Theme 14. The role of civil defense in life safety of the population. 

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Theme 14. The role of civil defense in life safety of the population.

1. Definitions of civil defense/protection.

2. Main tasks of Civil Protection.

3. Principles and procedures for CP.

4. Measures of Civil Defense.

5. Objects and property of Civil Defense

1. Civil defense - is an integral part of the state system of civil protection, designed to implement the national set of activities carried out in peacetime and wartime, to protect the population and territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the impact of hitting (destroying) factors of modern means of destruction, extraordinary natural and man-made disasters (Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan for № 188-V ZRK "On civil protection" from 11 April 2014).

Civil protection - national set of activities carried out in peacetime and wartime, aimed at the prevention and elimination of natural and man-made disasters and their consequences, the organization and management of civil defense, emergency of medical and psychological assistance to populations in the emergency area, including an event for fire and safety, building, storage and use of state material reserves.


  1. Main tasks of Civil Protection

1) Organization, development and maintenance in constant readiness management systems, warning and communication;

2) Creation of the Civil Defence Forces, their preparation and maintenance in constant readiness for action in emergency situations;

3) Training of staff of central and local executive bodies, organizations and public education;

4) Surveillance and laboratory monitoring for radiation, chemical and bacteriological (biological) environment;

5) provision of mobilization readiness of military units of civil defense;

6) A set of measures to improve the sustainability of industries and facilities management;

7) Accumulation and maintenance of the necessary fund availability of protective structures, stockpiles of personal protective equipment and other property of the Civil Defense;

8) Notification of the population of central and local executive bodies of the threat to life and health of people and the course of action in this situation;

9) Conducting of search and rescue and other emergency operations, the organization of livelihoods of the affected population and their evacuation from dangerous areas;

10) food protection, water sources, food raw materials, fodder, animals and plants from the radioactive, chemical, bacteriological (biological) exposure, epizootic and epiphytoties.


  1. Principles and procedures for CP

Civil defense is organized on a territorial-production principle throughout the country.

The general management of the civil defense exercise, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which (on a post) is the Head of the Civil Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Implementation of civil defense measures by central, local representative and executive bodies, local self-government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organizations, governments and civil defense forces, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Preparation of civil defense is carried out well in advance, taking into account the development of modern means of destruction, and most likely in a given territory, industry or organization emergencies.

In view of the complex and differentiated activities of Civil Defense, based on the degree of importance, carried out the assignment of the cities to groups and organizations in the categories of civil defense in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Responsibility for the organization and implementation of civil defense measures are the heads of central and local executive bodies and organizations of RK.

Central and local executive bodies, organizations annually in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of Kazakhstan, present a report on the implementation of civilian activities.


  1. Measures of Civil Defense:

1. In advance:

- the development of civil defense plans;

- creation and development of control systems, warning and communication, and keeping them ready for use;

- creating, staffing, equipping and maintenance of preparedness of civil protection forces;

- training administration of civil protection and population protection training methods and actions in cases of the use of modern means of destruction;

- construction and accumulation fund civil defense structures, keeping them in readiness for operation;

- the creation, accumulation and timely refreshment civil defense property;

- evacuation planning activities;

- planning and implementation of measures to ensure stable functioning of industries and organizations;


2. In case of military conflict:

- warning about the threat and the use of modern means of destruction, informing the public about the course of action;

- shelter population in the defenses of civil defense, if necessary - the use of personal protective equipment;

- the provision of medical care to the wounded and afflicted;

- carrying out evacuation measures;

- creation of additional management points, reporting and communication of civil protection;

- carrying out rescue and emergency operations;

- restoration of damaged control, warning and communication;

- recovery readiness formations of civil protection.


  1. Objects and property of Civil Defense

The objects of civil defense include: command and control centers, free-standing and built-in shelter, fallout shelters, warehouses for storage of property of civil defense.

The property of civil defense include: personal protective equipment, devices of radiation and chemical reconnaissance and monitoring, personal health protection, communications and notifications, and other material and technical tools.



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