in unmoved cattle. At one time it was called stockyard disease because the animals frequently had passed through stockyards.

It also has been called "haemorrhagic septicemia", but that name seems to have little justification because it does not indicate the cause or the primary characteristics of the disease.

Haemorrhages are rather common, but septicemia, infection in the blood stream, is present only in the later stages, if at all. When the true cause of shipping fever is established, a more appropriate name may be applied.

Vocabulary List

bovine (adv) - бычий, коровий stockyard - скотный двор,

(от лат. bos, bovis - бык) скотопригонный двор

shipping fever - транспортная justification - зд. – правомерность лихорадка от ship (v) - перевозить на корабле

haemorrhage - кровотечение, shipping - отправка, перевозка

if at all - зд.- если вообще это(происходит)

somewhat (adv.) немного, до некоторой степени

apply (v) - применять,

determine (v) - определять, appropriate(adv) - подходящий,

associate (v) – связывать c чем-л. associated- соответствующий

native stock - местная порода feed lot - откормочный двор

stock - зд.- скот deficiency (n) - недостаток, нехватка

cattle – КРС environment (n) – окружающая среда

feeder cattle – мясной (откормочный) скот avoid (v) - избегать


Exercise 1. Read the text "Shipping Fever" Part A and answer the following questions:

1.What kind of a disease is Shipping Fever?

2.Does it cause heavy losses?

3.What is Shipping Fever associated with?

4.Is the name "haemorrhagic septicemia" appropriate for Shipping Fever?

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions in Russian and in English:

1. Is shipping fever an infectious disease?

2. Does it resemble influenza in man?

3. Has the primary cause of the disease been determined?

4. Why was the disease called stockyard one?

5. Are haemorrhages and septicemia common in shipping fever?

6. Is the true cause of shipping fever established?

Exercise 3. Translate the text "Shipping Fever" Part A. into Russian.

B. Shipping Fever

Shipping fever occurs in all parts of the world. It may affect cattle of any age or type. A few or most of the animals in a herd may be affected. It is particularly prevalent in feeder cattle just after they have been moved from the range or from their home environment to the feed lot.

It may occur in any season, but most cases are in fall, when most of the movement occurs. The crowded feeder cattle traffic lanes apparently become quite contaminated, thus increasing the exposure of the animals to all infections. Stockyards, sales barns and other yards, railroad cars, trucks and other vehicles, and private feeder yards become contaminated. It is possible that healthy-looking or recovered animals may carry and spread the infection.

Stress conditions are major predisposing factors for shipping fever, especially the excitement, exhaustion, and changes of feed and water that attend the shipping of animals. Irritation of the respiratory mucous membrane by dust stirred up during movement, overcrowding, long periods without feed and water, and weather changes also frequently are predisposing factors.

Calves weaned just before being shipped seem to be most susceptible, probably because they are more excitable and because they experience more marked feed changes than older cattle. Resistance increases with the age of the animals.

Good physical condition seems to afford little protection against incurring shipping fever, but it undoubtedly is a factor in avoiding complications and serious losses. Poorly nourished and highly parasitized animals usually are more seriously affected and less responsive to treatment. Deficiencies, particularly of vitamin A, could also be expected to reduce the resistance of the animals against respiratory infection.

Vocabulary List

contaminate (v) - загрязнять spread (v) - распространять(ся)

determine (v) - определять afford protection - представлять

associate (v) - связывать защиту

predisposing factor - excitement – возбуждение

предрасполагающий фактор exhaustion – изнеможение, истощение

complication (n) - осложнение irritate (v) - раздражать
susceptible (adv) - восприимчивый
incurable (adv) - неизлечимый recover (v) - выздоравливать

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text "Shipping Fever" Part B

Exercise 5. Render the text, dwelling on the following points;

1. Районы распространения заболевания, тип скота, среди которого заболевание наиболее распространено.

2. Время года, условия для заболеваемости транспортной лихорадкой.

3. Факторы, возникающие при транспортировке скота, предрасполагающие к заболеванию.

