Task 9. Complete the sentences using the verbs given in brackets. You visited a friend a friend and learned a lot of news about his family and other friends. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Task 9. Complete the sentences using the verbs given in brackets. You visited a friend a friend and learned a lot of news about his family and other friends.


season — время года nature — природа to awaken — пробуждать(ся) ground — земля to cover — покрывать emerald-green — изумрудно-зеленый fresh — свежий to be in blossom — быть в цвету nightingale — соловей lovely — красивый, прекрасный sweet — зд. приятный melody — мелодия joy — радость thunder — гром lightning — молния to pick mushrooms and berries — собирать грибы и ягоды to go fishing — заниматься рыбной ловлей to go boating — кататься на лодке to prefer — предпочитать transparent — прозрачный to freeze (froze, frozen) — замерзать tobogganing — катание на санках there is nothing like — нет ничего лучше


There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every season is beautiful in its own way.

When spring comes nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The days become longer and the nights become shorter. The ground is covered with emerald-green grass and the first flowers. The air is fresh, the sky is blue and cloudless, and the sun shines brightly. The trees are in full blossom. The nightingale begins to sing its lovely songs, and sweet melodies may be heard from every wood and park. The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy.

Spring is followed by summer. The weather is usually fine in summer, but it can be very hot, especially in July. Sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning. In summer people try to get away from the city noise and spend more time in the open air. They pick mushrooms,and berries in the forest, swim in the rivers and lakes, go fishing and boating. Most people prefer to have their holidays in summer.

Autumn begins in September. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The leaves turn yellow, red and brown and fall to the ground. Most birds fly away to warm countries. There is a short spell of dry sunny weather in September which is called Indian Summer. It is a beautiful tune when the sky is cloudless, the trees around are golden, the air is transparent and it is still warm. But gradually it gets colder and colder. It often rains in October and November which makes autumn an unpleasant season.

In winter the sun sets early and rises late. The rivers and lakes are frozen over. Everything is covered with snow. Sometimes it is very cold, about 25-30 degrees below zero. Going out in such weather isn't very pleasant. Winter is a good time for sports. People go in for skating and skiing. Tobogganing is also popular, not as a kind of sports, but rather as fun.

As for me, I like all the seasons, but I think there is nothing like late spring.


Task 10. Answer the questions:

1. How many seasons are there in a year?

2. When is the ground covered with the first flowers?

3. What is the weather like in winter?

4. What is Indian summer?

5. When do most people prefer to have their holidays?

6. What makes autumn an unpleasant season?

7. What is your favourite season?


Task 11. Change the statements:

Model: When the sun shines... (sunny) –

When the sun shines we say (that) the weather is sunny or it is sunny.


1. When it rains... (rainy). _________________________________________________________

2. When it drizzles and sleets... (nasty). ______________________________________________

3. When a cold wind blows... (windy). _______________________________________________

4. When the frost is hard... (frosty). __________________________________________________

5. When the sky is covered with clouds... (cloudy). _____________________________________

6. When the sky is clear... (cloudless). _______________________________________________

7. When there is much snow... (snowy). ______________________________________________


Task 12. Make up the sentences using these expressions:


What will you say if... Suggestions:
- it rains cats and dogs - the sun shines brightly - it's warm - the air is cool and fresh - the temperature is falling - everything is covered with hoarfrost - it drizzles - it's lovely - it's beastly - the weather is nasty - the weather is fine - it's a lovely day - it's a nasty day - it looks like rain / it looks like frost - it's pleasant to breeze fresh air


Task 13. Complete the statements:

1._________________________ depends on_________________________________________.

2.___________________ lies in the____________________ part of_____________________.

3._________________ is surrounded by________________________.

4.__________________ ___ makes the climate_______________________.

5._________________________________ bring on disasters.

6.____________________ __ influences the__________________________ greatly.

7. The_________________ falls____________ in____________________________.

8. The temperature________________________ in________________________.

9._________________________ due to________________________.

10._________________________ is well known as. _____________________________.

11._________________________ blows from_____________________________________.

12. The_____________________ wind usually brings_____________________________ while the

____________ wind, on the contrary,________________________________________


Task 14. Find synonyms to the words and word combinations:


Strong wind ____________________; happening very often ____________________; flood _______ ____________; thick mist _____________________.


Task 15. Find antonyms to the words and word combinations:


Cold (adj) ______________, cold(noun) _______________, severe winds _____________, far _____ ________, (the temperature) rises ______________________.


Task 16. Complete the table comparing the climate in Great Britain and in your native town.


# Questions Your city The UK
  What is the climate of the country / city?      
  What influences the climate?      
  What can you tell about the winds?   Are there any great disasters that winds bring?      
  What are winters / summers in the country / city?      
  Tell about humidity. Is there much moisture in the air? Why?        


Task 17. Remake the sentences as if the events couldn’t have happened:


Model: Yesterday I saw Pete in the hall.- You can't have seen Pete in the hall yesterday.


1. The teacher permitted to use the dictionary. -____________________________________

2. It was Kate who aired the room.-______________________________________________

3. There were a lot of students in the library yesterday.-______________________________

4. It was John who broke the radio set.-__________________________________________

5. Boris was in the canteen five minutes ago.-______________________________________


Task 18. Make uip the sentences using "must", "may" or "can't":


Model: I am sure you are tired: you have been working for hours. -You must be tired.


