B. Vitamins Required for Growth 

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B. Vitamins Required for Growth

Suckling animals will receive plenty of vitamin A in the milk if their dams are fed suitable rations. When they are weaned, care must be taken that sufficient of this vitamin is furnished by well-cured hay, good pasture or other green feed or by yellow corn.

In the case of calves that have been changed from whole milk to skim-milk or milk substitutes at an early age it is especially important to furnish them with choice, green-coloured hay as soon as they will eat it to provide both vitamin A and vitamin D. Young stock on pasture will not suffer from lack of vitamin D, because of the effect of the ultra-violet rays in sunlight.

Under winter conditions, however, young pigs are often severely crippled or even paralyzed by rickets caused by a lack of this vitamin. Also calves often suffer from rickets and they are stunted and badly deformed as a result. These conditions can usually be entirely prevented by the use of well-cured legume hay. Lambs rarely have rickets, probably because they eat much hay, and all good shepherds make a special effort to supply them with hay of good quality.

With the exception of poultry, which need particularly liberal amounts of riboflavin, there is generally no lack of the other vitamins in the rations that are commonly fed to young stock.

Vocabulary List

corn – зерно stunted (a) – чахлый, недоразвитый, низкорослый

cereal (a) - зерновой shepherd (n) - пacтyx

skim milk – снятое молоко to take care - зaботиться

dam - материнское животное wean (v) – отнимать от мaтepи

substitute (v) - заменять weaning - отъём

ray (n) - луч conceive (v) - зачать

purify (v) - очищать whole milk – цельное молоко

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text "Vitamins Required for Growth".

Exercise 5. Render the text using the following plan:

1. Источники поступления витамина А в организм подсосных животных и отъёмышей.

2. Что необходимо сделать при замене в рационе телят цельного молока снятым молоком, чтобы обеспечить поступление витаминов А и D в организм животного.

3. Результаты недостатка витамина D при зимнем содержании поросят и телят.

4. Способ избежать недостатка витамина D.

5. Причина низкой заболеваемости рахитом у ягнят.

6. Часто ли возникает недостаток в других витаминах (кроме А, D)?

Vitamin В

Vitamin В is known to prevent polyneuritis (nervous symptoms). Scientists also proved the lack of this vitamin to cause loss of appetite, emaciation and general weakness. Vitamin В appears to be widely distributed in natural human foods and stock feeds. The unmilled cereal grains, fresh green forage and hay contain it. One may find vitamin В in milk and whey. Yeast is especially rich in vitamin B. Though vitamin В can be destroyed by prolonged heating at temperature above the boiling-point, it is stable in ordinary feeds.

For example, it has been found that whole rice stored in an arid climate for 100 years was still rich in it. Also the vitamin В complex can be synthesized in the paunch, of ruminants through the action of bacteria.

Vocabulary List

polyneuritis (n) - полиневрит forage (n) - корм

emaciation (n) - истощение hay (n) - сено

distribute (v) - распространять contain (v) - содержать в себе

food (n), feed(n) - пища, корм rich (a) - богатый

whey (n) – сыворотка (молочная)

human (a) - человеческий rice(n) - рис

stock (n) - скот, поголовье yeast (n) - дрожжи

destroy (v) - разрушать, уничтожать

mill (v) - молоть (зерно) store(v) - запасать, хранить

cereal grains - злаковые зерна prolonged (a) - длительный

fresh (a) - свежий heating (n) - нагревание

paunch – рубец arid (a) - сухой (о климате)

Exercise 1. Translate text 10 A. into Russian.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions to text A.:

1. What are the peculiarities of vitamin B?

2. What do you know about vitamin В?

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions to text in Russian and then in English:

1.What disease is vitamin В known to prevent?

2. What symptoms does the lack of vitamin В cause?

3. Where is vitamin В found?

4. What is especially rich in vitamin B?

5. What destroys vitamin B?

6. In what feeds is vitamin В stable?

7. What action is there in the paunch of ruminants?



The students of the first year begin to study anatomy. Anatomy is a very important subject for every veterinarian. A good specialist must know precisely where a certain inner organ of an animal is located. The quality of the treatment depends upon that.