4. Наиболее восприимчивые животные.

5. Значение хорошего физического состояния при заболевании транспортной лихорадкой.


A. Malignant Edema

Malignant edema is a wound infection that usually is quickly, fatal. It is marked by painful gangrenous swellings and severely toxic symptoms.

It is caused by a spore-forming, rod shaped germ, Clostridium septicum. The organism resembles the germ that causes blackleg; both grow only in the absence of oxygen. Therefore the infection usually enters the body through wounds caused by puncture or laceration. The infection develops in the injured tissue.

The germs are widely scattered in the top layers of soil. Animals kept in dusty, unsanitary surroundings may get the disease following hypodermic injections, surgical operations, parturition and accidental wounds.

Horses, cattle, and sheep are most susceptible. Swine, dogs, and cats are rarely affected.

Malignant edema can be transmitted to rabbits, guinea pigs, white rats, mice and pigeons under experimental conditions.


Vocabulary List

malignant edema - злокачественный отек injury (n) – рана

pain (n) - боль, injure(v) - повредить, ранить

painful (a) - болезненный scatter (v) - распространять(ся)

swelling (n) - опухоль top (n) – верх

rod shaped (a) - палочкообразный layer (n) - слой

resemble (v) - напоминать soil (n) - почва

blackleg (n) - эмфизематозный (гангренозный) карбункул

dusty (a) - пыльный

absence (n) - отсутствие surroundings (n) pl.. - среда

transmit (v) - передавать окружение

puncture (n) - прокол parturition (n) - роды

laceration (n) - разрыв accidental (a) - случайный


Exercise 1. Read, translate and analyze grammatically the text

"Malignant Edema" Part A.

Exercise 2. Read the text "Malignant Edema" and answer the following questions:

1. What is said about Clostridium septicum in the text?

2. What animals are susceptible to the disease?

Exercise 3. Answer the questions to the text in Russian and then in English:

1. Is malignant edema a wound infection?

2. Is the disease fatal?

3. What are the symptoms of the disease?

4. What is the cause of malignant edema?

5. How does the infection enter the body?

6. Are the germs scattered in the top layers of soil?

7. What animals are rarely affected with the disease?

B. Malignant Edema


The first symptoms of malignant edema are usually observed in 12 to 36 hours after the infection enters the body. There are hot, painful swellings at the points of infection, high fever and loss of appetite, a drop in milk secretion, severe depression, difficult breathing, and convulsions before death. Most affected animals die 1 or 2 days after the symptoms appear. Malignant edema is diagnosed with difficulty because it may be mistaken for blackleg, anthrax, haemorrhagic septicemia, or other types of gas edema.

Laboratory tests are the only conclusive method of distingui­shing malignant edema from similar types of infection. The following points of difference between malignant edema and blackleg may be of some help in making a tentative diagnosis. Malignant edema affects cattle of all ages. It generally starts from a wound. The gangrenous swellings appear at the point of injury. The swellings, which develop rapidly, are usually extensive and doughy; they pit when they are pressed and discharge a reddish, gelatin like substance mixed with gas bubbles when they are opened.

Blackleg affects young animals. It is rare in animals more than 2 years old. It is caused by minute, invisible puncture wounds. The swellings appear mostly over the muscles of the hind or front quarters, and emit a crackling sound on pressure. They discharge a frothy, dark-red exudate with an odor like that of rancid butter, when they are incised.

Vocabulary List

discharge (v) выделять (ся) quarter (n) зона, участок

pressure (n) давление frothy (а) пенистый

odor (n) запах incise (v) разрезать

doughy (а) тестообразный puncture(n)-прокол

blackleg (n) – эмфизематозный (гангренозный) карбункул


Exercise 4. Read and translate the text "Malignant Edema" Part B. using a dictionary.

Exercise 5. Retell the text "Malignant Edema" Part B. in English, answering the following questions:

1. Когда наблюдаются первые симптомы злокачественного отека?

2. Каковы симптомы этого заболевания?

3. Почему трудно диагностировать злокачественный отек?

