Lesson 2: psychological aspects of hospitality 

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Lesson 2: psychological aspects of hospitality



In the same situation, two people may act differently because they perceive it differently. One person may perceive the waiters at TGI Friday's as casual and familiar, while another person may view them as friendly and cheerful. Individual perception differs because it is "selective". The psychologists say that there are actually three processes in a single act of perception, which are responsible for our selectivity of perception: selective exposure, selective distortion, and selective retention.

Selective exposure. The average person may see more than 1.500 advertisements a day. Most will not be noticed unless it stands out from the surrounding ocean of other ads. The marketers call this trick "positioning": it is necessary to position the name of their products in the mind of potential consumers so that they are quickly and repeatedly recalled.

Selective distortion. Even the ads that we do notice are not always remembered in the intended way. Each person tries to fit incoming information into his mindset. The term selective distortion describes the tendency of people to adapt information to personal meanings. If a person reads a bad review on his favorite Chinese restaurant, he may decide that the reviewer did not like the seasoning in this restaurant because he prefers localized Chinese food to authentic Chinese food served in this restaurant. In such a way, a negative review would support your positive feelings about the restaurant the reviewer writes about.

Selective retention. It is well-known that people forget much of what they learn. They tend to retain information that supports their attitudes and beliefs. Because of selective retention, a business traveler who prefers to stay at Sheraton Hotels will remember the article in a business magazine praising Sheraton. Someone who prefers Hilton is not likely to pay attention to this article.

Marketers pay so much attention to customers' perception of their messages because they are concerned with the customers' attitudes, and the formation of right attitudes is the goal of marketing. Once negative attitudes are developed, they are hard to change. New restaurant owners often want quick cash flow and start without proper quality. A new restaurateur complained that customers are fickle. When he opened, first there were lines of people waiting for a seat. A few months later, he had plenty of empty seats every night. Obviously, he had not satisfied his first guests. Even though he may have subsequently corrected his early mistakes, his original customers were not returning, and probably were reporting negative comments to their friends.




1. Find in the text the following topical words and phrases, make sure that you are able to explain in English what they mean, and add them to your working vocabulary:

casual, to target customers, selective exposure, positioning, ads, selective distortion, authentic (localized) food, cash flow, selective retention.


2. Write out from the text the sentences or their parts which contain the words and phrases given below and translate them into Russian:

to be repeatedly recalled, to adapt smth to smth, fickle, subsequently.


3. Answer the following questions using the topical words and phrases:

1. Why do people often act differently in the same situation?

2. Why are most of advertisements seen but not noticed by the people?

3. What conditions necessary for a particular ad to be noticed?

4. What is meant by positioning?

5. What is meant by "adapting the information to personal meanings"?

6. How does the principle of selective distortion work, if we come across a bad review of our favorite restaurant (film, book, etc.)?

7. What kind of information do we usually retain?

8. Why do marketers pay much attention to the laws of human perception?

9. How does the author explain the failure of the restaurateur in the story he tells us? Can you offer some other explanation?



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