Theme 12 – 13. Emergencies at peace and military time. 

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Theme 12 – 13. Emergencies at peace and military time.

1. Brief description and classification of the emergencies.

2. Emergencies of natural origin.

3. Emergencies of anthropogenic origin.

4. Emergencies of technogenic origin.

5. Basic principles and methods of ensuring safety of the population in peacetime emergencies.

6. The concept of the lesions and their types.

7. Damaging factors of nuclear weapons and a nuclear explosion.

8. Damaging factors of chemical weapons and ways to protect against it.

9. Factors affecting biological weapons and ways to protect against it.

10. Modern weapons of mass destruction.



Questions 1-5.

Emergency situation - the situation in a particular area which has developed as a result of an accident, natural hazard, accident, natural or other disasters that may result or have resulted in loss of life, damage to human health or the environment, considerable material losses and violation of conditions of living environment.

Types of emergencies origin: natural, anthropogenic, man-made/technogenic.

Emergencies of natural origin:

1. Meteorological danger hazards:Storms, hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, squalls, tornadoes, cyclones; Rain, snow, heavy fog, extreme cold, large hail, unusual heat, drought; Extreme fire danger, forest fires, peat fires, fires grain arrays, underground fires fossil fuels.

2. Geological, tectonic, and telluric hazards: earthquake (seaquake) and volcanic eruptions.

3. Hydrological (topological) hazards: Floods, flash floods, surges, flooding; Landslides, mudflows, landslides, avalanches, debris, the failure of the earth's surface, a tsunami.

4. Space hazards: the fall of meteorites, comets, the remnants; other cosmic catastrophes.

Among the most frequent natural disasters (90%) are four typess: floods - 40%, typhoons - 20%, earthquakes and drought - by 15%.


Emergencies of anthropogenic origin:

1. Transport (road, rail, air, water, pipeline).

2. Industrial hazards: Explosions, damage and destruction mechanisms, assemblies, communications, structural collapse of buildings; Various kinds of fires; The accident at the plant with the release of radioactive substances (RS); accident with ejection of highly affecting poisonous substances (HAPS).


Emergencies of technogenic origin:

1. accidents on chemically hazardous objects;

2. accidents at radiation hazardous objects;

3. accident at the fire and explosive objects;

4. accident at hydrodynamically dangerous objects;

5. transport accidents (railway, car, air, water, underground);

6. accident at the communal energy networks.


The accident - the destruction of buildings and (or) technical devices, uncontrolled explosion and (or) release of hazardous substances.

Basic principles and methods of ensuring safety of the population in peacetime emergencies based on the following measures:


Organizational arrangements provide for the development and planning of the administrative board action, civilian departments, services and units of CP in the protection of workers and employees of enterprises, restoration of production, as well as for the production of products to keep the equipment in emergency situations.

Engineering activities include the range of activities that enhance the sustainability of industrial buildings and facilities, equipment, utilities and energy systems.

Technological measures provide increased stability of operation of the object by changing the process, contributing to simplification of production and exclude the possibility of secondary ducation damaging factors.


Questions 6 - 10.

Lesions called conventional means territory within which under the influence of damaging factors of conventional weapons (CW) occur destruction of buildings and structures, fires, destruction of people and the death of livestock.

In contrast to the focus of nuclear destruction the focus is not continuous and the local (local) character.

Types of lesions: simple and complicated.

Simple lesions are characterized by the simultaneous use of only high-explosive, fragmentation and incendiary ammunition.


Complicated lesions - are characterized by the simultaneous use of different types of ammunition.


There are simple and complex lesions at the sites.A simple lesions called hearth, incurred under the influence of damaging factors. For example, the destruction of an object from an explosion, fire, only chemical contamination of the object area.

Complicated lesions called focus, resulting from the impact of several damaging factors. For example, an earthquake and a hurricane in addition to the destruction of buildings caused flooding of the coastal strip, the fires from the circuit of electric wires, land contamination as a result of leakage of hazardous substances in the destruction process tanks.


Nuclear weapon - this is one of the main types of weapons of mass destruction. It is able to briefly incapacitate large numbers of people and animals, destroying buildings and facilities over large areas.

A variety of nuclear weapons is the neutron. It is able to quickly defeat a large number of troops and military equipment in the vast area.

Nuclear weapons include nuclear, thermonuclear neutron or ammunition and means of their application.


Chemical weapon - this weapon of mass destruction, its action is based on the toxic properties of certain chemicals. This includes chemical warfare agents and their use of funds.

Toxic substances - these are chemical compounds, which when applied can affect people and animals over large areas, to penetrate into various structures, contaminate terrain and bodies of water.

In action on the human body toxic substances are divided into the nerve, blister, choking, poisonous, and irritating and psychochemicals.


Biological weapon is a tool of mass destruction of people, farm animals and plants. Its action is based on the use of pathogenic properties of microorganisms (bacteria, Rickettsia, fungi, and toxins produced by certain bacteria).

Biological weapon includes formulations of pathogens and the means of their delivery to the target (missiles, bombs and containers, aerosol sprays, artillery shells, etc.).

Biological weapon can cause a mass in the vast territories of dangerous diseases of humans and animals, it has a striking impact for a long time, has a long latent (incubation) period. Microbes and toxins are hard to detect in the external environment, they can penetrate with the air in the room and unsealed cover and infect them as people and animals. As biological weapon the enemy can use agents of various infectious diseases: plague, anthrax, brucellosis, glanders, tularemia, cholera, yellow and other kinds of fever, spring-summer encephalitis, typhus and typhoid fever, influenza, malaria, dysentery, smallpox, and etc. Furthermore, the botulinum toxin can be applied, causing severe poisoning of the human body.



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