D. age of having the first child 

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D. age of having the first child

E. manner and ways of addressing people

(including the family members)

f. living with parents and grandparent

1. A. It was well-known that he was loathed by other teachers.B. It was well-known that the other teachers loathed him. 2. A. Sometimes I yearn for more time on my own.B. Sometimes some time on my own is yearned for. 3. A. Sport is passionate about by a lot of people.B. A lot of people are passionate about sports. 4. A. The first time I visited Venice, I was captivated by the city.B. The first time I visited Venice, the city captivated me. 5. A. Animals are quite fond of by British people.B. British people are quite fond of animals. 6. A. Going to the cinema tonight is fancied by me.B. I fancy going to the cinema tonight. 7. A. From a young age, the idea of traveling was keen on me.B. From a young age I was keen on the idea of traveling. 8. A. I look forward to hearing from you soon.B. To hearing from you soon I look forward. 9. A. It is a well-known fact that students dread exams.B. It is a well-known fact that exams are dreaded by students. 1. [A family is] the school of duties … founded on love. (Felix Adler) 2. [A family is] bills of charges. (Francis Bacon) 3. [A family is] a manufacture very little above the building of a house of cards. Time and accidents are sure to furnish a blast to blow them down. (Lord Halifax) 4. [A family is] a society limited in numbers, but nevertheless a true society, anterior to every state or nation, with right and duties of its own, wholly independent of the commonwealth. (Pope Leo XIII) 5. If well ordered … they [families] are the springs from which go forth the streams of national greatness and prosperity – of civil order and public happiness. (William Thayer)


Paragraph 1 What does s/he look like?

Paragraph 2 What is s/he like?

Paragraph 3 What does s/he like doing?

TOPICS: Having a lot of brothers and sistersBeing an only child

Having an older relative living with you

Both of your parents working

Paragraph 1 Advantages (Firstly, … Secondly, … Above all, …)

Paragraph 2 Disadvantages (On the other hand, For instance/ For example, …, Also … But the biggest disadvantage is …)

Paragraph 3 Your conclusion/own opinion (To sum up/ In conclusion …)

Other useful expressions:

One advantage/disadvantage is that …

On the one/ on the other hand …That’s true, but …I agree/ disagree because …

Интересные факты свадебной церемонии

Вы когда-нибудь задумывались, откуда пошла традиция "подружек невесты и свидетелей жениха" и почему их наряды практически не отличаются от одежды жениха и невесты?

Эта традиция сохранилась с Древних времен. Римский закон требовал, чтобы десять свидетелей присутствовали на свадебной церемонии. Некоторые из этих свидетелей наряжались как жених и невеста и тем самым путали злых духов, которые могли навредить молодым. В Средние века Европейцы также следовали этой традиции, но более поздние "подружки невесты и свидетели жениха" защищали счастливую пару уже от реальных разбойников.


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