Task 11 There is information you need as a future doctor of veterinary medicine. Read and analyze it. Be careful, the information is right but grammar is wrong. Don’t hesitate and correct mistakes. 

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Task 11 There is information you need as a future doctor of veterinary medicine. Read and analyze it. Be careful, the information is right but grammar is wrong. Don’t hesitate and correct mistakes.

Animal-rearing have its origins in the transition of societies to settled farming communities rather than hunter-gatherer lifestyles. Animals is ‗domesticated‘ when their breeding and living conditions are controlled by humans. Over time, the collective behavior, life cycle, and physiology of livestock has changed radically. Many modern farm animals is unsuited to life in the wild.

Dogs was domesticated in East Asia about 15,000 years ago, Goats and sheep were domesticated around 8000 BCE in Asia.Swine or pigs was domesticated by 7000 BCE in the Middle East and China. The earliest evidence of horse domestication dates to around 4000 BC.

The term "livestock" may to be defined narrowly or broadly. On a broader view, livestock refers to any breed or population of animal kept by humans for a useful, commercial purpose. This can to mean domestic animals, semi-domestic animals, or captive wild animals. Some people may to use the term livestock to refers just to domestic animals or even just to red meat animals. ‗Livestock‘ are defined, in part, by their end purpose as the production of food or fiber, or labour.

The economic value of livestock includes: meat and dairy - the production of a useful form of dietary protein and energy. Mammalian livestock can to be used as a source of milk, which can in turn easily be processed into other dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, butter, ice cream, kefir, and kumis. Livestock are used to produce fiber or textiles. For example, sheep and goats produce wool and mohair; cows, deer, and sheep can makes leather; and bones, hooves and horns of livestock can is used. Manure can to be spread on fields to increase crop yields. This is an important reason why historically, plant and animal domestication have been intimately linked. Manure is also used to make plaster for walls and floors and can be used as a fuel for fires. The blood and bone of animals are also used as fertilizer.

Animals such as horses, donkey, and yaks can are used for mechanical energy. Prior to steam power livestock were the only available source of non-human labour. They are still use for this purpose in many places of the world, including ploughing fields, transporting goods, and military functions. The grazing of livestock is sometimes used as a way to controls weeds and undergrowth. For example, in areas prone to wild fires, goats and sheep are set to grazes on dry scrub which removes combustible material and reduces the risk of fires. During the history of animal husbandry many secondary products has arisen in an attempt to increases carcass utilization and reduce waste. For example, animal offal and nonedible parts may be transforming into products such as pet food and fertilizer. In the past such waste products were sometimes also fed to livestock as well. Due primarily to BSE (mad cow disease), feeding animal scraps to animals has been banned in many countries, at least in regards to ruminants and pigs. Farming practice vary dramatically worldwide and between types of animals. Livestock to be generally keep in an enclosure, are fed by human-provided food and are intentionally bred, but some livestock are not enclosing, or are fed by access to natural foods, or are allowed to breed freely, or any combination thereof. The type of feed may vary from natural growing grass, to highly sophisticated processed feed. Animals are usually intentionally bred through artificial insemination or through supervised mating. Indoor production systems are generally used only for pigs and poultry, as well as for veal cattle. Indoor animals are generally farmed intensively, as large space requirements would make indoor farming unprofitable and impossible. Modern farming techniques seek to minimize human involvement, increase yield, and improve animal health. Economics, quality and consumer safety all play a role in how animals are raised. Drug use and feed supplements (or even feed type) may to be regulated, or prohibited, to ensure yield is not increased at the expense of consumer health, safety or animal welfare. Practices varys around the world, for example growth hormone use to be permitted in the United States but not in the European Union. The improvement of health, using modern farming techniques, on the part of animals has come into question. Feeding cattle, which has historically eaten grasses, corn is an example. They do not digest the corn well, being ruminants. Feeding them corn also makes no use of their rumens that can lead to other difficulties. Livestock farmers had suffered in the hands of wild animals and rustlers. In North America, gray wolf, grizzly bear, cougar, black bear, and coyote is sometimes considered a threat to livestock. In Eurasia and Africa, wolf, brown bear, leopard, tiger, lion, black bear, spotted hyena, and others will caused livestock deaths. In Australia, the dingo, foxes, hunting and domestic dogs (especially) cause problems for grazers because they often kill for fun. In Latin America, feral dogs causes livestock deaths in nightfall. They blame Maned wolves, cougars, jaguars, and spectacled bears for livestock deaths.


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