Task 4. Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text. 

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Task 4. Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text.

1. Agriculture remains.

2. The foremost attention is paid.

3. The tasks of the veterinary science are.

4. Intensification of animal husbandry.

5. Animal diseases cause...

6. Veterinary service should pay particular attention.

7. The duty of the veterinary doctor is...

a) is better feeding and selection, introduction of the achievements of science and advanced methods, great mechanization; b) to the veterinary sanitation and hygiene; c) to the organization of veterinary work to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases; d) to prevent infectious and non- contagious diseases, to treat sick animals; e) the main source of providing the population with food; f) to increase animal productivity, to reduce death rate in animals; g) great damage to the herds of cattle.


Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Задача ветеринарной службы — предотвращать распространение инфекционных болезней животных.

2. Ветеринарная служба уделяет особое внимание организации ветеринарной работы на животноводческих и птицеводческих фермах.

3. В первую очередь ветеринарная служба уделяет внимание ветеринарной санитарии и гигиене, являющимися основой здоровья животных.

4. Сегодня ветеринарному врачу отводится очень важная роль.

5. Ветеринарные врачи — это люди, любящие животных и свою профессию.

6. Ветеринарные врачи борются за здоровье и жизнь каждого животного.


Task 6. Use the following questions in your group to talk about veterinary service.

А. What is the role of agriculture?

a. What ensures an increase in the output of animal prod­ucts?

b. What tasks are set for the veterinary science today?

c. What should veterinary service pay particular atten­tion to?

d. The veterinary sanitation and hygiene are important in animal husbandry, aren't they?

e. What is the duty of the veterinary doctor?


Task 7. Read the text and make up an outline of the text.

Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Science

A veterinarian (American English) or a veterinary sur­geon (British English), often shortened to vet, is a physician for animals and a practitioner of veterinary medicine. Vet­erinarians are usually ranked as the most intelligent and trustworthy among medical practitioners. They diagnose and treat disease in a variety of different species without verbal communication with their patients.

Many careers are open to specialists with veterinary de­grees. They work in clinical institutions and often practice in a limited field such as "companion animal" or pet medi­cine (small animals such as dog, cat, and pocket pets), pro­duction medicine or livestock medicine. Production medi­cine includes dairy cattle, beef cattle, swine, sheep, and poul­try, equine medicine (e. g., sport, race track, show, and rodeo), laboratory animal medicine, or reptile medicine. Vet­erinarians may specialize in medical disciplines such as sur­gery, dermatology or internal medicine after post-graduate training and certification.

Some veterinarians pursue post-graduate training and enter research careers, and have contributed to advances in many human and veterinary medical fields, including phar­macology and epidemiology. Research veterinarians were the first to isolate oncoviruses, Salmonella species, Brucella spe­cies, and various other pathogenic agents. Veterinarians were in the forefront in the effort to suppress malaria and yellow fever in the United States.Veterinarians determined the iden­tity of the botulism disease-causing agent; produced an anti­coagulant used to treat human heart disease; and developed surgical techniques for human beings, such as limb and or­gan transplants.

Task 8 Make up sentences using the vocabulary of the texts.

Task 9 How can you describe the tasks of veterinary service or a veterinarian?


Task 1. Read the following words paying attention to the pro­nunciation.

bachelor, equivalent, recipient, to practice, medicine ['medsn], to be licensed ['laisnst], the European Union [juara'pian 'junian], jurisdiction ['d3uaris'dikjn], standard ['stendad], biomedical ['baiau'medik(a)l], microbiology ['maikraubai'clad;^], virology ['Vai'rnlad3i], molecu­lar biology [ma'lekjula bai'clad3i], terminology ['t3:mi'nclad3i], anatomy [a'nstami], physiology ['fizi'clad3i], histology [his'tolad3i], neuroanatomy ['njuaraua'nstami], pharmacology ['fa:ma'kclad3i], immunology ['imju'nclad3i], bacteriology, pa­thology [pa'9clad3i], parasitology ['p«rasai'tolad3i], toxicology ['tcksi'kclad3i], epidemiology ['epidi:mi'clad3i], anesthesiol­ogy, therapeutic, diagnostics [daiag'ncstiks], surgery ['s3:d3ari], ophthalmology, orthopedics, dentistry ['dentistri].


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