1. Perhaps he visited the Hermitage when he was in St. Petersburg last year. _________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. I am sure it is a very deep lake.__________________________ _________________________

3. Probably that building in the distance is the station. ___________________________________

4. I don't believe you have lost your passport; probably you have put it into another bag.__ _____ __________________________________________________________________________________

5. Probably you left your textbook in the canteen._________________________________ _____


Task 19. Fill in the gaps with can, may, must and translate the sentences:


1) The man ________ be a foreigner. He _________not understand Russian.

2) ________ you believe her story? It _________ be her imagination.

3) ________ I use your camera?

4) Something __________ be done to stop the criminal.

5) My watch __________ be two minutes fast. It _________ be 6 sharp now.

6) She ________ be a year or two older.

7) You __________ buy her flowers.

8) _______ you hear the music well?

9) If he did it himself, he _______ be very clever.

10) You _________ learn all the words.


Task 20. Paula has got a problem. She overslept in the morning and in a hurry left her bag and her keys at home. Now she is standing in front of the kitchen window. She can see her bag and her keys on the table. Use can or can’t + the verb in brackets.


Oh dear! Where’s my key? I _____ (find) it. Oh look! It’s on the kitchen table. I _____ (see) it. Now what am I going to do? I _____ (get) in. I _____ (climb) the tree to the window on the first floor. It’s too high. I _____ (telephone) for help because I haven’t got my money with me. Hey, what’s that noise in the room? I _____ (hear) something. Oh good, it’s Peter. He is at home. I’m safe.


Task 21. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Perfect

1. I don't know this girl. I never (meet) her before.___________________________________ _____

2. "Where is Mother?" - "She just (go) out. __________________________________________ ____

3. "Don't you know what the film is about?"-"No, I (not/see) it."________________________ _____

4. I know London perfectly well. I (be) there several times._______________________ __________

5. I can't find my umbrella. I think, somebody (take) it by mistake. ___________________________

6. "Do you speak Spanish?" - "No, I never (study) it." ______________________________________

7. "Do you know where they have gone?" - "No, they (sell) their house and (not/leave) their new address."___________________________________________________________________________

Task 22. Answer the questions using the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect:


Model: Is his article ready? (write) - Yes, he has written it.


1. Are her rooms clean? (do)_____________________________________________________

2. Is our dinner ready, Mother? (cook)_____________________________________________

3. Does she know the poem? (learn)_______________________________________________

4. Do you know this sort of pencil? (use)___________________________________________

5. Does he know how nice the cake is? (eat)________________________________________

6. Do you know that your gloves are on the table? (find)______________________________

7. Is Bobby's face clean? (wash) _________________________________________________


Task 23. Open the brackets using the Present Perfect Tense.


1. Up to now I __________________ (visit) twenty countries. 2. He ________________ (type) six letters so far. 3. _________________ (you ever eat) couscous? 4. They _________________ (never quarrel) like this before. 5. I __________________ (not write) to Marco since 1989. 6. We _________________ (not be) there since we were young. 7. I saw her in May, but _____________ (not see) her since. 8. She ________________ (drive) the same car for many years. 9. I ____________________ (know) them for many years. 10. She ____________________ (not be) in that shop for ages! 11. He ____________________ (travel) all over the world. 12. I ________________________ (ride) an elephant. 13. She _________________ (just fly) in from Rome. 14. She _________________ (recently become) a director. 15. They ________________ (already speak) to me. 16. I _________________ (not drink) my tea yet. 17. I ______________________ (meet) her several times.


Task 24. Make the sentences with just. Answer the questions using words given in brackets:

Model: Could you lend me your dictionary? (sorry, I /just /give/it/to Mike) -

Sorry. I've just given it to Mike.


l. Has Mother come from the market? (yes/she/just/come/from the market) ______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Have you phoned Jack yet? (yes /1/just /phone/him) ______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

3.Would you like some coffee? (no thanks/I/just/have/a cup) _________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Task 25. Ask questions according to the model:

Model: (he/ever/paint/people) - Has he ever painted people?


1. (you ever/be/to Scotland?) __________________________________________________________

2.(your parents/live/here all their lives?)____________________________________________ ______

3.(you/hear/this concert?)_______________________________________________________ ______

4. (how many times/you/ be married?)_____________________________________________ ______


Task 26. Use been or gone.


Model: Where's Paul? - He has gone to the library.

We've been to the country today. Look, we've brought some flowers.


1. Where have you spent your holidays? - I've____________________ to Italy.

2. Are you going to the shops? - No, I've just____________________ to the shops.

3. Is Alex home? - No, he's__________________ to park.

4. Are they both out? - Yes, they've both___________________ to the market.


Task 27. Write the sentences with already and yet.


Model: Don't forget to pack some warm clothes. - I've already packed them.

Have you typed the letters yet? - Yes, I've already typed them.

Have you bought that dress? - No, I haven't bought it yet, but I'm going to buy it.


1. Why don't you have a bath? -___________________________________________________

2. Shall I buy some newspapers? - No,______________________________________________

3. Have you asked Jim yet? - Yes,._____________________________________________

4. Have you invited Larry and Sue? - No, I __________________, but I am________________

5. Has the manager arrived yet? - Yes,_____________________________________________

6. Has Jill written to Dad? - No, she _________________ but she_______________ tonight.

7.(he/ever/meet/the President?)___________________________________________________

8. (you/ever/visit/the White House?)_______________________________________________


Task 28. The Present Perfect Tense and the Past Simple Tense.


