Pick the correct words in the brackets. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Pick the correct words in the brackets.

1. My father is as (strong, stronger, strongest) as his father.

2. She is (pretty, prettier, prettiest) than her sister.

3. You are not as (tall, taller, tallest) as your brother.

4. That pond is the (shallow, shallower, shallowest) in this area.

5. That has to be the (interesting, more interesting, most interesting) film I have seen.

6. Which university offers (the good, the better, the best) degree courses?.

7. This clown is not as (funny, funnier, funniest) as the other one.

8. He is easily the (bad, worse, worst) player in the team.

9. The second half of the play was (little, less, the least) interesting.

10. What is (far, farther, the farthest) distance you have ever run?


Work – out 2

Theme: Lexics: My motherland – Kazakhstan,

Grammar: Present Simple Tense

Aim: didactive aims:

To form following components of competence in students:

Cognitive component:

9. To form students’ knowledge on speaking about yourself, using background knowledge

10. To form students’ knowledge on usingPresent Simple Tense

11. To form students’ knowledge on teaching the students to tell about motherland – Kazakhstan and use it in their speech

12. To form knowledge on teaching the students to enlarge students’ awareness about their own country – Kazakhstan;

Practical component:

1. To form students’ skills on speaking the text.

2. To form skills on doing and writing exercises on grammar and lexics

3. To form skills of finding necessary information from text, generalizing and

interpretation with aims of using in the process of learning and professional


4. To form skills to build students’ knowledge on new lexical and grammar materials to

use itin their speech.

Self-educational component:

7. To form skills in working with additional medical literature in mass media.

8. To form skills of enriching vocabulary

9. To form skills the students have to know the lexics and grammar of the theme in order to draw and to speak on the base of a text my motherland – Kazakhstan

Recommended literature

9. Murphy «Grammar in USE»

10. Cutting Edge, pre-intermediate

11. English grammar and vocabulary.

12. Oxford student’s dictionary of English.

Basic thematic issues:

7. Lexics used in speaking

8. Formation of Present Simple Tense

9. Concentrate their attention on the stress


Methods of teaching: illustrative method,associograms

Means of teaching: books, tables, schemes

Tasks of study:

9. To teach students to read and write on the theme

10. To speak on the theme

11. To teach students to make annotation of text

12. To form Present Simple Tense

Plan of the lesson

Main part:

Presentation of grammar of theme

Present Simple Tense


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