Music as the mirror of human soul 

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Music as the mirror of human soul

Abstract. The report presents a philosophical and poetic reflection of music as an expression of human ideas, feelings, emotions and impressions. Music, as a mirror of the human soul, is not only historical and cultural value, but also the anthropological universals. In this regard the phenomenal and noumenal dimensions of music are identical to each other.

Аннотация. В докладе представлено философско-поэтическое осмысление музыки как способа выражения человеческих чувств, идей, эмоций. Музыка, будучи «зеркалом души человека», есть не только историко-культурная ценность, но и антропологическая универсалия. В этом плане феноменальное и ноуменальное измерения музыки тождественны друг другу.

Key words: the philosophy of music, creative process, musical aesthetics.

Ключевые слова: философия музыки, творческий процесс, музыкальная эстетика.


Music idea has a many different names. Music is the very fulfillment of the world that opens the multicolored images, effects, iridescent facets. Musica mundane sings not only as a “music of things” or “music of Universe”, and, most importantly, a “music of the great masters”, which we listen in reverential homage, but a “music of the soul” as the beating as our heart.

Music is a special kind of art. Only music has access to the depths and abysses of the human spirits. Music speaks of the human soul with incomparable persuasiveness on eloquence. Music has the amazing ability to penetrate the human soul. Music has this power in a more naked and pure form then the other fine arts.

The voice of music addressed to our heart. Music is not a just a conversation with the heart: rather it is a cordial conversation that causes a person to think about the eternity. Such talk awakens the most subtle feeling in our soul. The sensitive language of music is able to express what can not be said in words.

The chain of sounds, its infinitely sincere dialogue, creates a musical reflection of human feelings. Music shows to us the flame of love, passion, yearning and suffering. Music reveals to us the mystery of what is a man. Music clearly says to interested listener as a man lives, dreams, hopes and dies.

A work of art is a life itself, embodied in a truly artistic form. Filled the hearts of inexplicable sense of mystery, music can tell everything that a man feels in a moment of great tension of his being. For this reason, naturally in the flow of our consciousness there is a sharp and exciting response to music poems.

What are they – the creators of the unprecedented pianissimo – tell us in its confession? Music is everything – poetry, pray, recognition. Musical intuition contains its longing, its gentleness, and its perfection: but there is also sadness, pain, tears and despair. Music is the whole range of human emotions.

The different strands of complex musical associations introduced us in the world of aesthetic images. A musical notes that scattered like beads on the score, awakes the fantasy and imagination. When we looking at the black embers of meaning, – that will flame up – we want to feel the creative impulse of composer and to comprehend its inner sense.

But the notes it is not a music. The notes are silent and sleeping angels. Music reveals its true face only in the sound. We hear the music not just as the movement of a violin bow, but as a living feeling, mood and emotion, – we hear music in the indissoluble connection with the physical movement of instrumentalist. We empathize with his every gesture.

Music reveals itself to our heart in the unity of sounding and meaning. As wound blade violin bow, soon as we are instantly transferred our hearing and existence to the desired fragment in the opera or symphony. And only then we can say that such a musical fragment we really understood realized and experienced. That is why the crying strings, like a petal of flower that sways in the wind so much amazing a man. What a man hears in this mysterious sound? The voice of the world that no longer exists …

Music is a great heritage of the world. In music we find the voice of life and the pursuit of the century. Music is a history of human civilization. Our clock is the irreversible rhythms. Music appears to our soul as the event. Music shines its light the world. Music is a last human hope. With music we get a truth, good, harmony and peace.

Music is always waiting for a meeting with a man. Music never sounded in the empty room. Music is not talking to the emptiness. Music appeals to our sensitive ear because only it can understand the key themes and motifs of the composer’s messages. Music is phenomenon of human aesthesis.

The elegance of music it is a genuine elegance that does not require anything beyond itself. A magic and fascination of the musical metaphor creates the unique world. There disappears the line between illusions and reality because the sounds and signs reveal a wonderful sense. It is a mysterious essence of music.

Music is poetry of the sound. A sound is the primary source of the gentle words. A musical sound is very precise: it is a purity of moments of love. A musical sound is brief and short: it will leave the listener alone with a silence before the idea. Moreover, a music sound is very plastic: the acoustic wave, their ebb and flow, easily involve us into the abyss of impressions. Aphoristic texture of sound absorbs everything: explosion, whispers, speech and muteness. The sound where each note is a pearl expresses the main thing, even in silence.

Sound is a work of art par excellence. It is a point of intersection of different musical ideas. Sound transmits the inexpressible – the satin of early morning, the fire of hot afternoon, the velvet of dark night. Unique watercolor of the sounds reflects the sunset of day. Sound is a quintessence of musical metaphors. Sound acquires the power of artistic language.

Sound is a sign of musical emotions. It conveys a large area of human feelings. In one sentence we are hear dramatic changes: a joy, tension, release, sadness. Here there is an affirmation and negation of life. In sound we often hear the eternal and infinite being. And a vice versa we also hear the instant moment.

Sound is a color of world. We see a multitude of colors of sound on musical canvas: for example, a rhythmic unit, melodic lines, a magnificent tonality and chords. The variety of colors makes a majestic wholeness that traditionally named (from Pythagoras to Stockhausen) a “musical singing universe”.

However, the sound-colorist symphony of the world is not a bright constellation of music notes. Music through the sound pronounces the name of its individual creator. Therefore music has a many different shades: tender lyricism, gentle harmony, ecstatic timbre. But a first place in song of music always belongs to human.

Music exists for human. Indeed, music sees and knows our life to the ultimate limits. Listening to the word of music we are reminded about the past, we think about the present time, we dream about the future. Music, like a metronome, invisibly and consider running second of being that eludes from as.

Music turns the listener to the many contexts – especially to the literature, painting, architecture, philosophy and religion. Music is an enigmatic center of culture. Music has a rationality of idea that inscribed in sharp formula: but also is has flicker of sense that unsolved until the final. Music, as wrote Goethe, is a synthesis of meaning, value and ambiguity.

Thus, music is a big maze, a great abyss of sings and symbols. We are only beginning to comprehend its mystery. Such path is very complicated and too tortuous. We have to go thousands of trails. And the music necessary make a step forward. We need to decide to go. It was a very difficult, but right decision.

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Российский государственный педагогический

университет им. А.И. Герцена, г. Санкт-Петербург


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