It was on May the First that the two came back at last to the brink of the valley of Rivendell, where stood the Last (or the First) Homely House. 

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It was on May the First that the two came back at last to the brink of the valley of Rivendell, where stood the Last (or the First) Homely House.

Again it was evening, their ponies were tired, especially the one that carried the baggage; and they all felt in need of rest. As they rode down the steep path, Bilbo heard the elves still singing in the trees, as if they had not stopped since he left; and as soon as their riders came down into the lower glades of the wood they burst into a song of much the same kind as before.

This is something like it:


The dragon is withered (дракон уничтожен; to wither — вянуть, сохнуть; губить, лишать силы, уничтожать),

His bones are now crumbled (его кости теперь раздроблены; to crumble — крошить(ся), раздроблять);

His armour is shivered (броня его разбита вдребезги; to shiver — трепетать; разбивать(ся) вдребезги),

His splendour is humbled (сверкание/блеск = величие его померкло; to humble — смирять, унижать)!

Though sword shall be rusted (хотя меч заржавеет; to rust — ржаветь, покрываться ржавчиной),

And throne and crown perish (престол и венец погибают; to perish — погибать;исчезать)

With strength that men trusted (от силы, которой люди доверяли)

And wealth that they cherish (и богатства, которым они дорожат; to cherish — лелеять, питать; высоко ценить, дорожить),

Here grass is still growing (здесь трава все еще растет),

And leaves are yet swinging (и листья все еще качаются),

The white water flowing (белая вода струится; to flow — течь, литься, бить струей),

And elves are yet singing (и эльфы все еще поют)

Come (возвращайтесь)! Tra-la-la-lally (тра-ля-ля-ля-ли)!

Come back to the valley (возвращайтесь в долину)!


withered ['wIDqd] tra-la-la [trqlq'lQ:] perish ['perIS] cherish ['tSerIS]

The dragon is withered,

His bones are now crumbled;

His armour is shivered,

His splendour is humbled!

Though sword shall be rusted,

And throne and crown perish

With strength that men trusted

And wealth that they cherish,

Here grass is still growing,

And leaves are yet swinging,

The white water flowing,

And elves are yet singing

Come! Tra-la-la-lally!

Come back to the valley!


The stars are far brighter (звезды гораздо ярче)

Than gems without measure (чем самоцветы бесчисленные: «без меры»; measure — мера),

The moon is far whiter (луна гораздо белее)

Than silver in treasure (чем серебро в сокровищах):

The fire is more shining (костер сверкает ярче: «больше»)

On hearth in the gloaming (в домашнем очаге, в сумерках)

Than gold won by mining (чем золото добытое в рудниках: «горными работами»; to win (won) — выиграть; победить; заслужить; добывать /руду, уголь/),

So why go a-roaming (тогда зачем же ходить, скитаясь; to roam — странствовать, бродить, скитаться)?

O! Tra-la-la-lally (о, тра-ля-ля-ля-ли)

Come back to the Valley (возвращайтесь в Долину).


gem [dZem] hearth [hQ:T] gloaming ['glqVmIN]

The stars are far brighter

Than gems without measure,

The moon is far whiter

Than silver in treasure:

The fire is more shining

On hearth in the gloaming

Than gold won by mining,

So why go a-roaming?

O! Tra-la-la-lally

Come back to the Valley.


O! Where are you going (о, куда же вы идете),

So late in returning (так поздно возвращаясь)?

The river is flowing (река течет),

The stars are all burning (все звезды горят)!

O! Whither so laden (о, куда же, такие нагруженные),

So sad and so dreary (такие печальные и такие мрачные)?

Here elf and elf-maiden (здесь эльфы и феи; maiden — девица, девушка)

Now welcome the weary (сейчас же приветствуют уставших)

With Tra-la-la-lally (/пением/ тра-ля-ля-ля-ли)

Come back to the Valley (возвращайтесь в Долину),

Tra-la-la-lally (тра-ля-ля-ля-ли)

Fa-la-la-lally (тра-ля-ля-ля-ли)

Fa-la (тра-ля)!


whither ['wIDq] maiden [meIdn] fa la la [fQ:'lQ:lQ:]

O! Where are you going,

So late in returning?

The river is flowing,

The stars are all burning!

O! Whither so laden,

So sad and so dreary?

