I. Explanation of word formation rules/5 min. 

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I. Explanation of word formation rules/5 min.

1. The suffix –ous forms Adjectives from Nouns and verbs:

Examples: fame- fam ous, fiber- fibr ous

2. The suffixes –ary (-ery, -ory) form nouns and Adjectives:

Examples: surg ery, pulmon ary, laborat ory, respirat ory

Main meanings and functions of suffixes - ous, -ary, -ery, -ory are shown in the schemes 1, 2


Scheme № 1

“Meaning and formation of suffix –ous”.



Scheme № 2

“Meaning and functions of suffixes -ary, -ery, -ory”






Fastening of word formation rules.

Audition, reading


Read and translate

1. obvi ous, adventur ous, autonom ous, boister ous, cauti ous, atroci ous, ardu ous, ambigu ous,

2. bak ery, laborat ory, cent ury, surg ery

3. pulmon ary, respirat ory, compliment ary, compuls ory, tempor ary, contempor ary, auxili ary, bound ary, arbitr ary, inflammat ory.


Speaking, writing


Make up words using the suffixes –ous; -ary; -ery;-ory.


Audition, reading


Read and translate the following words.

Pay attention to the use of suffixes –ous; -ary; -ery;-ory in them


a) fibr ous, numer ous, continu ous, ven ous, nerv ous, ser ous, subser ous, subcutane ous,

b) ordin ary, aliment ary, prim ary, second ary, respirot ar y, inflammat ory, tempor ary,



II. Introduction of new lexics to the theme “The heart and the vascular system”/ 20 min

Audition, reading

Remember the pronunciation of the following words. Learn them.

Find their translation in a dictionary

Vascular [‘væskulə] separate[‘seprit], [‘sepəreit]

Pericardium [,peri’ka:diəm] chamber [‘t∫eimbə]

apex [‘eipeks] thick [ ðik]

interspace [ ‘intə(:)’speis] valve [ ‘vælv]

costal [‘kostl] fibrous [‘faibrəs]

septum [‘septəm] systemic [sis’temik]

atrium [‘eitriəm] pulmonary [ ‘pulmənəri]

ventricle [‘ventrikl] portal [‘pə:tl]

inner [‘inə] locate [ lou’keit]

within [wiðin] carry [ ‘kæri]

include [in’klu:d] lung [ lλη]

male [meil] liver [ ‘livə]

female [‘fi:meil] coat [ kout]

dilate [ dail’leit] contract [kən’trækt]

Fastening new lexics

2. Read and translate the following words and word combinations.

1. chamber[‘t∫eimbə]:the heart consist of two separate chambers; the right atrium and the right ventricle are in the right chamber;

2. thick[ ðik]; a thick wall; thick ice; the walls of the left atrium are thick; the left ventricle has thick walls;

3. pulmonary [ ‘pulmənəri]; pulmonary artery, pulmonary circulation; pulmonary disease; pulmonary function; pulmonary valve;

4. dilate [ dai’leit]: dilated; to be dilated, the vessels dilate; the heart dilates and contracts



3. Match the words A and B

A. B.

a. vascular 1. circulation

b. pulmonary 2. organ

c. thick 3. valve

d. muscular 4. wall

e. mitral 5. system


Match the words A and B.

a. the base of 1. atrium

b. costal 2. ventricle

c. right 3. the heart

d. left 4. band

e. fibrous 5. cartilage


III. Reading, translating and discussing texts:

A. “The Heart and the Vascular System”.

B. “The Valves of the Heart”/20 min.

A. Presentation of new information about “The heart and the vascular system” with the help of texts.

Work on texts: acquainted and studying reading, translation.

Audition, reading

Read and translate the texts. A and B.


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