Ergonomics and technical aesthetics. 

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Ergonomics and technical aesthetics.

The problems of adaptation to the working environment capabilities of the human body deals with the science of ergonomics.

Ergonomics studies the system "man - tool - work environment" and aims to develop recommendations for optimization.

Optimization of the process involves putting people at the most favorable conditions for functional tasks. It includes the development of science-based organizational and technical requirements and solutions to the tools and work processes, the environment taking into account the features of the person: physical, psychological and anthropometric.


Ergnomics and technical aesthetics.

To assess the quality of the working environment are as follows ergonomic parameters:

• hygiene - light level, temperature, humidity, pressure, dust, noise, radiation, vibration, etc.;

• anthropometric - conformity of the products of human anthropometric characteristics (size, shape). This group should provide a rational and comfortable posture, correct posture, optimum grip hands, etc., to protect the person from rapid fatigue..;

• physiological - determine the conformity of the product features of the functioning of the human senses. They affect the volume and speed of human labor movements, the volume of visual, auditory, tactile (haptic), gustatory and olfactory information received through the senses;

· psychological - psychological characteristics of the product conforms to the person. Psychological indicators characterize the product conforms to the newly formed fixed and human skills, abilities of perception and processing of human information.


Ergnomics and technical aesthetics.

Production/industrial and technical aesthetics has an important meaning in improving on labour conditions.

Production aesthetics includes the plan's aesthetics, construction, decoration and technological aesthetics.

• The planning aesthetics comprises the structure, size, placement and
interconnection facilities. It shall establish the shortest travel path
people, vehicles, and create conditions for the introduction of progressive
technology and increase productivity.

• Construction and decoration aesthetics decide on lighting, painting walls, ceilings, floors, and other elements, landscaping, artistic and aesthetic conditions in the premises.

• Technological aesthetics involves the selection and placement
equipment, passes, and other lines of communication. The correct solution of the complex problems of industrial aesthetics favorably
It affects on the human body, eliminates the causes of accidents and occupational diseases, increases productivity and production culture.


Theme 10. Industrial and fire safety. 1. Industrial Safety Fundamentals. Requirements for dangerous objects.2. Classification of fires, their hazards, the general characteristics of fires.3. General fire safety requirements. Prevention and methods of protection against fires.


1. Industrial Safety Fundamentals.

Industrial or Production activity - a set of actions using the instruments of labor of employees needed for the conversion of resources into finished products, including the production and processing of various types of raw materials, construction, provision of various services.

The current level of mining production is characterized by the presence of production facilities, technologies and processes that pose a potential danger to human life and health, can also cause considerable material damage and disrupt the prevailing balance in nature.

Occupational safety - system of preservation of life and health of workers in the workplace, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.


Working conditions - a set of factors of production environment and labor process, affecting the performance and health of the employee.


Harmful production factor - production factor, prolonged exposure to which the worker may lead to disease.


Hazardous production factor - production factor, which is a short-term impact on an employee may result in injury.


The main tasks of industrial safety: prevention of accidents; minimize the damage caused by harmful and dangerous factors accompanying the accident; elimination of consequences of accidents and compensation for damage.

Solving these problems is based on legislation and regulations, which set forth the basic requirements of safety and mechanisms are designated for industrial safety.

Industry Security Management - a deliberate transfer of hazardous production facilities of the dangerous condition in less dangerous, based in optimizing of the industrial activity safety criteria.


The main components of the industrial safety management system: the legal regulatory framework of industrial safety; the organizational structure (bodies, offices and officials, organized in a certain way and performing certain functions); tasks and management functions; mechanisms of control actions; information provision.

2. Classification of fires, their hazards, the general characteristics of fires. The fire is called uncontrolled combustion is a special focus, which is able to lead and (or) leading to death and injure people and damage to property. Fire hazards, impact on people, are open flames and sparks, high ambient temperatures, objects, toxic products of combustion, smoke, reduced oxygen concentration, the falling of the building structures, units, installations, etc.