A. Choose the correct tense.

1. I (haven’t seen/didn’t see) much of her lately. 2. Who is she? – I (‘ve never seen/never saw) her before. 3. I (‘ve done/did) a lot of stupid things in my life. 4. She (has left/left) school last year. 5. When (have you got/did you get) married? 6. I’m sorry. I (haven’t finished/didn’t finish) yet. 7. I (‘ve often wondered/often wondered) what he does for a living. 8. He (has caught/caught) the plane at eight this morning. 9. I (‘ve read/read) a lot of her books when I was at school. 10. (Have you seen/Did you see) any good films recently?



B. Give the appropriate tense form.

1. You _________________ (be) a beautiful baby. 2. I _______________________ (not read) her latest book. 3. __________________ (you visit) India? 4. My great-grandmother ______________ (live) in Glasgow. 5. Columbus _______________________ (not discover) America: the Indians already __________________ (know) where it was. 6. Amazing news! Scientists ___________________ (discover) a new planet! 7. Who ____________________ (give) Shakespeare his first job? 8. How many times __________________ (you be) in love? 9. I ______________________ (never enjoy) a holiday as much as this one. 10. “____________________ (you hear) the thunder?” “No, nothing wakes me up”.


Task 29. Choose the correct sentence.


1. a. I saw John yesterday. b. I’ve seen John yesterday.

2. a. Did you ever eat Indian food? b. Have you ever eaten Indian food?

3. a. Diana won 5,000 pounds last month. b. Diana has won 5,000 pounds last month.

4. a. I’ve never drank champagne. b. I’ve never drunk champagne.

5. a. Tom has never been to America. b. Tom has ever been to America.

6. a. Did they live in London five years ago? b. Have they lived in London five years ago?

7. a. Mary has wrote a lot of books. b. Mary has written a lot of books.

8. a. Did she write a book last year? b. Has she written a book last year?


Task 30. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect or Past Simple Tense.


A Sad Story of a Sad Man.

One Sunday evening two men ________________ (meet) in a London pub. One of them

was very unhappy.

“Life is terrible, everything in the world is really boring”, he said.

“Don’t say that”, said the other man. “Life is marvellous! The world is so exciting! Think about Italy. It’s a wonderful country. ___________ you ever ___________ (be) there?”

“Oh, yes. I _________ (go) there last year and I ________________ (not like) it”.

“Well, __________ you ___________ (be) to Norway? _________ you ever _________ (see) the midnight sun?”

“Oh, yes. I _________ (go) in 1984 and I _________ (see) the midnight sun. I ___________ (not enjoy) it”.

“Well, I __________ just ___________ (return) from a safari in Africa. _________ you __________ (visit) Africa yet?”

“Yes, I ___________ (go) on safari in Africa last year and I __________ (climb) Mount Kilimanjaro. It was really boring”.

“Well,” said the other man, “I think that you’re very ill. Only the best psychiatrist can help you. Go to see Dr. Greenbaum in Harley Street”.

“I’m Dr. Greenbaum”, answered the man sadly.


Task 31. Put the verbs given in brackets in the Present Perfect or Past Simple.:

1) He (see) just me. _______________________________________________________________

2) They (finish) already the letter. ____________________________________________________

3) John (find) them. They (be) in the yard. _____________________________________________


4) We just (be) to the cinema. We (see) a good film. _____________________________________




Тема 10. Going Out For The Evening.

14 часов The Past Perfect Tense. The Future Perfect Tense


Task 1. Read the text:

London Theatres

In London, there is a great number of theatres. Theatergoers don't have to go far outside the city centre to find a play that fits their taste or mood.

In the West End, there are around fifty theatres with a ballet, a comedy, a drama, a musical, or a variety on stage. In any theatres, the seats are divided into groups, most popular are the stalls because they are closer to the stage. The first gallery above the stalls is called dress circle. Boxes are most prestigious and expensive seats. The seats in the upper circle, pit and gallery (also called “the gods”) are cheaper.

Among the most famous London theatres are “The National Theatre”, and “Covent Garden”.

The current building of the Royal National Theatre was designed by architects Sir Denys Lasdun and Peter Softley and contains three stages, which opened between 1976 and 1977. It is located next to the Thames in the South Bank area of central London.

One of the most interesting theatres in England is Shakespeare's Globe. The original building of the theatre, which was built in 1599, didn't last till our days. In 1997 the new Globe opened its doors to the first theatre goers. The new building is just like the old Shakespeare's Globe but for some differences: four exits instead of two. As before, the Globe has no roof so all plays are played in the open air. About fifteen hundred people may come to watch a play. In Shakespeare's time, all roles were played by male actors. Female roles were usually played by teenage boys up to 17 or 18 years old. Some people think, that the Globe does only Shakespeare's plays today. But they stage plays by other dramatists as well, especially if they were written for the Globe.

Task 2. Name the seats in the theatre:


Stalls_____________, dress circle ____________, box _________, stage _________, gods ___________, upper circle ______________, pit _____________, gallery ______________.

Task 3. Give words or word combinations for the definitions:

1. the part of the theatre where the audience sits _________________________________;

2. a raised platform in a theatre where the actors appear ___________________________;

3. the highest balcony where the cheapest seats are placed _________________________;

4. the main role __________________________________________________________;

5. seats in the theatre behind the stalls _________________________________________;

6. a place where hats and coats may be left _____________________________________;

7. a piece of wood or metal with a number on it given in return for a hat or a coat.

