Task 17. Read the following and pay attention to the use of prepositions. Translate the texts into Russian. 

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Task 17. Read the following and pay attention to the use of prepositions. Translate the texts into Russian.

A. 1. Tina has several pictures on the walls of her room, but she hasn't got any in the kitchen.

2. There is a lamp above her bed and a square carpet on the floor near it.

3. There is a clock and a tall plant in a pot on the bed-side table.

4. There are some books on a chair.

5. The family cat is sleeping in the armchair.

B. Majorca is an island off the coast of Spain. It is east of Valencia, which is a large town in Spain. Palma is on the coast of Majorca. Many tourists come and stay in Palma. Soller is north of Palma. It is about sixteen kilometers from Palma. Soller is in the north of Majorca.

Task 18.. Use the right prepositions.

1. Where is the horse? It is... the stable. 2. In summer our cattle are... the grassland. 3.... the country where we live there are different kinds of birds. 4. Let's meet... the railway station at the five o'clock. 5. The Browns have got different breeds of animals... the farm. 6. My father works... a biologi­cal factory. He is an expert in veterinary medicine. 7. Lon­don stands... the river Thames. 8. There are various fish... the Black Sea. 9. My granny keeps her ducks and other domes­tic birds... the backyard, which is... the house. 10. Stop your car! There are frogs... the road. You can't kill them. 11. Look! There is a wasp... your head. 12. Give me my bag, please, it's... the chair. 13. Put the cage with the parrot... the tree. It's too hot... the sun. 14. We have a very nice garden... our house. 15. Harwich is a small port... the east coast of England.





My name is Mike Shilov. I am a second-year student of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named After P.A. Kostychev». This year I left secondary school and passed my entrance examinations to the University. I passed them successfully and was admitted to the Veterinary department of the University. I entered the University because I want to be a vet as my grandmother and I like this profession.

Every day I get up at half past 6. Our classes begin at eight o¢clock. I live rather far from the University and it takes me one hour to go to it. I leave for the University at seven o'clock. I take bus to get to the University. Every day we have three or four classes; as a rule there are two lectures and two practical classes. I attend all the classes, except when I am ill. All the missed lessons are to be answered with the permission of the dean. At lectures I listen to the lecturer and take notes. The lectures are delivered by the professors or senior lecturers. At practical classes I perform experiments, do laboratory works, read and translate texts, discuss different philosophical works and problems.


I have many subjects to study such as anatomy, chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, biology and others. My favorite subjects are biology and English. I like anatomy because it will be necessary for my future work as a veterinarian and I like English because it is also a necessary subject in our modern life and besides every highly qualified specialist must know at least one foreign language.

Usually my lessons are over at half past four. After the lessons I go home. Sometimes I go to the library or go to answer my missed lessons. At home I have a little rest, dinner and then do my home task. It takes me two or three hours to do my home task for the next day.

There are 16 students in my academic group. We are rather friendly and help each other in our studies. Sometimes we even spend our free time together. I must say that it is interesting to study at the University, but not easy. I am often very tired when I return home in the evening. I like to study at the University and hope to finish it successfully in 5 years and be a good veterinary practitioner.

When I have time I like to read books, watch TV, listen to modern music or, when the weather is good, I go for a walk. I like to walk along the streets and embankments of our city and admire its beauty. On Sundays I like to sleep a little longer, visit my friends, go for a walk or stay at home and have a rest.

Task 1. Прочтите и переведите вышеприведенный текст, выучите необходимые слова и выражения:

success - успех, successfully - успешно

to get up - вставать, подниматься

to attend classes- посещать, to miss - пропускать (занятия)

to have a rest - отдыхать

to spend time – проводить время


Task 2.Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Who are you? 2. What are you? 3. Where do you study? 4. When did you finish the secondary school? 5. When did you enter the University? 6. Did you work after the secondary school? 7. Did you study in the middle veterinary school? 8. Why did you enter the University? 9. What department do you study at? 10. When do you get up in the morning? 11. When do your classes begin? 12. When do you leave for the University? 13. Do you live far from the University? 14. How do you get to the University? 15. How much time does it take you to get to the University? 16. Do you attend all the classes? 17. How many classes do you have every day? 18. What type of classes do you have every day? 19. What do you do at lectures? 20. What do you do at practical classes? 21. What subjects do you study? 22. What is (are) you favorite subject(s)? 23. Why do you like it? 24. When are your classes usually over? 25. What do you do after the classes? 26. When do you answer your missed lessons? 27. When do you usually go home? 28. How many students are there in your group? 29. Is your group friendly? 30. When do you do your home task? 31. How much time does it take you to do your home task? 32. Do you have free time during your working days? 33. What do you do in your free time? 34. How do you usually spend your weekend?

Task 3.Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами:

1. My friend's... is Nick. 2. I …. the University this year. 3. I live.... from the University. 4. Our classes begin at 9 o'clock …. 5. We have to answer our... lessons after the classes. 6. Usually I... all the lessons. 7. At lectures I... to the lecturer and... notes. 8. Every day I... at 7 o'clock. 9. To get to the University I... a bus. 10. When I have... time I go to visit my friends. 11. It.... me 2 hours to do my home task. 12. I like to... TV in my free time. 13. All the students in our group are rather.... 14. We... each other in our studies.

Task 4.Назовите английский эквивалент следующих русских слов и словосочетаний:

второкурсник, читать лекции, средняя школа, проводить эксперименты, вступительные экзамены, делать лабораторные работы, сдать экзамен, любимый предмет, быть принятым в университет, современная жизнь, высококвалифицированный специалист, по крайней мере, вставать в семь часов утра, выходить из дома, довольно далеко, у меня уходит (я трачу) час, ехать на автобусе (метро), свободное время, как правило, очень уставать, идти домой, делать домашнее задание, практические занятия, возвращаться домой, плохо себя чувствовать, смотреть телевизор, слушать преподавателя, слушать музыку, писать конспекты лекций, оставаться дома


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