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Підготуйте доповіді до семінару.


1. Граматичні особливості науково-технічних текстів.

2. Значення часових форм при перекладі.

3. Вимоги до перекладу науково-технічного тексту та послідовність роботи над текстом (розмітка тексту при перекладі та аналіз граматичних трудностей).

4. Типи речень в англійській мові та їх переклад.

5. Прийом смислового розвинення і цілісного перетворення тексту.

6. “Компресія” тексту. Сутність прийому “Компресії” при перекладі.

7. Переклад вільних і стійких словосполучень.

8. Емфатичні конструкції та їх переклад.

9. Еліптичні конструкції речення та їх переклад.

10. Інфінітивні конструкції та їх переклад.

11. Герундій та герундіальні конструкції та їх переклад.

12. Дієприкметник та дієприкметникові конструкції та їх переклад.

13. Аналіз речень та їх переклад.

14. Загальна перебудова речення.

Виконайте повний письмовий переклад науково-технічного тексту.


Analyze the sentences given below and state to which type they belong (simple, compound, complex, the type of subordinate clause if any); translate these sentences.

a) The advantages of cable telephony over radio telephony are free from atmospheric interference, the service is always available and the secrecy is better.

b) Soon after 1830 Ohm enunciated his law, which stated that the current through a circuit was directly proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance.

c) According to this model, there is a practically complete analogy between exchange services and information products, so that the arguments may be transposed from one sector to the other.

Exercise 1.

Find the stem of the given bellow derivatives. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the words. Mind the translation of the misleading words:

Connection, integrated, reliable, unlimited, inclusion, validity, bargaining, hourly, identification, processing, transferring, declaration, coincidence, familiarity, reference, applicant, payable, undoubtedly, caterer, obtainable, inaccessible, scheduled, illegal, exceptional, irrational, renovation, outgoing, marketing, impersonal, rigidity, permission, tranquility, incoming, unskilled, qualitative, contributor, unoriginal, briefing, contracting, negotiator, promotion.

Exercise 2.

Find the main meanings of the following words in a dictionary. Write not less than four most typical word-combinations with them.

n. fuel, gold, oxide, silver, value;

v.charge (elect), coat, interpret, provide, remain, state;

adg. single, valid.

Exercise 3.

Form the proper English equivalents of the following Ukrainian words and word-combinations, using the word "energy":

атомна енергія, внутрішня енергія, біологічна енергія, енергія активації, енергія кванта, енергія спокою, звукова енергія, накопичена енергія, кінетична енергія, механічна енергія, потенціальна енергія, хімічна енергія, світлова енергія, питома енергія, теплова енергія, ядерна енергія.

Exercise 4.

Arrange the following words in pairs according to:

a) similar meaning (synonyms): fierce, advanced, broad, severe, deep, indisputable, tremendous, wide, highly-qualified, developed, unquestionable, profound, well-trained, remarkable;

b) opposite meaning (antonyms): complete, high, favorable, important, advanced, short, peaceful, incomplete, low, broad, long, unfavorable, unimportant, backward, military, narrow.

Exercise 5.

Render the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the translation of the terms and misleading words:

1. The one thing an archeologist is always cognizant of is the long term – especially long term patterns. (McCaffrey)

2. There was not a police force in the world that could monitor phone calls made on cellular-phone equipment.(Clancy)

3. A team of four snaked a fueling hose towards the aircraft, eager to demonstrate the speed with which the USNavy services aircraft. (Clancy)

4. Did the invaders exterminate the native population, or did they superimpose themselves upon them and became to some extent blended with them. (Metalious)

5. Naval intelligence reports that due to our successful actions during the past several weeks, as well as the actions of the rest of the Navy, the Chinese units in the area are running low on supplies and moral. (Clancy)

6. It wasn't a basketball, but a hybrid of rugby, wrestling, judo, and Basketball. (Grisham)

7. He was also a distinguished observer and an amazingly accurate forecaster of events. (Clancy)

8. He was one of my thesis readers. I'm an ethologist. I study large mammals in Africa grassland ecosystem. East Africa. Carnivores, in particular. (Crichton)

9. Christine knew that was why credit managers occasionally risked extending credit or approved checks in slightly doubtful cases, walking a mental tightrope as they did. (Hailey)

10. After paying the outstanding mortgage and taking care of minor stockholders, there would be ample money left on which he could live, at whatever standards he chose, for the reminder of his life.



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