Task 4. Answer the questions:

1. Is there a great number of theatres in London?

2. What are the most famous London theatres?

3. When was the original building of the Globe built?

4. All the plays in the Globe are played in the open air, aren’t they?

5. Who played all the roles in Shakespeare’s time?

6. Does the Globe stage only Shakespeare's plays today?

Task 5. Match the words:

1. stalls 2. box 3. cloak-room ticket 4. dress-circle 5. audience 6. stage 7. upper circle a) сцена b) бельэтаж c) балкон d) ложа e) партер f) номерок g) аудитория

Task 6. Open the brackets using Past Perfect:

1. When we came the performance (to begin).

2. She went for a holiday after she (to pass the exam).

3. He didn’t start eating before he (to wash his hands).

4. By the end of the year she (to play in two films).

5. By the time the director arrived the actress (to learn her part).

Task 7. Complete the sentences:

1. We could not send you a postcard because we _____ our address book.

a) have forgotten b) had forgotted c) had forgotten


2. I _____ the key that he had given to me.
a) lost b) losted c) had lost


3. She put on the red dress, which she _____ for ages.
a) has not worn b) not had worn c) had not worn

4. _____ your homework before you went to the cinema?
a) Had you finished b) Did you finished c) You had finished


5. I _____ downstairs because I had heard a noise
a) go b) had gone c) went


6. When they came home, Sue _____ dinner already.
a) has cooked b) had cooked c) had cooking


7. Why _____ the bathroom before you bathed the dog?
a) had you cleaned b) you had cleaned c) had you clean


8. The waiter served something that we _____.
a) have not ordered b) had not ordered c) not had ordered


9. Had she found a place to stay when she ____ to Boston?
a) will go b) went c) go


10. His mother was angry because he ____ her with the shopping.
a) have not helped b) not had helped c) had not helped


Task 8. Open the brackets using Past Perfect:

Model: She hoped I (to pay) for the tickets. – She hoped I had paid for the tickets.


1. I went to see the sights after I (to buy) a map of Moscow. __________________________________________________________________________

2. She understood the letter after she (to read) it a second time. __________________________________________________________________________

3. After I (to spend) all the money I turned to my father. __________________________________________________________________________

Часа Контрольная работа № 4

Вариант 1.

I. Переведите текст:


There are many jokes about the English summer - "I was in Eng­land the whole summer, but it rained both days" or "Summer fell on a Friday" are typical examples. In June the days are longest, and the sun is brightest. But somehow it often happens that in June the weather is not so fine as it is in May. June is the most variable month, and it is often as droughty as it is wet. Like "the young lady with the curl”.

In July and August the weather is often fine and warm. There is also enough rain to keep the countryside fresh and green. July is decidedly the hottest month of the year over the most of Brit­ain.


About Books

First, books are written by writers. Then they are printed by printers. After that the books are sold by booksellers, bought by people and they are read by thousands of readers.

Bernard Shaw’s Reply

_____ play by _____ famous English satirist was performed in _____ London for _____ first time. Everybody wanted to see _____ author, and when he appeared on _____ stage, he was received with _____ great enthusiasm. When everything was quiet _____ very loud voice was heard from _____ gallery:

“ _____ play was bad.” In silence _____ satirist looked up and smiled:

“I agree with you, sir, but what are we two against so many?”

Task 38. Fill in the blanks with the articles a/an/the where necessary:

1. The parcel came by _____ post.

2. You will go to _____ sea and forget all about me in ______ month.

3. I got into conversation with him by _____ chance at ______ concert.

4. Behind _____ house was _____ large garden, and in _____summer, _____ pupils almost lived out of _____ doors.

5. All of _____ sudden, his face had become stony.

Часа Контрольная работа № 5

Вариант 1.

I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Passive Voice и переведите текст:

The first view of the city of New York from the sea is the sight that can never (to forget). Hudson Bay (to crowd) with lots of ferryboats with people hurrying to work in the downtown skyscrapers. The you pass Liberty Island with the bronze Statue of Liberty which (to present) to the US by France in 1886 to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of American Independence. The statue is about 50 meters high and stands on the pedestal of almost the same height. Its torch rises about 60 meters above the harbour and ca (to see) at night for many miles. A new American Immigration Museum (to open) at the base of the statue. The Statue of Liberty (to call) often “the grandest lady in the world”.


II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:

1. … Moscow is situated on … Moscow River.

2. There is … canal called … Moscow-Volga Canal which joins … Moscow to … Volga.

3. Volga runs into … Caspian Sea.

4. … United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

5. … Russia is washed by … Arctic Ocean in … north.

6. Is … Asia … island or … continent?

7. Which are … highest mountains in … Russia?

8. Did you have … good time in the country? – Oh, yes. … weather was fine.

9. We were out of … doors from … morning till … night.

10. My friend likes to play … chess. He is ready to play … chess all … day long.


III. Используйте подходящую форму глагола to be:

1. This book … sold in every shop of Moscow.

2. The letter … delivered yesterday.

3. Who …the laws of Great Britain made by?

4. My TV set … … fixed tomorrow.

5. We … taken on a sightseeing tour in the afternoon.

6. It is easy to find your way about in New York. The streets … all well-planned.

7. What language … spoken in Canada?

8. How … the members of the House of Commons elected?

9. Last year these books … sold in every shop in Moscow.

10. The books must … returned the day after tomorrow.


IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где необходимо:

The word “club” is used …(1) many languages. A club is usually connected … (2) some sport or social activities. But … (3) London it sometimes has a peculiar English meaning. When you hear a man talking … (4) “my club”, you can be sure he means one … (5) the West End clubs … (6) which he is a member. Most … (7) them are located … (8) the same small area which is known as St. James. The oldest club was opened … (9) 1693 and was s coffee house. From the end of the 17th century and to the first half of the 18th century, coffee houses were visited … (10) people as places of social meetings and they were …(11) Vienna and other European capitals.