4. Какова роль лабораторных исследований в диагностике злокачественного отека?

5. Как различаются симптомы злокачественного отека и шумящего карбункула?



A. Nephrosis

Nephrosis includes degenerative and inflammatory lesions of the renal tubules. Uraemia is developed acutely or as the ter­minal stage after a chronic illness manifested by polyuria, dehydration and loss of weight.

Most cases of nephrosis are caused by exogenous or endogenous toxins. Mercury poisoning is the classical cause but nephrosis also follows poisoning with arsenic, oxalate and in overdosing with sulphonamides, especially when water intake is restricted.

In acute nephrosis there is obstruction ofglomerular filtrate through the tubules and an obstructive oliguria and uraemia develop. In chronic cases there may be impairment of tubular resorption of solutes and fluids with an attendant polyuria.

The presence of protein in a urine of high specific gravity is accompanied by high levels of urea nitrogen in the blood in acute nephrosis.

Vocabulary List

nephrosis – нефроз inflammatory- воспалительный

renal tubules- почечные каналы uraemia-уремия

terminal stage – последняя стадия mercury (n) –ртуть

arsenic (n)-мышьяк oxalate (n)-оксалат

obstruction (n) –непроходимость, закупорка oliguria (n)-олигурия

glomerular (a) - относящийся к почечному клубочку

impair (v)- ухудшаться, портиться impairment (n)- нарушение

solute (n) - растворенное вещество specific gravity-удельный вес


Exercise 1. Read the text "Nephrosis" and answer the follow­ing questions (in Russian):

1. What does nephrosis include?

2. What are the causes of nephrosis?

3. What are the acute and chronic forms characterized with?

4. What does urine analysis show in acute cases?

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions in Russian and in English:

1. What lesions occur in nephrosis?

2. How does uraemia develop?

3. What are most cases caused by?

4. What impairments develop in acute nephrosis?

5. What impairment may occur in chronic cases?

6. What is present in the urine and blood of acute cases?
Exercise 3. Translate the text into Russian.


B. Nephritis

Embolic suppurative nephritis may occur after any septicaemia or bacteriemia when bacteria lodge in renal tissue but is most commonly associated with valvular endocarditis.

Localization of single bacterial cells or bacteria in small clumps in renal tissue causes the development of embolic sup­purative lesions.

Emboli which block vessels larger than capillaries cause in­farction in which portions of kidney, the size varying with the caliber of the vessel which is occluded, are rendered acutely ischemic. These infarcts are not usually so large that the residual renal tissue cannot compensate fully and they usually cause no clinical signs. If the urine is checked repeatedly for the presence of protein and erythrocytes, the sudden appearance of proteinuria, casts and microscopic hematuria without other signs of renal disease suggests the occurrence of a renal infarct. The gradual enlargement of focal embolic lesions leads to the development of toxemia and gradual loss of renal function. Clinical signs usually develop only when the emboli are multiple and destroy much of the renal parenchyma.

Enlargement of the kidney may be palpable on rectal examina­tion. If the causative bacteria can be isolated and their sen­sitivity to standard antibiotics and sulphonamides determined, control of early cases of embolic nephritis can usually be effective.

Bacteriological examination of the urine is advisable at intervals after treatment is completed to ensure that the in­fection has been completely controlled.

Vocabulary List

suppurative (a)-гнойный, гноеродный

embolic (a)-эмболический lodge (n)-внедрение

valvular (a)-клапанный clump (n)- группа

emboli pl от embolus эмбол (закупорка сосуда)

caliber (n)-размер occlude(v)- закупоривать, закрывать

appearance (n)- зд. появление casts(n)-цилиндры (в моче)

focal (a)-фокальный, очаговый parenchyma (n)-паренхима

ensure (v)-обеспечивать, гарантировать


Exercise 4. Read and translate the text "Nephritis".

Exercise 5. Render the text "Nephritis", answering the fol­lowing questions:

1. Когда чаще всего наблюдается гнойный нефрит?

