Grammar:Past Participle, Indefinite Passive Tenses. 

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Grammar:Past Participle, Indefinite Passive Tenses.


Begun Cut Learned

Become Drawn Made

Built Eaten Meant

Bought Gone Paid

Come Kept Rung


Participles are used to sentences.

There are three kinds of participles in English:








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1.Translate the following sentences from English into Russian:

1.The room is cleaned every day.

2.Cheese is made from milk

3.The roof of the building was damaged in a storm yesterday.

4.The skeleton is composed of bones.

5.The Spinal column is formed by the vertebrae

6.These experiments will be carried out of by the members of our scientific society next week.

2.Put the verbs into Present Indefinite Passive:

1.Seven cervical vertebrae compose the servical part of the spine.

2.Cranial and facial bones from the skill.

3.The pelvis connects the lower extremity with the trunk.

3.Put the verb into the correct form of the Present Indefinite Passive or Past Indefinite Passive:

1.The letter-(post)a week ago.

2.Where-(take)these photograph?

3.The Park gates-(lock)at 6.30 p.m.every evening.

4.The Flights-(cancel)because of fog yesterday.

5.A cinema is a place where films-(show).

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Нам дают книги

2. Мне часто много вопросов

3. Учебники пишутся для студентов

4.Нас часто видят в библиотеке

5.Череп состоит из черепной лицевой частей



Work-out №2

Theme: The Skeleton

Grammar: Present Participle and Indefinite Passive Tenses.

Aims. Didactic aims:

to form students following component of competence:

a)Educational (cognitive) component:

1. to form students knowledge on forming Present Participle

And Indefinite Passive Tenses.

b)Practical (operational) component:

to form students skill on forming and using:Present Participle and Indefinite Passive Tenses.

2. to form students skill on listening, reading and translating

The text with or without dictionary

to form students skill on writing a short summary

according to the text and rendering it for using in the process of educational-professional communication.

c)Self studing component:

to form students skills and habits on using professional-supplementary dictionaries

to form students skills and habits on working with additional grammar references.

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Urgency of the theme: students should know and use medical terms for providing

trinity program of education.


Tasks of study: to teach the students the grammar: Present Participle and Indefinite Passive Tenses and the theme “The Skeleton” to develop their grammar and vocabulary habits by doing lexico-grammatical exercises,reading and translating the text.

Basic thematic issues:

4. Lexics descibing the text “The Skeleton”

5. Formation and usage the grammar “Present Participle and Indefinite Passive Tenses”

6. The text “The Skeleton”

Methods of teaching: presentation of new theme using verbal-graphic method,associagrams.

Means of teaching: books, tables, associagrams.



3. “Essential english for medical students”A.M.Maslova,Z.I.Winestein, L.S.Plebeiskaya, M-2003, p.58-60.

4. “Grammar in Use” for elementary and intermediate students, R.Murphy,p.60-62.


3. “Headway”elementary, Oxford University Press,1995

Contact Hour №2

1.Retell the text “The Skeleton”

The human skeleton consists of both fused and individual bones supported and supplemented by ligaments, tendons, muscles and cartilage. It serves as a scaffold which supports organs, anchors muscles, and protects organs such as the brain, lungs, heart and spinal cord. Although the teeth do not consist of tissue commonly found in other bones, the teeth are considered bones and are a member of the skeletal system. The biggest bone in the body is the femur in the upper leg, and the smallest is the stapes bone in the middle ear. In an adult, the skeleton comprises around 14% of the total body weight, and half of this weight is water.

Fused bones include those of the pelvis and the cranium. Not all bones are interconnected directly: There are three bones in each middle ear called the ossicles that articulate only with each other. The hyoid bone, which is located in the neck and serves as the point of attachment for the tongue, does not articulate with any other bones in the body, being supported by muscles and ligaments.

There are 206 bones in the adult human skeleton, although this number depends on whether the pelvic bones (the os innominatum on each side) are counted as one or three bones on each side (ilium, ischium, and pubis), whether the coccyx or tail bone is counted as one or four separate bones, and does not count the variable wormian bones between skull sutures. Similarly, the sacrum is usually counted as a single bone, rather than five fused vertebrae. There is also a variable number of small sesamoid bones, commonly found in tendons. The patella or kneecap on each side is an example of a larger sesamoid bone. The patellae are counted in the total, as they are constant. The number of bones varies between individuals and with age - newborn babies have over 270 bones some of which fuse together. These bones are organized into a longitudinal axis, the axial skeleton, to which the appendicular skeleton is attached.

The human skeleton takes 20 years before it is fully developed. In many animals, the skeleton bones contain marrow, which produces blood cells.

Much of the human skeleton maintains the ancient segmental pattern present in all vertebrates (mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians) with basic units being repeated. This segmental pattern is particularly evident in the vertebral column and in the ribcage.

1. Translate the following:

Врач, обследующий больного:больной, обследуемый в рентгеновском кабинете:студент,встречающий своих друзей:встречнный своими друзьями: хрящ, соединяющий плечо и предпльече: хрящ, соединенный с плечевым суставом.

2.Translate these sentences:

1.The skeleton is composed of bones. 2.The spinal column is formed the vertebrae3.The cervical part of the spine is composed of seven cervical vertebrae.

3.Make these sentences intterrogative:

1.The upper extrimity is connected with the trunk by the shoulder girdle. 2.The lectures in Physiology are attended by all the students 3. On each side of the chest the breastbone is connected with seven ribs.

4.Put the verbs in Present Indefinite Passive:

1.Seven cervical vertebrae compose the cervical part of the spine. 2.Cranical and facial bones form the skull.3.The pelvis connects the lower extrimity witth the trunk.

5.Find the sentences with the following word- combinations in the text and translate them:

Seven cervical vertebrae-

Twelve thoracic vertebrae-

Five sacral vertebrae-

Home tasks:Part 1

a) Do exercises from work-out

b) Learn grammar material

c) Learn the active vocabulary of the theme by heart

d) Translate the text


Part 2

e) Do exercises from the work-out

f) Revise grammar material

g) Make up a plan of the text retelling.

h) Retell the text “Skeleton”


Recommended literature:

1. The text “The Skeleton”

2. Maslova A.M.”Essential English for medical students”.



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