Вариант 2.

I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Passive Voice и переведите текст:

The United Nations Organization (to found) officially on October the 24th, 1945 when the Charter (to ratify) by China, France, the USSR, the UK, the US and by a majority of other countries. The main objective of the UN is to maintain peace and security. Its members are to take collective measures – to develop friendly relations among the nations. The UNO (to house) in two skyscrapers on the embankment of the East River in New York. International sessions (to hold) often in the buildings of the United Nations Organization.


II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:


1. … Russia occupies … eastern half of Europe and … northern third of … Asia.

2. … Washington is … capital of … United States of America.

3. I want to go to … New York some day.

4. … best way to know and understand … people of … other countries is to meet them in their own homes.

5. Is … Australia … island or … continent?

6. … Red Sea is between … Africa and … Asia.

7. There are seven continents on … Earth.

8. … France is to … north of … Italy.

9. In … Siberia there are many long rivers: … Ob, … Irtysh, …Yenissei, … Lena and … Amur.

10. My sister likes to play … tennis.


III. Используйте подходящую форму глагола to be:

1. Newspapers … brought every morning.

2. The country … governed by Parliament.

3. … the translation … done tomorrow? – I hope, it ….

4. When … the play staged? – It … staged last year.

5. Young people of many foreign countries … taught in Moscow University.

6. That church looks very old. It … built in 1760.

7. By whom … this article translated?

8. Such berries can … found everywhere.

9. What … the parts of Great Britain called?

10. Those magazines … brought yesterday.


IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где необходимо:

An energetic American tourist came to visit the Windsor Castle …(1) England. …(2) the entrance a lot … (3) colourful guide books were displayed. The guide advised the American to buy one … (4) them. Then the guide was asked a lot of questions. “Was that famous vase brought … (5) Egypt? How much money was paid … (6) this table? Was the portrait really painted … (7) Van Dyck?” All the questions were answered: “Yes, sir.” Then the guide asked: “Won’t you come and see all those things?” The American answered: “No, I won’t. The pictures … (8) all those things are printed … (9) my guide book. I can’t waste time. I can go … (10) visiting other castles and museums.”


Вариант 3.

I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Passive Voice и переведите текст:

Washington (to found) in 1790 and (to name) after the first US president, George Washington, as the capital of the sovereign states, which (to call) the United States of America. Washington is the residence of the President and the Congress of the USA. All government departments and numerous federal institutions (to house) in the capital. The White House is the President’s residence and it is the oldest building of the city. The Capitol, the seat of the Congress, is the other main center of the city. The two centers (to connect) by Pennsylvania Avenue, the main business street of the city. The amjoruty of the State Departments (to situate) here. Washington, that belongs to the specially created Federal District of Columbia, (to use) always as the scene for mass demonstrations, and rallies.

II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо:


1. … Neva flows into … Gulf of … Finland.

2. This is … map of … world. Can you read … map?

3. … St. Petersburg is … very large city. it is one of … largest cities in … world.

4. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.

5. … Kazbek is … highest peak of … Caucasus.

6. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean.

7. My friend lives in … America. He is … student. He studies … history at … Harvard University.

8. When we want to write … letter, we take … piece of … paper and … pen.

9. … Paris is … capital of … France.

10. … France is to … north of … Italy.


III. Используйте подходящую форму глагола to be:

1. Only English … spoken in this country.

2. Soon he … … send to a sanatorium.

3. Moscow … founded in 1147.

4. The President of the US … elected every four years.

5. What places of interest in London … most often visited by the tourists?

6. The letters … delivered yesterday.

7. Your report must … divided into two chapters.

8. There is a very thick fog in the city today. All the flights … put off at the airport.

9. The façade of the Tretyakov Gallery … designed by Vasnetsov.

10. Who … the laws in Great Britain made by?


IV. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где необходимо:

St. Paul’s Cathedral is the Cathedral …(1) the city …(2) London and one … (3) the most famous churches …(4) the world. Old St. Paul’s which stood …(5) the same place, was destroyed … (6) the Fire of London. The present Cathedral was designed …(7) Sir Christopher Wren, and was finished …(8) 1710. St. Paul’s contains memorials …(9) many national heroes, … (10) them Lord Nelson, Sir John Moore, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Christopher Wren. There are steps up … the Whispering Gallery (Галерея шепота), where words whispered into the stone walls can be heard … the other side … the stone gallery; outside we have a magnificent view … London.


American Food and Drink

Hot Dogs

Ted Dorgan, a sport cartoonist, gave the frankfurter its nickname in 1906. He concluded that it resembled a dachshund’s body and put that whimsy into a drawing, which he captioned “Hot dog!”

The hot dog was brought to the US shortly before the Civil War by a real Frankfurter – Charles Feltman who opened a stand in New York and sold grilled sausages on warmed rolls.

Nowadays Americans consume more than 12 billion frankfurters a year.