Fires are classified according to several criteria:

1) by scale: Separate fires (in buildings); A group of individual fires; Continuous fire when some fires merge into one common (burning more than 50% of the buildings in the area of building); Firestorm - a special kind of sustained fire, covering more than 90% of the buildings in the cities and is characterized by rising up the column of products of combustion and heated air, as well as the influx from all sides to the fresh air of the storm center of a hurricane speed;

2) by place of origin: Fires in cities and towns; Fires on transport arteries (pipelines) and installations; Landscape fires.Landscape fires are causes of careless handling of fire, violation of fire safety rules, lightning strikes, as well as the spontaneous combustion of peat and dry vegetation.

Fire types.

Forest fires -uncontrolled burning of vegetation, extending to the forest area in the dry season. They occur in areas and peat soils, or with a thick layer of litter. Burning is slow, flameless. Burn the roots of trees that fall to form blockages.

Peat fires are most often in areas of peat extraction, there is usually due to improper handling of fire from lightning or samozagoraniya. Peat burns slowly for the rest of his depth. After the burning of peat voids, which can fall in people, animals and equipment. Peat fires covering large areas and difficult to extinguish.

Steppe (wild) fires occur in open areas in the presence of dry grass or ripe grain. They are seasonal and are more often in the summer, at least - in the spring and almost no winter.


3. Prevention and methods of protection against fires.

Fire prevention system (Fire Prevention) - a set of organizational measures and technical means aimed at excluding the possibility of fire.

Fire protection - measures aimed at reducing the damage in case of fire. Between the two main objectives of fire safety is not always possible to draw a line, such as in the case of actions aimed at limiting the scope of the spread of fire in fire.


Fire protection activities include:

1) control of materials, products and equipment;

2) actively limit the spread of fire by using fire alarm, automatic fire extinguishing systems and portable fire extinguishers;

3) The device is passive systems that limit the spread of fire, smoke, heat and gases due to the partitioning of premises;

4) evacuation of people from a burning building in a safe place.



Theme 11. The radiation and chemical safety. 1. Ionizing radiation and types of radiation. 2. Radiation Safety Principles. 3. Classification of radiation hazardous objects. 4. Brief description of the chemically hazardous objects. 5. Chemical control and measures of radiation and chemical protection. 1. Ionizing radiation and types of radiation. Ionizing radiation -radiation is the interaction with the substance which leads to the formation of this substance ions of opposite signs. Ionizing radiation called these types of radiant energy that getting into a particular environment or penetrating through them, make them ionization. These properties are radioactive radiation, high-energy radiation, X-rays and others.


Types of radiation. Radiation impact on personnel and the population in the zone of radioactive contamination is characterized by the values ​​of external and internal exposure of people.

An external radiation refers to direct human exposure to ionizing radiation from sources located outside the body, mainly on the sources of gamma rays and neutrons.

Internal exposure occurs due to ionizing radiation from sources located within the person. These sources are formed in critical (most sensitive) organs and tissues. Internal exposure is due to sources of alpha, beta and gamma radiation.


2. Radiation Safety Principles.

Radiation safety is an integral part of the overall safety, ensuring safe working conditions for workers and the public by using different sources of ionizing radiation. Radiation safety is ensured by a complex of organizational and technical measures aimed at the creation and maintenance of working conditions of staff and the livelihoods of people who rule out the possibility of exceeding the dose limits and reduce the actual radiation doses to a minimum practicable the International Commission on Radiological Protection is used to protect the population of the valuation method.


The principle of justification applies at the stage of decision-making by the authorized bodies in the design of new radiation sources and radiation facilities, licensing, development and approval of rules of hygiene and radiation safety standards, as well as the changing conditions of operation

The principle of optimization of maintenance at the lowest possible and achievable level of both individual (below the limits established by the HN) and collective doses, taking into account social and economic factors

The principle of valuation provided by all persons, on which depends the level of human exposure and provides not exceed the established by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 23, 1998 № 219-I «On Radiation Safety of the Population" and HN individual dose limits exposure of citizens from all sources of ionizing radiation.


