Task2. Read and translate the text. 

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Task2. Read and translate the text.

There are different kinds of animals in the world.

Farm animals include: sheep, pigs, cows, chickens and goats.

In the zoo or in the wild there are wild animals like bears, lions, tigers, elephants, monkeys, etc. Many people are interested in watching wild life.

There are different kinds of fish and shellfish in the seas and rivers. There are different kinds of birds all over the world. Among reptiles there are snakes, tortoises and turtles, crocodiles, etc. Among common insects there are flies, butterflies, ants, bees and mosquitoes.

Some animals, birds and insects are people's friends: they help people to survive. Some on the contrary are people's enemies, such as poisonous snakes and insects.

But all the animals have the right to live on our planet because they are living creatures.

Task 3. Give the English for:

на воле (в дикой природе); наблюдение за дикой природой; самые распространенные (обычные) насеко­мые; помогают людям выжить; наоборот; враги людей; ядовитые змеи; право на жизнь; живые существа.

Task 4. Give the Russian for:

sheep; goats; shellfish; tortoise; turtle; ant; bee. Give examples of animals that are a) people's friends; b) people's enemies

Task 5. Say what kinds of animals are there in the Zoo in your native town.

Task 6. Read the text


There are six billion people in the world and they live in different corners of it. They live on the snow and ice of the poles and in the tropical jungles on the equator. They live in the forests and in the deserts, on the river banks and by the sea. Some decades ago they even left the Earth and visited the Moon.

The human species is the most numerous and the most powerful of all the animals on earth. How did it happen? In many ways, animals can do things better than people. Dogs can smell and hear better than human beings. Cats can see in the dark. Birds can fly. But no other animal builds cathedrals, plays football, tells jokes, gets married, writes books, elects presidents, or goes to the Moon.

There is one thing above all that makes people and animals different. People love to talk. We are the great communicators! And we can communicate so many things in so many ways — with our faces, our hands, our bodies, and our voices. Most important of all, we can record what we say and think in writing, so that we can communicate through time. We have a sense of past and future, not just present.

We are the only species that can change the world, and we are the only species that can choose either to look after our world or to destroy it.

the pole — полюс leave (left; left) smth — уехать (из), покинуть что-л.

the equator [i'kweits] — экватор the desert ['dezst] — пустыня

the human species —человеческий род decade — 10 лет

a species, species ['spi:Ji:z] — 1)род, порода;2)вид, разновидность

human being — человек multiple —многочисленный

animals can do many things better than people — животные могут делать многое лучше людей

in many ways — по разному communication — общение

smell v — 1) нюхать, обонять; 2) пахнуть (Dogs can smell better than people. This box smells very strange.)

to get married — пожениться select smb — выбирать кого-л.

above all — прежде всего; самое главное record — записывать

communicate — 1) общаться; 2) передавать (информацию) destroy — разрушать

communicator — передающий информацию

a sense of (time) —чувство (времени) look after — присматривать за, заботиться о ком-л.


Task 7. Make up lists of what people and animals can and can't do.

Example A. People can tell jokes... They can't fly. Example B. Animals can... They can't...

1. Say what other things people and animals can do.

2. Enumerate the ways people can communicate.

3. Explain why writing is a special kind of communication.


Task 8. Say in what ways we can look after the world, and in what ways we can destroy it

Task 9. Read the text and translate it.


For millions of years the island continent of Australia existed apart from the rest of the world. Its native flora and fauna came to an evolutionary standstill or developed along highly selective lines. The result was the unique and varied wildlife which we know today.

Australia's climate ranges from tropical zones in the far north to snow-capped mountains of the south, and from the lovely western shores on the Indian Ocean to the fertile east­ern strip by the Pacific Ocean. In this vast land there are rain forests, deserts, grass lands, open forests and pastoral plains, and every area has wildlife to complement the particular environment and habitat. Australian animals are unique in the world, including those most primitive of all mammals, the egg-laying monotremes — Platypus and Echidna.

The birds are as unusual and as fascinating as the ani­mals. There are over 700 species, including over 50 varieties of colorful parrots. There are so many interesting and beautiful birds in Australia, that it is not possible to mention more than a few. But perhaps the most unique is the Superb Lyrebird of the south-eastern rain forests. This shy bird has no relatives in the world, and is known for its incredible repertoire of calls.

Snakes are common throughout Australia and, although some are non-poisonous, it is always wise to avoid them. Other reptiles are fairly common in their own particular environment and lizards of all sizes are common but harmless.

to come to in evolutionary standstill — остановиться в своем развитии

to develop along highly selective lines — развиваться особым способом

vary ['vesri] — различаться; иметь большое разнообразие varied — различный;

разнообразный variety — разновидность

to range from... to... — различаться от... до...; разниться

snow-capped — покрытый снегом (~ mountains) lonely shores — пустынные берега

fertile — плодородный strip — полоска земли (суши)

rain forest — тропический лес; влажные джунгли pastoral plains — сельские равнины

habitat — (биол.) родина, место распространения, ареал, среда обитания (растений и животных)

to complement the particular environment — дополнять определенную среду обитания

environment п, и — 1) окружающая обстановка, окружающая среда; 2) среда обитания (human ~ среда обитания человека)

mammal — млекопитающее monotreme — однопроходное, яйцекладущее животное

to lay eggs — откладывать яйца egg-laying — откладывающий яйца

repertoire of calls — набор (ассортимент) криков и голосов

poisonous — ядовитый (non-poisonous — неядовитый)

it is wise — будет благоразумнее avoid smb/smth — избегать кого-л./что-л.

harmless — безвредный (harmful — вредный) of all sizes — всех размеров

to be common — часто встречаться (Lizards are common in this environment)


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