Modern hamburgers on a bun were first served at the St. Louis Fair in 1904, but Americans really began eating them in quantity in the 1920s. Chopped beef, tasty and easily prepared, quickly caught on as family fair, and today hamburger stands, drive-ins, and burger chains offer Americans their favourite hot sandwich at every turn.

The history of hamburger dates back to medieval Europe.

A Tartar dish of raw beef seasoned with salt and onion juice was brought from Russia to Germany by early German sailors. The lightly broiled German chopped-beef cake, with pickles and pumpernickel on the side, was introduced to America in the early 1800s by German immigrants.

Potato Chips

George Crumb, an American Indian who was the chef at Moon’s Lake House in New York, in the mid-19th century, was irked when a finicky dinner guest kept sending back his French fried potatoes, complaining they were too thick. In exasperation, Crump, shaved the potatoes into tissue thin slices and deep fried them in oil.

He had a dishful of crisp “Saratoga chips” presented to the guest, who was delighted with the new treat. Potato chips became the specialty of Moon’s Lake House and later, America’s crunchiest between-meal snack.


America’s best known soft drink was first concocted by an Atlanta pharmacist in 1886. The syrup was cooked up by John S. Pemberton from extracts of coca leaves and the kola nut. He then organizes the Pemberton Chemical Company, and Coca-Cola syrup mixed with plain water was sold in a local drugstore for 5 cents a glass.

Sales were slow until in 1887 a prosperous Atlanta druggist, Asa G. Candler, bought the Coca-Cola formula – then as now a carefully guarded secret – and added carbonated water to the syrup instead of plain water. In 1919 the company was sold out and Coca-Cola rapidly extended its market.

Today Coca-Cola has to compete with many other soft drinks but it is still one of the symbols of the United States.


Task 3. Find the Russian equivalents to the following words:

nickname _________________, dachshund ________________, in quantity _______________, drive-ins _______________________, seasoned with salt and onion juice ____________________ ____________________________, finicky dinner guest _____________________________, dishful of crisp __________________________, the specialty _____________________, between-meal snack _______________________________, soft drink ______________________,

then as now ______________________, rapidly extended its market _______________________.

Task 4. Translate the sentences:


1. How long have you been leaning English? ________________________________________

2. They’ve been waiting here for over an hour. ______________________________________

3. I’ve been watching television since 2 o’clock. _____________________________________

4. She has been playing tennis since she was eight. ___________________________________

5. How long have you been smoking? _____________________________________________

6. George hasn’t been feeling very well recently._____________________________________

Task 5. Make the sentences according to the model:


Model: Tom is out of breath. (he / run) - He has been running.


1. Trees are white with snow (it / snow). __________________________________________

2. Ann is very tired (she / work / hard).____________________________________________

3. You are staying indoors (it / drizzle). ___________________________________________

4. Bob has a black eye and Bill has a cut lip (Bob and Bill / fight). _____________________ __________________________________________________________________________

5. You are wet through (it / rain). ________________________________________________

6. George has just come back from the beach. ______________________________________

7. He is very red (he / lie in the sun). _____________________________________________


Task 6. Ask questions according to the model:


Model: Your friend’s hands are covered in oil (you/ work/ on the car?) -

Have you been working on the car?


1. You see a little boy. His eyes are red and watery (you/ cry?) _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

2. The leaves on trees are wet (it/ rain?) ____________________________________________

3. You have just arrived to meet your friend who is waiting for you (you/ wait / long?)______ __________________________________________________________________________

4. Your friend comes in. His face and hands are very dirty (what/ you/ do?)________________



Task 7. Ask questions beginning with “how long” according to the model:


Model: It is raining. - How long has it been raining?


1. It is snowing. ______________________________________________________________

2. My foot is hurting. __________________________________________________________

3. Mike plays chess. ___________________________________________________________

4. Jill sells washing machines. ___________________________________________________

5. Tom lives in High Street. _____________________________________________________


Task 8. Read the sentences and continue them according to the model:


Model: When I went outdoors the trees and the ground were white. (It / snow). –

It had been snowing all night.


1. Tom felt very tired. (He/ study/ hard/ all day). – He _______________________________.

2. When I walked into the room, it was empty. But there was a smell of cigarettes. (Somebody/ smoke/ in the room). – Somebody _____________________________________________.

3. When Mary came back from the beach, she looked very red from the sun. (She/ lie/ in the sun long). - She ___________________________________________________________.


Task 9. Use the proper form of the verb Past Perfect Continuous (had been doing) or Past Continuous (was/ were doing):


Model: 1. Tom was leaning against the wall, out of breath. He … (run). - He had been running.

2. I tried to catch Tom but I couldn’t. He … (run) very fast. - He was running very fast.


1. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He … (look) for his cigarette lighter. ________ __________________________________________________________________________

2. When I arrived, Ann … (wait) for me. She was rather annoyed with me because I was late and she …(wait) for a very long time. ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________


Task 10. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:


1. Have you brought the book which your uncle (read) for the last three days? – No, I haven’t, because he (read not) yet. _____________________________________________________

2. I (look) for my ring for half an hour. I’m afraid I (lose) it somewhere on the beach. _______ __________________________________________________________________________

3. I (wonder) all the morning what a conceited (тщеславный) young woman she (become). __



Task 11. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous:


1. We couldn’t go out because it (rain) since early morning. __________________________________________________________________________

2. I (run) into the room just before the teacher came in. __________________________________________________________________________

3. I (read) about an hour when he came. __________________________________________________________________________

4. She (make) great progress by that time. __________________________________________________________________________

5. He said he (work) for a long time without achieving final results. __________________________________________________________________________


History of Britain

Julius Caesar came to Britain in 54 BC. Then Romans came again and stayed for four hundred years (43 AD until 410 AD). The Romans found Britain a land of forests and swamp. In order to move their troops rapidly, they made roads. The places of old Roman camps became centres of trade.

