Task 14. Put the verbs in the brackets in the Past Simple Passive (negative and interrogative forms) and in the Future Simple Passive (negative and interrogative forms). 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Task 14. Put the verbs in the brackets in the Past Simple Passive (negative and interrogative forms) and in the Future Simple Passive (negative and interrogative forms).

1. The postbox (to empty) every day. ______________________________________________




2. The letters (to sort) into different towns. _________________________________________





3. The mail (to load) into the train. ________________________________________________





4. The mailbags (to unload) after their journey. _______________________________________





5. The bags (to take) to the post-office. ____________________________________________





6. The letter (to deliver). ________________________________________________________





7. The envelopes (to buy). ______________________________________________________







Task 15. Put the sentence in all the forms (+/-/?) of Present, Past, Future Indefinite Passive:


My mother makes tasty cakes every Sunday.


Task 16. Form Infinitive Passive from the verbs given below:

To take ____________________, to ask ____________________, to read _______________, to write __________________, to invite ____________________, to invest __________________, to drink __________________, to eat ___________________, to smoke _________________, to drive ____________________, to lend ___________________, to loose _____________________.

Task 17. Translate into English:

1. Я приглашаю. _________________________ - Меня приглашают. ______________________

2. Он присылает. ________________________ - Ему присылают. ________________________

3. Она рассказывает. _____________________ - Ей рассказывают. _______________________

4. Он вызывает. ________________________ - Его вызывают. __________________________

5. Рабочий строит. _________________________________ - Дом строится. ________________

______________. 6. Студент выполняет упражнение. __________________________________

- Упражнение выполняется. _______________________________________________________

7. Брат помогает. ____________________________ - Брату помогают. ____________________

8. Врач советует. ______________________________ - Им советуют. _____________________


Task 18. Fill in the gaps with Active or Passive form of the verb given in brackets:

1. People _______________ for their food and ________________ for their work. (pay)

2. It is easy to _________________ and unpleasant to ____________________.(criticize)

3. Children _________________ and ____________________ in the bathroom. (wash)

4. We can ________________ a letter in pencil but an application must be _______________ only in ink. (write)

5. We ______________ soup with a spoon but meat _________________ with a fork. (eat)

Task 19. Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box in Present Passive or Past Passive:

blow, build, clean, damage, find, invent, make, pay, show, speak, steal


1) The room ___________________________ every day.

2) Two trees __________________________ down in the storm last night.

3) Paper _________________ from wood.

4) There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two rooms _____________________.

5) Many different languages ________________________ in India.

6) These houses are very old. They _______________________ about 500 years ago.

7) Many American programmes _______________________ on British television.

8) “Is this a very old film?” “Yes, it _____________________ in 1949.”

9) My car ______________ last week. The next day it ___________________by the police.

10) The transistor ________________________ in 1948.

11) She has a very good job. She ____________________ $ 3000 a month.

Task 20. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1) Many books are published in Russia. ___________________________________________

2) The machines are tested by the police. __________________________________________

3) I am always driven to work by my neighbor. _____________________________________

4) The car is serviced in the garage down the road. __________________________________

5) The car is polished once every three months. ____________________________________

6) Concrete is made of cement, sand, and gravel. ___________________________________

7) A picnic is arranged once a month by our club. ___________________________________

8) These gates aren’t painted every year. __________________________________________

9) I’m not invited to my uncle’s every weekend. ____________________________________

10) New coats aren’t bought every day.____________________________________________


Task 21. Complete the following sentences in a logical way:

1. Australia has an area of about ______________________________________________

2. Much of the land is ______________________________________________________

3. The population of the country is ______________________________________________

4. The flat hot centre of Australia is called _________________________________________

5. Aborigines believe that Uluru is full of __________________________________________

6. The capital of the nation is ___________________________________________________

7. Australians celebrate New Year and Christmas __________________________________

8. Australians have their own kind of football ______________________________________

Task 22. Find English equivalents:

Островное государство __________________________, обычно называемый______________ ___________________, меньшинство _____________________, остальной мир ____________ ____________, процветающая экономика ____________________________, высокий уровень жизни __________________________________, садоводство ________________, лесоводство _____________________.

Task 23. Find Russian equivalents:

Indigenous Māori ________________________, non-partisan ____________________, what we used to _______________________, because of its long isolation _____________________, endemic ________________________________________, extraordinary flora and fauna ___________________________, export industries ___________________________________.