Here elf and elf-maiden

Now welcome the weary

With Tra-la-la-lally

Come back to the Valley,





Then the elves of the valley came out (затем эльфы из долины вышли) and greeted them (и поприветствовали их; to greet — здороваться, кланяться, приветствовать, встречать /возгласами и т.п./) and led them across the water (и провели их через реку) to the house of Elrond (к дому Элронда). There a warm welcome was made them (там им устроили теплый прием), and there were many eager ears that evening (и тем вечером было там множество нетерпеливых слушателей: «ушей»; eager — страстно стремящийся, жаждущий; нетерпеливый) to hear the tale of their adventures (/которые жаждали/ услышать историю их приключений). Gandalf it was who spoke (рассказывал именно Гэндальф; to speak (spoke, spoken)), for Bilbo was fallen quiet and drowsy (так как Бильбо охватило: «был охвачен» спокойствие и сонливость; to fall (fell, fallen) — /зд. употребляется как глагол-связка/ становиться, перейти в определенное состояние). Most of the tale he knew (бóльшую часть истории он знал), for he had been in it (так как он был в ней сам), and had himself told much of it to the wizard (и сам рассказал большую ее часть волшебнику) on their homeward way (на их пути домой) or in the house of Beorn (а также в доме у Беорна); but every now and again he would open one eye (и все же, время от времени, он открывал один глаз), and listen (и слушал), when a part of the story which he did not yet know came in (когда дело касалось той части истории, которую он еще не знал). It was in this way (именно таким образом) that he learned where Gandalf had been to (он узнал, где побывал Гэндальф; to have been (to) — посещать, бывать); for he overheard the words of the wizard to Elrond (так как он нечаянно услышал слова волшебника, обращенные к Элронду; to overhear (overheard) — подслушивать, нечаянно услышать). It appeared that Gandalf (оказалось, что Гэндальф) had been to a great council of the white wizards (был на большом собрании добрых волшебников; white — белый /зд. имеется в виду белая магия/), masters of lore and good magic (магистров традиционных практических знаний и доброй магии); and that they had at last driven the Necromancer (и что они наконец-то выгнали Некроманта; to drive (drove, driven)) from his dark hold in the south of Mirkwood (из его мрачного логова на юге Мрачного Леса).


drowsy ['draVzI] overheard ["qVvq'hq:d] lore [lO:] necromancer ['nekrqmxnsq]

Then the elves of the valley came out and greeted them and led them across the water to the house of Elrond. There a warm welcome was made them, and there were many eager ears that evening to hear the tale of their adventures. Gandalf it was who spoke, for Bilbo was fallen quiet and drowsy. Most of the tale he knew, for he had been in it, and had himself told much of it to the wizard on their homeward way or in the house of Beorn; but every now and again he would open one eye, and listen, when a part of the story which he did not yet know came in. It was in this way that he learned where Gandalf had been to; for he overheard the words of the wizard to Elrond. It appeared that Gandalf had been to a great council of the white wizards, masters of lore and good magic; and that they had at last driven the Necromancer from his dark hold in the south of Mirkwood.


“Ere long now (теперь уже скоро),” Gandalf was saying (говорил Гэндальф), “The Forest will grow somewhat more wholesome (Лес станет гораздо более благодатным; wholesome — полезный; здоровый, крепкий). The North will be freed (Север будет освобожден) from that horror for many long years (от того ужаса на многие долгие годы), I hope (я надеюсь). Yet I wish (и все же мне бы очень хотелось) he were banished from the world (чтобы его выслали из этого мира; to banish — изгонять, высылать)!”

“It would be well indeed (это было бы действительно хорошо),” said Elrond; “but I fear (но я боюсь) that will not come about (что этого не случится; to come about — происходить, случаться) in this age of the world (в эту эпоху этого мира), or for many after (или во многие последующие /эпохи/).”

When the tale of their journeyings was told (когда история их путешествий была рассказана), there were other tales (были /рассказаны/ другие истории), and yet more tales (и еще больше историй), tales of long ago (истории давно прошедших дней), and tales of new things (и истории о новых событиях), and tales of no time at all (и истории, которых вовсе никогда и не было: «истории не какого-либо времени вообще»; time — время), till Bilbo’s head fell forward on his chest (/до тех пор/, когда уже голова Бильбо упала вперед на грудь), and he snored comfortably in a corner (и он уютно захрапел в углу).

He woke to find himself in a white bed (он проснулся и обнаружил, /что лежит/ в белой постели), and the moon shining through an open window (и луна светит сквозь открытое окно). Below it many elves were singing loud and clear (под ним множество эльфов пели громко и чисто) on the banks of the stream (на берегах реки).


wholesome ['hqVls(q)m] horror ['hOrq] banish ['bxnIS]


“Ere long now,” Gandalf was saying, “The Forest will grow somewhat more wholesome. The North will be freed from that horror for many long years, I hope. Yet I wish he were banished from the world!”

“It would be well indeed,” said Elrond; “but I fear that will not come about in this age of the world, or for many after.”

When the tale of their journeyings was told, there were other tales, and yet more tales, tales of long ago, and tales of new things, and tales of no time at all, till Bilbo’s head fell forward on his chest, and he snored comfortably in a corner.


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