Task 2 Read the text and make up questions to it. 

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Task 2 Read the text and make up questions to it.


Today owners of pets and other animals expect veteri­nary care. To provide this service, veterinarians in the USA use the skills of veterinary technologists and technicians, who perform many of the same duties for a veterinarian that a nurse does for a physician, e. g. laboratory and clinical pro­cedures. Although specific job duties are varied by employer, there is little difference between the tasks carried out by tech­nicians and by technologists, despite some differences in for­mal education and training. As a result, most workers in this occupation are called technicians.

Veterinary technologists and technicians typically con­duct clinical work in a private practice under the supervi­sion of a licensed veterinarian. They often perform vari­ous medical tests, treat and diagnose medical conditions or diseases in animals. For example, they may perform labo­ratory tests such as urinalysis and blood counts, assist with dental prophylaxis, prepare tissue samples, take blood samples, or assist veterinarians in a variety of tests and analyses. In addition, experienced veterinary technicians may discuss a pet's condition with its owners and train new clinic personnel. Veterinary technologists and technicians usually care for companion animals, such as cats and dogs, but can perform a variety of duties with mice, rats, sheep, pigs, cattle, monkeys, birds, fish, and frogs. Very few vet­erinary technologists work in mixed animal practices where they care for both small companion animals and larger, non-domestic animals.

Besides working in private clinics and animal hospitals, veterinary technologists and technicians may work in re­search facilities, where they prepare samples for laboratory examinations, and record information on an animal's gene­alogy, diet, weight, medications, food intake, and clinical signs of pain. At research facilities, veterinary technologists typically work under the guidance of veterinarians or physi­cians. Some veterinary technologists vaccinate newly admit­ted animals and occasionally have to euthanize seriously ill, severely injured, or unwanted animals.


to admit v допускать, принимать
blood count n подсчет клеток крови
both... and... adv, cj как... так и...;и... и...; и к тому же
to carry out v Выполнять
to conduct v руководить, вести
dental prophylaxis n профилактическая санация зубов
to injure v Повредить
medication n медикаментозное лечение
occupation n занятие, профессия
owner n Владелец
to perform v Выполнять
to prepare v Готовить
sign of pain n признак боли
to take blood samp­les v (took, taken) брать образцы крови
technician n Специалист
technologist n Технолог
tissue samples n образцы ткани
to train v Обучать
urinalysis n анализ мочи
to vary v изменяться; разнообразить; отличаться, различаться


Task 3. Translate the following words and phrases into Russian.

to practice under the supervision of a licensed veterinar­ian; veterinary care; the skills; to injure; sign of pain; de­spite; to take blood samples; laboratory and clinical proce­dures; to record information on an animal's diet and weight; to conduct clinical work; education and training; experi­enced veterinary technicians; to care for companion ani­mals; employer.

Task 4. Make up sentences.

1. pets/owners/of/veterinary/care/expect.

2. technologists/technicians/veterinary/and/conduct/ private/work/in/a/clinical/practice.

3. some/vaccinate/newly veterinary/admitted/technolo­gists/animals.

4. perform/dental/tests/they/and/with/assist/prophy- laxis/laboratory.

5. treat/medical/perform/diseases/they/various/tests/ and/in/animals.

6. veterinary/animal/and/usually/cats/technicians/care/companion/such as/and/dogs/for/technologists.


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