Task 24. Complete the following sentences in a logical way:

1. Canada is _________________________________________________________________

2. The country borders _________________________________________________________

3. Much of the rest of Canada is _________________________________________________

4. The Horseshoe Falls ________________________________________________________

5. Canada is a federation composed of ____________________________________________

6. The capital of the nation is ___________________________________________________

7. Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is ____________________________________

8. The Queen's representative ___________________________________________________

9. Toronto and Montreal are ____________________________________________________

Task 25. Insert articles where necessary:

1. This is _____ cat. It’s Tom’s _____ cat. 2. Is this your ______ bag? - No, this is not my ___ bag. It’s Nick’s ______ bag. 3. I have no ____ sugar in my _____ tea. 4. I have ______ flat. My __ flat is comfortable. There are three ______ rooms in ______ flat. 5. ______ door is locked. Where is ______ key?

Task 26. Insert articles where necessary:

1. Mary is ______ secretary.

2. Have you got _______ books? Give me _______book.

3. Does Tom collect ______ stamps?

4. Would you like ______ apple?

5. She has got _______ small flat in _______center of _______ city.

6. This is ________ nice house. Does it have _________ garden?

7. Have you finished reading ______ book which Mike gave you? Return him ______ book, please.

8. Today I had ______ tea and _______ sandwich for breakfast.

9. I like ______ lot of _______ milk in my tea, and _______ few lumps of ______ sugar.

Task 27. Fill in the blanks with the articles a/an/the where necessary:

Everyone from ________ Britain is ________ British, but only people from ______ England are _______ English. Don’t call ______ Scottish or Welsh person ______ English. He won’t like it. Everyone speaks ______ English, but they don’t all speak it in _____ same way. ________ Scottish person has to listen carefully to understand ______ Londoner. And when ______ Welsh person speaks, everyone knows at once where he comes from. ______ Welsh are especially proud of their language, and you can see _______ road signs in ________Welsh all over Wales.

Task 28. Insert articles where necessary:

1. My mother likes to play _______ piano.

2. _______ boys like to play ______ football.

3. I often play ______ chess with my grandfather.

4. ______ Bill Robins was ______ very rich man. He was ______ richest in _____ village.

5. Did you have _____ good time in the country? – Oh, yes, ____ weather was fine. We were out of _____ doors from _____ morning till _____ night. We played ____ football, volleyball and _____ other games.

6. ______ February is _______ shortest month of the year.

Task 29. Put articles where necessary and explain the use of them:

On _____ Sunday our family went to _____ country. We got up at _____ sunrise and quickly had _____ breakfast. After _____ breakfast we left _____ home. There is _____ little village not far from _____ St. Petersburg where we have friends. We went there by ______ train. We had ______ very good time in _____ country. ______ sky was blue and _____ sun was shining. We played _____ tennis and my friend played ______ guitar. When we came _____ home we had _____ supper and went to _____ bed at once.


Task 30. Fill in the blanks with the articles a/an/the where necessary:

Washington was founded as _____ seat of _____ government of _____ USA. You know that _____ of _____ USA, _____ Stars and Stripes, has _____ fifty stars against _____ blue background. Each of _____ stars represents one of _____ fifty states. But _____ City of _____ Washington is not in any of this sates. _____ city itself forms _____ District of _____ Columbia, abbreviated into D.C.


Task 31. Insert articles where necessary:

1. _____ Venezuela is in _____South America.

2. _____ Alps are _____ highest mountains in _____ Europe.

3. _____ United States are between _____ Mexico and _____ Canada.

4. Many people like to have their holidays on _____ Mediterranean Sea.

5. _____ Asia is _____ largest continent.

6. _____ Panama Canal joins _____ Atlantic and _____ Pacific oceans.

7. _____ Everest is _____ highest mountain in _____ world.

Task 32. Put articles where necessary and explain the use of them:

1. _____ Peter is my _____ friend.

2. _____ Shakespeare is _____ greatest English writer.

3. _____ London is _____ capital of _____ England.

4. He is _____ Shakespeare of his age.

5. Sherlock Holmes lived in ______ Baker street.

6. He was born in _____ small town near _____ Moscow.

7. _____ General Grant lived in _____ United States in _____ 19th century.

8. _____ Professor Jones was _____ famous scientist.

Task 33. Insert articles where necessary:

1. Take _____ little tea; it will do you _____ lot of good.

2. Out of _____ sight, out of _____ mind.

3. I like _____ lot of _____ sugar in my tea.

4. _____ supper is _____ last meal of _____ day.

5. We were served with _____ bread and _____ butter, _____ cup of coffee for each of us, and _____ jug of _____ cream.

6. There won’t be another train for at least _____ hour.

7. _____ Mississippi, _____ Volga and _____ Thames are three important rivers.

Task 34. Fill in the blanks with the articles a/an/the where necessary:

_____ Australian Union is _____ member-state of _____ Commonwealth of Nations, governed on _____ basis of _____ 1901 Constitution with later amendments and additions.