Roman influence is evident in names of towns ending with: -caster, -chister. Because “castrum” in Latin denoted a fort, and “castra” – a camp.

The Romans had central heating under the floors of their houses. One of the oldest buildings of the Roman period is the lighthouse, or Pharos, at Dover.

The history of Anglo-Saxon England covers the history of England from the end of Roman Britain and the establishment of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the fifth century until the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. Anglo-Saxon is a general term that refers to tribes of German origin who came to Britain, including Angles, Saxons, Frisians and Jutes.

In the 11th century England was invaded by the Normans. The battle between the Normans and the Anglo-Saxons took place in the 11th of October 1066 at Hastings. This was the fifth and the last invasion of Britain. Norman invasion changed both the history and the language of Britain.

After this battle William became King of England, and because he conquered England he is called William the Conqueror.

The Norman invaders brought with them Norman-French language, which over the years mixed with Anglo-Saxon to form the modern English language.



Two thousand years before the Romans came to Britain the ancient inhabitants started building Stonehenge in Wiltshire. The newest parts of it were built in about 1400 BC – more than three thousand years ago. It is the oldest of Britain’s famous monuments.

Nobody knows exactly what it was, or who built it, but it must have taken them a very long time. Archaeologists used to think that Stonehenge was just a temple for religious ceremonies. Some people say it was a kind of clock, or calendar for working out the movements of the sun and the moon.


Task 5. Use the correct word:

Use: He asked He ordered

He told me He demanded


1. Come and see us one day. _______________________________________________________

2. Speak louder, please. ___________________________________________________________

3. Call the doctor at once. _________________________________________________________

4. Bring my books tomorrow. ______________________________________________________

5. Stop talking. _________________________________________________________________

6. Don’t put on the light. __________________________________________________________

7. Don’t touch my things. _________________________________________________________

8. Can you show me the way out? ___________________________________________________


Task 8. Make Indirect Questions:


Use: I wondered

I wanted to know

I asked


1. Is Jane from England? _________________________________________________________

2. Did she study at Oxford University? ______________________________________________

3. Do you have classes five days a week? _____________________________________________

4. Have you seen Stonehenge? _____________________________________________________

5. Did you learn History of England at school? ________________________________________

6. Are you going to leave for Kiev? _________________________________________________

7. Has the train arrived? __________________________________________________________

8. Have you been waiting for me long? ______________________________________________


1. What are you doing? ___________________________________________________________

2. What countries has he visited? ___________________________________________________

3. What did the teacher tell you? ____________________________________________________

4. What time will the concert begin? _________________________________________________

5. Where can I buy this book? ______________________________________________________

6. Why didn’t you come to the party last night? ________________________________________

7. How many bedrooms are there in their new house? ___________________________________

Task 9. Choose the right translation of Indirect Speech:

1. Tom said that they had lived in that town two years before.

a) что они живут

b) что они живут сейчас

c) жили два года назад

d) будут жить там через два года

2. Mother said that the children were picking berries in the wood then.

a) что дети собирали ягоды

b) что дети соберут ягоды

c) что дети собирают ягоды сейчас

d) что дети уже собрали ягоды

Часа Контрольная работа № 6

Вариант 1.

I. Определите видо-временную форму и залог сказуемого:

1. Present 4. Indefinite 7. Passive

2. Past 5. Continuous 8. Active

3. Future 6. Perfect


1. Children are decorating the room for the party.

2. Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving.

3. The problem will be discussed later.

4. They will have written the letter by 9.

5. My sister is being shown a new video.

6. The secretary will book tickets tomorrow.

7. He will have spoken to his parents by that time.

8. The letter was given to him at once.


II. Преобразуйте предложения, используя сказуемое в пассивном залоге, и запишите их:


1. I shall have answered all the letters by the evening.

a) have d) been g) will

b) the evening e) shall h) in

c) All the letters f) by i) answered

2. We didn’t invite her to the conference.

a) not d) to the conference g) was

b) invite e) did h) invited

c) She f) her

3. She could find a job easily.

a) found d) easily g) she

b) was e) been h) be

c) A job f) could

III. Поставьте глагол в главном предложении в прошедшее время, выполнив необходимые изменения в придаточном:

Например: I’m afraid I don’t understand the problem.

I was afraid I didn’t understand the problem.