3. Classification of radiation hazardous objects.


The radiation-dangerous object (RDO) - an object which is stored, processed, used or transported radioactive substance in an accident in which or destruction can occur exposure to ionizing radiation or radioactive contamination of humans, farm animals and plants, objects of economy and surrounding natural environment.

The radiation-dangerous objects include: nuclear power plants for different purposes; enterprises for the reprocessing of irradiated fuel, and temporary storage of radioactive waste; research organizations with research reactors or particle accelerators; sea vessels from power plants; storage of nuclear weapons; landfills, where testing of nuclear warheads.

According to the potential radiation hazard is established four categories of objects:

Category I - radiation facilities, in an accident the possible radiation exposure to the population and the need for its protection measures;

Category II are objects in an accident in which radiation exposure is limited to the territory of the sanitary protection zone;

Category III are objects whose radiation exposure is limited to the territory of the object;

Category IV includes objects from the effects of radiation is limited to the premises where the works with sources of radiation.

4. Brief description of the chemically hazardous objects. Chemically dangerous object -an object that is stored, processed, used or transported hazardous chemicals in an accident on or in the destruction of which can occur destruction or chemical contamination of humans, farm animals and plants, and chemical contamination of the environment. The main damaging factor in accidents on chemically hazardous objects is a toxic effect of the emergency chemically hazardous substances directly during the accidental release (Strait) and in chemical contamination of the environment. Chemically dangerous objects include: factories and plants of chemical industries, as well as individual units (units) and management, producing and consuming emergency chemically hazardous substances (ECHS); plants (facilities) for the processing of oil and gas; production of other industries where the use of poisonous substances (pulp and paper, textile, metallurgy, food, etc.); railway stations, ports, terminals and warehouses at the end (intermediate) points move poisonous substances; vehicles (containers and bulk trains, trucks, river and sea tankers, pipelines, etc.). Chemically Dangerous Objects have 4 categories of danger:Category I -more than 75 thousand people involves in the affected area, the scale of infection is regional, time of air contamination - a few days, water contamination - from several days to several months. This category includes large chemical plants, water treatment plants, located in the immediate vicinity or in the territory of the largest and large cities. Category II -40-75 thousand people involves in the affected area, the scale of infection is local; time of air contamination is from several hours up to several days, water contamination – up to several days. This category includes the chemical, petrochemical, food processing industry; water treatment plants municipal services large and medium cities, large railway junctions. Category III -less than 40 thousand people involves in the affected area, the scale of infection is local, time of air contamination is from several minutes up to several hours, water contamination – from several hours up to several days. This category includes small enterprises of food and processing industry (cold storage facilities, meat processing plants, dairies, etc.), local, water treatment plants of medium and small cities and rural areas. Category IV- infected area is within the sanitary protection zone or area of ​​the object, the scale of infection is local, time of air contamination is from several minutes up to several hours, water contamination – from several hours up to several days. This category includs enterprises and objects with a relatively small amount of poisonous substances (less than 0.1 m). 5. Chemical control and measures of radiation and chemical protection.

Chemical control is organized with the aim of determining the need for and complete degassing of arms, military equipment, materiel, terrain, food disinfection and water, the possibility of establishing a personnel action without protection, as well as determine whether the use of the adversary unknown chemical agents (CA). The main tasks of chemical control are: the finding of the use of combat toxic chemicals (CTC); Identification of CTC and highly potent poisons (HPP); determining of air, ground, military equipment, food and water contamination.

Measures of radiation and chemical protection include: Resection of nuclear explosions; Radiation, Chemical intelligence and control; The collection, data processing and information on the chemical environment; Alert the troops of chemical contamination; The use of individual and collective protection, protective properties of the terrain, equipment and other facilities; Special handling troops and decontamination sections of roads terrain structures; Aerosol countering reconnaissance and targeting weapons; The use of radar absorbing materials and foams.



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