_____ Australian Union is _____ federation of _____ six states - _____ New South Wates, _____ Victoria, _____ Queensland, _____ South Australia, _____ Western Australia and _____ Tasmania and two territories: _____ Northern Territory and _____ Australian Capital Territory, that is _____ federal territory surrounding _____ Canberra, _____ federal capital.

Task 35. Insert articles where necessary:

1. He comes from _____ time to time.

2. He can’t play _____ football, but he plays _____ piano wonderfully.

3. In summer we have _____ dinner out of _____ doors.

4. Though he is much older we can call him by _____ name.

5. You may go _____ home, we don’t need you at _____ present.

6. It is _____ pity you disliked him at _____ sight.

7. I met him by _____ chance _____ other day.

8. What do you do after _____ breakfast? – After _____ breakfast I go to _____ school.

9. Let’s go to _____ shop. I must buy _____ bread and _____ butter.

10. Do you often go to _____ theatre? – No, I don’t. I like to go to _____ theatre, but I am too busy. I work from _____ morning till _____ night. I even have no _____ time to play _____ piano.

11. It is ____ pleasure that you can visit us.

12. I took his pencil by _____ mistake.

Task 36. Translate the sentences:

1. Я послал письмо по почте. _______________________________________________________________________

2. Во время обеда он по ошибке называл меня Мэри. _______________________________________________________________________

3. Мы должны выучить это стихотворение наизусть. _______________________________________________________________________

4. Я езжу в колледж на автобусе. _______________________________________________________________________

5. Мальчики играли в футбол на улице. _______________________________________________________________________

6. В настоящее время у нас нет вакансий (vacancies). _______________________________________________________________________

7. Твоя мама умеет играть на пианино? _______________________________________________________________________

Task 37. Insert A, THE or ZERO article:

Bernard Shaw’s Reply

_____ play by _____ famous English satirist was performed in _____ London for _____ first time. Everybody wanted to see _____ author, and when he appeared on _____ stage, he was received with _____ great enthusiasm. When everything was quiet _____ very loud voice was heard from _____ gallery:

“ _____ play was bad.” In silence _____ satirist looked up and smiled:

“I agree with you, sir, but what are we two against so many?”

Task 38. Fill in the blanks with the articles a/an/the where necessary:

1. The parcel came by _____ post.

2. You will go to _____ sea and forget all about me in ______ month.

3. I got into conversation with him by _____ chance at ______ concert.

4. Behind _____ house was _____ large garden, and in _____summer, _____ pupils almost lived out of _____ doors.

5. All of _____ sudden, his face had become stony.

Часа Контрольная работа № 5

Вариант 1.

I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Passive Voice и переведите текст:

The first view of the city of New York from the sea is the sight that can never (to forget). Hudson Bay (to crowd) with lots of ferryboats with people hurrying to work in the downtown skyscrapers. The you pass Liberty Island with the bronze Statue of Liberty which (to present) to the US by France in 1886 to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of American Independence. The statue is about 50 meters high and stands on the pedestal of almost the same height. Its torch rises about 60 meters above the harbour and ca (to see) at night for many miles. A new American Immigration Museum (to open) at the base of the statue. The Statue of Liberty (to call) often “the grandest lady in the world”.


II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:

1. … Moscow is situated on … Moscow River.

2. There is … canal called … Moscow-Volga Canal which joins … Moscow to … Volga.

3. Volga runs into … Caspian Sea.

4. … United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

5. … Russia is washed by … Arctic Ocean in … north.

6. Is … Asia … island or … continent?

7. Which are … highest mountains in … Russia?

8. Did you have … good time in the country? – Oh, yes. … weather was fine.

9. We were out of … doors from … morning till … night.

10. My friend likes to play … chess. He is ready to play … chess all … day long.


III. Используйте подходящую форму глагола to be:

1. This book … sold in every shop of Moscow.

2. The letter … delivered yesterday.

3. Who …the laws of Great Britain made by?

4. My TV set … … fixed tomorrow.

5. We … taken on a sightseeing tour in the afternoon.

6. It is easy to find your way about in New York. The streets … all well-planned.

7. What language … spoken in Canada?

8. How … the members of the House of Commons elected?

9. Last year these books … sold in every shop in Moscow.

10. The books must … returned the day after tomorrow.


IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где необходимо:

The word “club” is used …(1) many languages. A club is usually connected … (2) some sport or social activities. But … (3) London it sometimes has a peculiar English meaning. When you hear a man talking … (4) “my club”, you can be sure he means one … (5) the West End clubs … (6) which he is a member. Most … (7) them are located … (8) the same small area which is known as St. James. The oldest club was opened … (9) 1693 and was s coffee house. From the end of the 17th century and to the first half of the 18th century, coffee houses were visited … (10) people as places of social meetings and they were …(11) Vienna and other European capitals.