1. I know they love classical music. – I … they … classical music.

a) loved b) knew c) known d) have loved

2. We believe that it is true. – We … that it … true.

a) was b) have believed c) believed d) had been e) were

3. I think it is beginning to rain. – I … it … to rain.

a) thinked b) thought c) was beginning d) began e) was begun

4. She thinks she can tell me the right time. – She … she … tell me the right time.

a) could b) had been able c) thought d) had thought

5. I know he had an accident a couple of days ago. – I … he … an accident a couple of days ago.

a) knew b) has had c) known d) had had e) had


IV. Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи:

1. He said to us, “Come here tomorrow.” – He asked us ….

a) tomorrow c) the next day e) come g) there

b) to d) here f) came

2. I said to Mike, “Send me a telegram as soon as you arrive.” – I asked Mike ….

a) send me c) he e) a telegram g) arrived

b) would arrive d) to f) as soon as h) you

3. I said to my friend, “Do you have a headache?” – I asked my friend ….

a) you c) he e) a headache g) does

b) she d) if f) had h) have

4. Is Jane from England? – I wondered ….

a) Jane c) if e) England

b) from d) is f) was

5. When will he come back? – She asked them ….

a) when c) come back e) he

b) they d) will f) would

6. How much did she pay for it? – I had no idea ….

a) how much c) she e) it g) had

b) has d) paid f) for h) he

V. Выберите вопросительное слово, которое должно вводить косвенный вопрос:

1. I asked Nick … he was going.

a) why b) how c) where d) how many

2. I wanted to know … he was going to stay there.

a) what b) that c) how much d)how long

3. He wondered … would see me.

a) why b) who c) what d) how

4. They asked them … time the train started.

a) that b) what c) when d) how

5. Mary asked Tom … he would do the next day.

a) that b) what c) which d) why


Вариант 2.


I. Определите видо-временную форму и залог сказуемого:

1. Present 4. Indefinite 7. Passive

2. Past 5. Continuous 8. Active

3. Future 6. Perfect


1. These problems are very important.

2. Supper is usually cooked by Granny.

3. The baby will be taken for a walk.

4. The students did their work very well.

5. This article will be published in this magazine.

6. The new book of this author is very interesting.

7. The conference was held in the largest hall.

8. Such questions are never discussed at our meetings.


II. Преобразуйте предложения, используя сказуемое в пассивном залоге, и запишите их:


1. The teacher gave pupils a small map of England.

a) have d) were g) will

b) the teacher e) given h) in

c) Pupils f) by i) a small map of England

2. Mother will bring me some toys.

a) shall d) be g) to me

b) will e) me h) brought

c) Some toys f) by mother

3. The chief could offer him a new job.

a) offered d) to him g) by the chief

b) was e) been h) be

c) A new job f) could

III. Поставьте глагол в главном предложении в прошедшее время, выполнив необходимые изменения в придаточном:

Например: I’m afraid I don’t understand the problem.

I was afraid I didn’t understand the problem.

1. We know you have travelled all over America. – We … you … all over America.

a) travelled b) knew c) known d) had travelled

2. I believe that you had a wonderful holiday. – I … that you … a wonderful holiday.

a) believed b) had had c) had believed d) have had

3. The policeman wonders where George is running. – The policeman … where George … running.

a) wondered b) had wondered c) was running d) ran e) had run

4. They hope they will be able to swim in the sea. – They … they … to swim in the sea.

a) hoped b) had been able c) hopes d) would be able e) would able

5. I’m sure they have received our letter. – I … they … our letter.

a) were b) was c) received d) had received


IV. Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи:

1. He said to the porter, “Take my luggage to Room 145.” – He told the porter … to Room 145.

a) to c) luggage e) his g) have taken

b) take d) my f) took

2. She said to waiter, “Bring me a cup of coffee.” – She told waiter ….

a) bring c) her e) a cup of coffee g) arrived

b) brought d) to f) me h) she

3. I said to my friend, “Do you study at Oxford University?” – I asked my friend ….

a) you c) he e) at Oxford University g) does

b) studied d) if f) study

4. Is Mike from New Zealand? – He wondered ….

a) Mike c) if e) New Zealand

b) from d) is f) was

5. When will you go home? – She asked them ….

a) when c) go home e) you

b) they d) will f) would

6. How far is it from the centre of Moscow? – I had no idea ….

a) how far c) that e) it

b) is d) was f) from the centre of Moscow


V. Выберите вопросительное слово, которое должно вводить косвенный вопрос:

1. I asked Nick … he was going to come back.

a) why b) when c) where d) how many

2. I wanted to know … kind of book Bob had brought.

a) what b) that c) which d)how long

3. Ann wondered … I hadn’t come the day before.

a) why b) who c) what d) how

4. Nick asked me … I had seen such trees.

a) where b) what c) when d) how

5. Boris wanted to know … he could get to the railway station.

a) that b) how c) which d) why


Вариант 3.


I. Определите видо-временную форму и залог сказуемого:

1. Present 4. Indefinite 7. Passive

2. Past 5. Continuous 8. Active

3. Future 6. Perfect


1. Mother is cooking the breakfast.

2. What language did you learn last year?

3. The school will be built next year.

4. They will have translated the text by 10.

5. My sister is shown a new video.

6. The children have been taken for a walk.

7. He will have done his work by that time.

8. The letter was sent yesterday.


II. Преобразуйте предложения, используя сказуемое в пассивном залоге, и запишите их:


1. I shall have answered all the letters by the evening.

a) have d) been g) will

b) the evening e) shall h) in

c) All the letters f) by i) answered

2. We didn’t invite her to the conference.

a) not d) to the conference g) was

b) invite e) did h) invited

c) She f) her

3. She could find a job easily.

a) found d) easily g) she

b) was e) been h) be

c) A job f) could

III. Поставьте глагол в главном предложении в прошедшее время, выполнив необходимые изменения в придаточном:

Например: I’m afraid I don’t understand the problem.

I was afraid I didn’t understand the problem.

1. I hope that she will help me. – I … that she … help me.


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