First of all we study bones and the skeletal system. The skeleton of any mammal animal has a similar construction and the following basic parts: the skull, the spinal column or the spine with the adjoining bones of the chest (ribs and the breastbone), bones of the pelvis and extremities. The spine consists of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrae and the coccyx (tail bones). The vertebra is a small bone which is formed by the body and the arch. All vertebrae compose the spinal column. There are 34 or more vertebrae in the spine of an adult animal. The lumbar vertebrae are the largest ones in the spinal column. They have oval bodies.

The chest (thorax) is usually composed of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the breastbone and 12 pairs of ribs. The breastbone is a long bone in the middle of the chest. Ribs form the basic part of the chest. On each side seven ribs are connected with the breastbone. The following three ribs are not connected with the breastbone. The eleventh and twelfth ribs are not connected with the breastbone either. Each rib is composed of a head, neck and body.

The extremities may be divided in the thigh, leg and foot. There are fore and hind extremities. The hind extremities are connected with the trunk by the pelvis. The fore extremities are connected with the trunk by the shoulder girdle.

The bones of the skeleton are connected together by the joints or by the cartilages and ligaments.

We have to know many anatomical terms. They were established at three Congresses of anatomists. In 1955 the International Congress in Paris established the universal anatomical terms that are collected in the list called “Paris Nomina Anatomica”. We shall study bones, muscles, the inner organs, blood vessels, organs of digestion and respiration and so on.

Задание 33. Прочтите и переведите вышеприведенный текст, выучите используемые слова:

bone - кость adult - взрослый

skull - череп cranial - черепной

facial - лицевой trunk - туловище

spinal column, spine – позвоночный столб

chest, thorax - грудная клетка neck - шея

rib - ребро breastbone -грудина

cervical - шейный thoracic - грудной

lumbar – поясничный sacral -крестцовый

vertebra (-ae) - позвонок (-и)

coccyx – копчик cartilage - хрящ

extremity – конечность

joint –сустав ligament – связка

forearm - предплечье shoulder girdle – плечевой пояс

Задание 34. Выполните следующие упражнения:

Упражнение 1. Поставьте предложения в Passive Simple Tenses:

1. Seven cervical vertebrae compose the cervical part of the spine. 2. Cranial and facial bones form the skull. 3. The pelvis connects the hind extremity with the trunk. 4. All the students attend the lectures in Anatomy 5. The breastbone connects some upper ribs. 6. The members of our student scientific society make these experiments.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте пропущенные слова:

1. The …. is the largest and longest bone in the body. 2. The skeleton of the head is called the …. 3. At the Anatomy class medical students study bones of the …..4. In the …. animal the bones of the extremities are larger than in the younger one.

Упражнение 3. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Does the breastbone connect all the ribs of the chest? 2. Does the pulse become rapid or slow when one is running? 3. Does the patient gain or lose weight if he is seriously ill? 4. Did you learn all the anatomical terms of the skeleton? 5. Is the student’s hostel near or far from the main building of the Academy? 6. Has the body weight of the patient changed after his disease? 7. Was the treatment successful?

Упражнение 4. Поставьте предложения в отрицательной форме:

1. Professor continued his studies on muscles. 2. The bones of the skull adjoin to those of the shoulder girdle. 3 The hind extremities usually are greater than fore ones. 4. All the ribs are attached to the breastbone.5. Bones of the skull have many cartilages.

Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский:

1.Нам дали учебники по анатомии. 2.Преподавателю задали много вопросов. 3.Операция проводится известным хирургом. 4. Все кости скелета названы в анатомическом атласе. 5. Нас часто видят в библиотеке.6. Кости черепа плотно соединены.7.Позвоночный столб образован отдельными позвонками.

Задание 35. Прочитайте следующий диалог и на его основе составьте свои диалоги:

Ann. Hello, have you been yesterday in the dissecting-room?

Bill. Well, we have worked there till 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

Ann. And what did you do? - Bill. We prepared a corpse of the rat.

Ann. How did you like it?

Bill. It was necessary and besides very interesting. We could see all the inner organs of the rat.

Ann. Do you want to be a surgeon? - Bill. Really, it may be.



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