Вариант 2.

I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Passive Voice и переведите текст:

The United Nations Organization (to found) officially on October the 24th, 1945 when the Charter (to ratify) by China, France, the USSR, the UK, the US and by a majority of other countries. The main objective of the UN is to maintain peace and security. Its members are to take collective measures – to develop friendly relations among the nations. The UNO (to house) in two skyscrapers on the embankment of the East River in New York. International sessions (to hold) often in the buildings of the United Nations Organization.


II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:


1. … Russia occupies … eastern half of Europe and … northern third of … Asia.

2. … Washington is … capital of … United States of America.

3. I want to go to … New York some day.

4. … best way to know and understand … people of … other countries is to meet them in their own homes.

5. Is … Australia … island or … continent?

6. … Red Sea is between … Africa and … Asia.

7. There are seven continents on … Earth.

8. … France is to … north of … Italy.

9. In … Siberia there are many long rivers: … Ob, … Irtysh, …Yenissei, … Lena and … Amur.

10. My sister likes to play … tennis.


III. Используйте подходящую форму глагола to be:

1. Newspapers … brought every morning.

2. The country … governed by Parliament.

3. … the translation … done tomorrow? – I hope, it ….

4. When … the play staged? – It … staged last year.

5. Young people of many foreign countries … taught in Moscow University.

6. That church looks very old. It … built in 1760.

7. By whom … this article translated?

8. Such berries can … found everywhere.

9. What … the parts of Great Britain called?

10. Those magazines … brought yesterday.


IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где необходимо:

An energetic American tourist came to visit the Windsor Castle …(1) England. …(2) the entrance a lot … (3) colourful guide books were displayed. The guide advised the American to buy one … (4) them. Then the guide was asked a lot of questions. “Was that famous vase brought … (5) Egypt? How much money was paid … (6) this table? Was the portrait really painted … (7) Van Dyck?” All the questions were answered: “Yes, sir.” Then the guide asked: “Won’t you come and see all those things?” The American answered: “No, I won’t. The pictures … (8) all those things are printed … (9) my guide book. I can’t waste time. I can go … (10) visiting other castles and museums.”


Вариант 3.

I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Passive Voice и переведите текст:

Washington (to found) in 1790 and (to name) after the first US president, George Washington, as the capital of the sovereign states, which (to call) the United States of America. Washington is the residence of the President and the Congress of the USA. All government departments and numerous federal institutions (to house) in the capital. The White House is the President’s residence and it is the oldest building of the city. The Capitol, the seat of the Congress, is the other main center of the city. The two centers (to connect) by Pennsylvania Avenue, the main business street of the city. The amjoruty of the State Departments (to situate) here. Washington, that belongs to the specially created Federal District of Columbia, (to use) always as the scene for mass demonstrations, and rallies.

II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:


1. … Neva flows into … Gulf of … Finland.

2. This is … map of … world. Can you read … map?

3. … St. Petersburg is … very large city. it is one of … largest cities in … world.

4. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.

5. … Kazbek is … highest peak of … Caucasus.

6. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean.

7. My friend lives in … America. He is … student. He studies … history at … Harvard University.

8. When we want to write … letter, we take … piece of … paper and … pen.

9. … Paris is … capital of … France.

10. … France is to … north of … Italy.


III. Используйте подходящую форму глагола to be:

1. Only English … spoken in this country.

2. Soon he … … send to a sanatorium.

3. Moscow … founded in 1147.

4. The President of the US … elected every four years.

5. What places of interest in London … most often visited by the tourists?

6. The letters … delivered yesterday.

7. Your report must … divided into two chapters.

8. There is a very thick fog in the city today. All the flights … put off at the airport.

9. The façade of the Tretyakov Gallery … designed by Vasnetsov.

10. Who … the laws in Great Britain made by?


IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где необходимо:

St. Paul’s Cathedral is the Cathedral …(1) the city …(2) London and one … (3) the most famous churches …(4) the world. Old St. Paul’s which stood …(5) the same place, was destroyed … (6) the Fire of London. The present Cathedral was designed …(7) Sir Christopher Wren, and was finished …(8) 1710. St. Paul’s contains memorials …(9) many national heroes, … (10) them Lord Nelson, Sir John Moore, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Christopher Wren. There are steps up … the Whispering Gallery (Галерея шепота), where words whispered into the stone walls can be heard … the other side … the stone gallery; outside we have a magnificent view … London.



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