Вставьте пропущенное слово согласно информации, данной в тексте. 

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Вставьте пропущенное слово согласно информации, данной в тексте.

1. The Pantheon is a ______ for all the gods and goddesses.

2. The Romans constructed public buildings and a ___________ of roads.

3. The aqueducts ____________ water to flow form far away.

4. The Romans built the ___________ in Spain which is still used today.

5. Roman scientists often _________ upon foreign resources.


4) Напишите, соответствуют ли предложения содержанию текста. Отметьте данное утверждение как T (True), если предложение верно передает содержание текста, и как F (False), если оно не соответствует его содержанию.

  Statement True False
1. The Romans adapted the Etruscan aqueducts.    
2. The Romans constructed many beautiful buildings.    
3. Some structures can work in our days.    
4. Ancient Romans mixed concrete with metal.    
5. The Romans didn’t study information from other cultures.    

5) Найдите в тексте необходимую информацию и дайте ответы на следующие вопросы.

1. What is an aqueduct?

2. What did the Romans do between 118 and 128 A.D.?

3. How did the Romans use discoveries made by others?

4. What did they borrow the design of Greek columns for?

5. What are the Romans famous for?

Выполните задание в письменном виде.

Представьте, что Вы ceйчас в отпуске на отдыхе. Поделитесь со своим другом или подругой по интернету впечатлениями о нем. Напишите ему (ей) письмо, используя данный ниже план и отвечая на предложенные вопросы.


Вариант IV

I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции герундия в предложении.

1. Learning English is not an easy thing.

2. Russian scientists played an important part in solving the problem of atmospheric electricity.

3. By using this method he made many mistakes.

4. Travelling to other countries is exciting.

5. My shoes need repairing.

6. He likes being listened to.

7. She does not know about your having read the letter.

8. After having been visited by many people in hospital, I felt tired.

II. Укажите номера предложений, в которых слово watching переводится как «просмотр» и translating как «перевод».

1. I was watching TV when my friend phoned.

2. A girl watching TV does not notice me.

3. Watching TV all day long can be harmful.

4. My mother objects to my watching TV at night.

5. Translating advertisements on the Internet I learnt some interesting facts.

6. I’ll be translating the text in the evening from five to six.

7. When my brother returned I had been translating the article for two hours.

8. Translating the book took a lot of time.

III. Закончите предложения, используя герундий.


0. We all kissed mother (перед тем как пойти спать). - We all kissed mother before going to bed.

1. He solved the problem by (разработав новый метод).

2. (Тестирование) a device is necessary before experimenting.

3. The teacher began (писать вопросы) on the blackboard.

4. I don’t like (много гулять).

5. (По возвращении) home I wrote a letter to him.

6. She hates his manner of (говорить).

7. Do you mind (открыть окно)?

8. Steve is interested in (получении этой информации).

IV. Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой части предложения.

1. After doing his morning exercises, he took a shower.

a) выполняя;

b) выполнив;

с) то, что он выполнил.

2. We know of the new laboratory having been built in our Institute.

a) о том, что строят новую лабораторию;

b) так как новая лаборатория строится;

c) о том, что новая лаборатория была построена.

3. Meeting friends is always great.

a) встречать;

b) встречая;

c) встречающие.

4. Why is Steve afraid of being asked questions?

a) спрашивать;

b) когда Стив спрашивал;

c) когда у Стива спрашивают.

5. His friends having taken part in the discussion surprised us greatly.

a) Друзья, которые участвуют;

b) то, что его друзья участвовали;

c) то, что его друзья участвуют.

6. She has a habit of interrupting people.

a) перебивающий;

b) то, что она перебивает;

с) перебивать.

7. My favourite occupation is reading.

a) читает;

b) читать;

c) то, что я читаю.

8. His speaking before a large audience made him nervous.

a) говорящий;

b) сказав;

c) то, что он говорил.

V. Укажите, являются ли слова с –ing:

A) формами причастия

B) формами герундия


0. The designers are making changes in the construction of machines. – Ответ: 0)А.

1. There are different ways of explaining to him that he is wrong.

2. While studying at the University, I became interested in physics.

3. He left the hall without waiting for the performance to end.

4. She is sending a telegram.

5. Imagine living in a big house.

6. Scientists investigating the substance will use the results in their research.

7. Before using this fan you should read the instruction.

8. Speaking to him is a very nervous thing.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.


Pressing economic and social problems have plagued the world's developing nations in the decades following World War II. The demand for natural resources, the creation of jobs, and the need for more open land to settle growing populations have led many nations to introduce deforestation programs.

Although a useful short-term solution to economic problems, defor­estation has disastrous consequences. Deforestation can decrease soil quality and create erosion problems, reducing rich forests to wastelands. The destruction of the tropical rain forests in Brazil threatens to alter the world's climate and contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Deforestation recently led to a major disaster in Thailand. The Thai government's 30-year policy of encouraging logging resulted in the loss of fully half the nation's forests. A violent rainstorm that hit one of the de­forested regions in November 1988 created flash floods on the bare, muddy hillsides. These floods killed 400 people and left thousands more injured and homeless.

If the forests had remained to absorb the downpour, floods would not have threatened the valley's residents. By ignoring the consequences of their actions, Thai officials and loggers not only destroyed a vital resource but also created a disaster. Experts say the destructive floods have set the region's economy back 20 years.


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