What competences must learners acquire to become proficient speakers in FL. 

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What competences must learners acquire to become proficient speakers in FL.

Speaking Proficiency includes a number of abilities

Linguistic competence Strategic competence (use of communicative

(grammar, vocabulary, strategies including gestures, circum locution, pronunciation) ets)


Speaking Proficiency


Socio-cultural Competence Discourse competence

(Appropriate use of language (Coherence and cohesion in speech)

including intonation, speech acts)


Linguistic competence implies correct use of grammar structures, pronunciation, intonation which contributes to the speaker’s fluency.

Strategic competence in Speaking implies the ability to use strategies of turn taking, topic selection and other compensatory skills when you don’t know words to say.

Sociolinguistic Competence in Speaking includes abilities to express apologies, compliments, agreement and disagreement and other communicative functions in accordance with the communicative purpose in order to establish social relations, to convey information or complete tasks, how to talk on the telephone or at the meetings how to use hesitation markers (let’s see, um..)

Discourse competence in Speaking enables speakers to manage turn-taking in conversation, to begin a conversation and to close it. It also implies a large repatriate of discourse markers, expressions:

To show emphasis - of course, you can see, you see

To show contrast- both, but, only, on the other hand

To indicate cause- so, then, because

To indicate time- at that time, after this

Teachers may introduce students to a variety of models through films, team teaching, peer teaching, small group activities, cooperative activities.

Movement activities (TPR) for young learners.Story Telling For example, after hearing half a story, students can finish the story orally or retell it in then own words.Problem Solving.Discussions.Socio-Dramas. Students act out solutions of social problems. For example:

Marie was a lazy student who attended San Francisco State University. She never paid attention to her classes and completely forgot the date when a tern paper was due in her history class. Fortunately, she ran into Lose, a student in her history class who said: “you know. Our term paper is due tomorrow. Have you finished it”?

Marie lied: “Yes, of course. I’ bring it tomorrow!”

That afternoon Marie went to the library, found a dissertation on the Civil war written by someone named Jerry Bently and without hesitating Marie quickly copred a portion of it After she handed the paper in, her professor told the class: I have a surprise for you. I’d like to submit these papers for a consideration to the academic journal of history that publishes students’ papers once a year. The best paper wins $500”

A few weeks later, Marie’s professor made an announcement to the class: class, I have an announcement to make. I’m very proud that one of my students has won the history contest. Marie Hucklebee, you have just won $500 for that great term paper. Please, come to the front of the class and receive the money and the congratulatory letter” “Thank you, Professor Brown,” Marie replied. She was thrilled. The grabbed the money and that afternoon she spent all the money on clothes.

The next day, Professor Brown reclived a call from his friend Jerry Bently. They had studied together at Columbus University Jerry’s call fraught back old memories of their graduate days, summer vocations and Jerry’s dissertation on the civil war. Thinking went to his bookcase and picked up his friend’s dissertation and found the familiar part, the part Marie had coppied: Immediately Professor Brown called Marie: “Marie”, he said “I need to see you as soon as possible in my office at 2 o’clock”. That afternoon, when Marie came to the professor’s office, he asked her: “Do you have something to tell me?

Marie said”…


Socio-drama has high student appeal. Its game-like structure allows students to try out new situations, it creoles a comfortable atmosphere which promotes cross-cultural understanding it develops their conversational skills. Socio-drama is a type of Role-play involving


Recommended literature

1. Geremy Harmer. The Practice of ELT. London - New-York, 1991

2. D. Nunan. Language Teaching Methodology. Phoenix, 1991

3. Underwood M. Teaching Listening. London:Longman, 1998

Questions for self-control

1. Listening is an important skill for Intercultural communicative competence?

2. What competences are needed for listening Proficiency? Speak on the importance of each of them.

3. What are the main factors that influence listening Comprehension?

4. How can the teacher make pupils cognitively involved in listening?

5. What makes pupils better understand the target language culture?

6. What competences must learners acquire to become proficient speakers in FL? Characterize each of them.

7. Speaking activities that facilitate the development of all the competences?

8. The main characteristics of socio-drama?

9. Points of difference between Socio-drama and role play?

Modul 3


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