Основные видовременные Формы английского глагола страдательного залога 

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Основные видовременные Формы английского глагола страдательного залога

Цель совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков.

Краткие теоретические сведения

Залог - это форма глагола, которая показывает, является ли подлежащее производителем действия, выраженного сказуемым, или само подлежащее подвергается воздействию. В английском языке имеется два залога: the Active Voice (действительный залог) и the Passive Voice (страдательный залог). Страдательный залог показывает, что действие направлено на предмет или лицо, выраженное подлежащим.

Таблица 4.1 – Сводная таблица спряжения глаголов в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice)

Вид Время Indefinite Неопределенное Continuous Длительное Perfect Совершенное
Present Настоящее I + am V3 he, she, it + is V3 we, you, they + are V3 I + am being V3 he, she, it + is being V3 we, you, they + are being V3 I, we, you, they + have been V3 he, she, it + has been V3
Пример: I am asked I am being asked I have been asked
Past Прошедшее I, he, she, it + was V3 we, you, they + were V3 I, he, she, it + was being V3 we, you, they + were being V3 had been V3
Пример: I wasasked I was being asked I had been asked
Future Будущее will be V3 ----- will have been V3
Пример: I will be asked   I will have been asked


Порядок выполнения

Задание 1 Прочтите и переведите текст.


Вариант 1

The first passenger cars were similar to stage coach bodies mounted upon flanged wheels. For many years passenger cars continued to resemble coaches drawn by horses. Then these coaches were gradually made longer as more and more people began to travel by railroads. But they were still very small and extremely uncomfortable compared to the cars now used on railroads.

The first passenger cars that looked somewhat like today cars were built about 1840. Those cars had a long body similar to the body of modern cars. The body was built up from a heavy platform on underframe. Two swivel trucks supported the car body in almost the same manner as we find today.


Вариант 2

Inside the car was open from end to end so that passenger and trainmen could walk along the length of the car. The seats were arranged in rows along either end of the car. Washrooms were provided at the ends of the car and each side of the car had a long row of glass windows. These cars were a great improvement over the first cars, for railroads began to carry more passengers in a single train. Besides that, the increased comfort made it possible for passengers to travel longer routes between important stops.

During the 19th century passenger cars continued to be made longer and larger and more comfortable inside. Unfortunately, the safety of passenger cars did not develop as fast as their comfort.

Задание 2 Измените предложения в активном залоге на пассивный залог перепишите и переведите на русский язык.


Stephenson built the first railway in the world. (Стефенсон построил первую железную дорогу в мире.) – The first railway was built by Stephenson. (Первая железная дорога была построена Стефенсоном.)

Вариант 1

1 The headmaster sent a letter.

2 Our children will organize the Christmas party next Friday.

3 Mary trains the dogs in the garden.

4 Mrs. Simpson has cleaned all the windows today.


Вариант 2

1 Frank has packed the suitcase.

2 Bob paid the bills.

3 The doctor will examine her tomorrow.

4 My granny paints the door every year.


Задание 3 Выполните тестирование в режиме on-line. Режим доступа: https://uup.tigt.ru/dnevnik/


Содержание отчета

1 Тема и цель занятия.

2 Выполненное задание 2.

3 Результат тестирования задания 3.

4 Вывод о проделанной работе.

Контрольные вопросы и задания

1 Как образуются времена группы Simple Passive?

2 Как образуются времена группы Progressive Passive?

3 Как образуются времена группы Perfect Passive?

Практическое занятие №5


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