2. Что вызывает развитие эмболических гнойных пораже­ний?

3. Какова роль эмболов?

4. Что указывает на почечный инфаркт?

5. Как можно контролировать эмболический нефрит в ран­ней стадии?

6. Какова цель бактериологического исследования мочи?



Animal Husbandry

Agriculture provides people with food, feed and other useful products. All over the world farmers cultivate valuable plants and raise productive domesticated animals. There are two main branches in modern agriculture: crop production (or crop farming) and animal husbandry (or animal farming).

Nowadays, in many countries people are still relying on meat, milk and eggs as main sources of food. Both breeders and farmers have already bred and are still breeding highly productive agricultural animals. Animal farming is a process in which a farmer breeds, raises and cares for livestock either for commerce or private use.

The word "livestock" refers to domesticated animals such as beef and dairy cattle, sheep, goats, swine (hogs), horses, donkeys and mules, buffalo, oxen, rabbits or "exotic" animals, for example, camels, emus, ostriches, or any animal which a farmer keeps and uses either for food or pleasure. Sometimes animal scientists include in this term also poultry, such as chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys, but they include neither honey bees nor fish within the term "livestock". However, poultry farming and beekeeping are important branches of agriculture as well as aquaculture.

There are over a hundred large land mammals in the world but man has domesticated only few types into livestock. There are two main requirements for domestication of mammals: 1) the availability of feed which a farmer can easily control and provide; 2) a rapid rate of reproduction. As cattle, sheep and horses are herbivorous mammals, farmers try to keep these domestic animals on pastures. However, farmers often grow either cereals or other agricultural crops as additional feed for their animals. Such ruminant animals as cattle, sheep and goats are important for people because they convert large quantities of grasses or other types of feeds, as well as non-protein nitrogen into meat, milk and wool. Poultry also convert feed efficiently into protein.

Historically, livestock and poultry have provided the following benefits to humanity: meat, eggs, dairy products, raw materials, fertiliser, labour, management of land.

1) Meat and eggs. In many countries livestock replaced wild game
as the main source of animal protein because only livestock convert various food sources into human food. Poultry provide people with white meat as well as with eggs.

2) Dairy products. People process milk of cows, sheep and goats into a variety of valuable dairy products such as yoghurt, cheese, butter, ice cream, kefir, and koumiss.

3) Raw materials. Livestock produce useful raw materials, for
example, horses and cows provide leather, poultry produce feather and down, sheep and goats provide wool for textile industry.

5) Fertiliser. Livestock leave behind manure which farmers spread on fields and this increases yields of crops many times. Historically, plant and animal farming have been closely linked. Labour. In modern agriculture neither cattle nor horses are the main source of mechanical energy. However, in some poor countries people are still using livestock as draft cattle.

6) Management of land. Sometimes farmers use the grazing of livestock as a way to control weeds.

When a farmer is planning to rear livestock, he usually chooses the most suitable type for the local conditions. Both climate and type of land, as well as local traditions influence a farmer's choice.

Vocabulary List

aquaeulture — аквакультура

availability— наличие (доступность)

a rate of reproduction — зд. скорость воспроизводства

the following benefits to humanity — следующие выгоды для челове­чества

management — зд. возделывание

wild game — дикие животные

feather, down — перо, пух

a way to control weeds— способ борьбы с сорняками

Exercise1. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the two main branches of agriculture?

2. Why is animal husbandry so important now?

3. What does the term "animal husbandry" include?

4. What are the requirements for domestication of animals?

5. Why are ruminant animals valuable for animal husbandry?

6. Why is poultry farming an important branch of agriculture?

7. What herbivorous animals do you know?

8. What benefits do livestock and poultry provide for man?

9. How does a farmer choose the type of livestock for his farm?

Exercise2. Think and answer:

1. In what countries does the agricultural sector play the most important role in the economy: in developed countries (the USA, Canada and the UK) or in developing African/Asian countries?

2. What industries does animal husbandry provide with raw materials?

1. What branches of agriculture are important in Russia?




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