Seeing the sudden gleam in the gloom Bilbo looked round. He gave a great cry: he had seen a sight that made his heart leap, dark shapes small yet majestic against the distant glow. 

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Seeing the sudden gleam in the gloom Bilbo looked round. He gave a great cry: he had seen a sight that made his heart leap, dark shapes small yet majestic against the distant glow.

“The Eagles! The Eagles!” he shouted. “The Eagles are coming!” Bilbo’s eyes were seldom wrong. The eagles were coming down the wind, line after line, in such a host as must have gathered from all the eyries of the North.

“The Eagles! the Eagles!” Bilbo cried, dancing and waving his arms. If the elves could not see him they could hear him. Soon they too took up the cry, and it echoed across the valley. Many wondering eyes looked up, though as yet nothing could be seen except from the southern shoulders of the Mountain.

“The Eagles!” cried Bilbo once more, but at that moment a stone hurtling from above smote heavily on his helm, and he fell with a crash and knew no more.


Chapter 18

The Return Journey

(Глава 18. Обратное путешествие; return — возвращение)

When Bilbo came to himself (когда Бильбо пришел в себя), he was literally by himself (он был, /совершенно/ буквально, один). He was lying on the flat stones of Ravenhill (он лежал на плоских камнях Вороньего Холма), and no one was near (и никого не было поблизости). A cloudless day, but cold (день безоблачный, но холодный), was broad above him (стоял /над ним/; broad — широкий, обширный). He was shaking (его трясло), and as chilled as stone (и он замерз, словно камень), but his head burned with fire (но его голова горела огнем).

“Now I wonder what has happened (интересно, что же случилось)?” he said to himself (сказал он сам себе). “At any rate (в любом случае) I am not yet one of the fallen heroes (я все еще не один из погибших героев; fallen — упавший; павший /в бою/); but I suppose (но, я полагаю) there is still time enough for that (что для этого все еще достаточно времени)!”

He sat up painfully (он с трудом поднялся; to sit (sat) up — садиться, приподниматься /из лежачего положения/, выпрямляться; painfully — болезненно, мучительно; pain — боль). Looking into the valley (вглядываясь в долину) he could see no living goblins (он не смог увидеть ни одного живого гоблина). After a while (спустя какое-то время) as his head cleared a little (когда его голова слегка прояснилась; to clear — очищать(ся), становиться ясным), he thought he could see elves (ему показалось: «он подумал», что он мог видеть эльфов; to think (thought)) moving in the rocks below (двигающихся между скал внизу). He rubbed his eyes (он протер свои глаза; to rub — тереть, протирать). Surely there was a camp still (действительно, там все еще был лагерь) in the plain some distance off (на равнине, в некотором расстоянии); and there was a coming and going about the Gate (и у ворот были какие-то движения взад и вперед: «приходы и уходы»)? Dwarves seemed to be busy (казалось, что гномы заняты тем) removing the wall (что разбирают стену; to remove — убирать, снимать, отодвигать). But all was deadly still (но все было чрезвычайно тихо; deadly — /эмоц.-усил./ чрезвычайно, смертельно, до смерти). There was no call (не было никаких криков) and no echo of a song (и никаких откликов: «эхо» песен). Sorrow seemed to be in the air (в воздухе, казалось, была сама печаль).

“Victory after all, I suppose (победа, все же: «после всего», я полагаю)!” he said, feeling his aching head (ощупывая свою ноющую голову; to ache — болеть, испытывать боль). “Well, it seems a very gloomy business (ну, кажется, что это очень печальное дело).”


literally ['lIt(q)rqlI] hero ['hI(q)rqV] aching ['eIkIN]

When Bilbo came to himself, he was literally by himself. He was lying on the flat stones of Ravenhill, and no one was near. A cloudless day, but cold, was broad above him. He was shaking, and as chilled as stone, but his head burned with fire.

“Now I wonder what has happened?” he said to himself. “At any rate I am not yet one of the fallen heroes; but I suppose there is still time enough for that!”

He sat up painfully. Looking into the valley he could see no living goblins. After a while as his head cleared a little, he thought he could see elves moving in the rocks below. He rubbed his eyes. Surely there was a camp still in the plain some distance off; and there was a coming and going about the Gate? Dwarves seemed to be busy removing the wall. But all was deadly still. There was no call and no echo of a song. Sorrow seemed to be in the air.

“Victory after all, I suppose!” he said, feeling his aching head. “Well, it seems a very gloomy business.”


Suddenly he was aware of a man (внезапно он увидел человека; aware — осознающий; замечающий) climbing up and coming towards him (карабкающегося наверх и подходящего к нему).

“Hullo there (эй, привет)!” he called with a shaky voice (крикнул он дрожащим голосом). “Hullo there (эй)! What news (какие новости)?”

“What voice is it that speaks among the stones (что это за голос, что говорит меж камней)?” said the man halting (сказал человек, останавливаясь) and peering about him (и оглядываясь вокруг /себя/) not far from where Bilbo sat (не вдалеке от того места, где сидел Бильбо).

Then Bilbo remembered his ring (тогда Бильбо вспомнил про свое кольцо)!

“Well I’m blessed (быть не может)!” said he. “This invisibility has its drawbacks after all (эта невидимость тоже имеет свои недостатки, несмотря ни на что; drawback — недостаток, изъян; препятствие, помеха). Otherwise I suppose (в противном случае, я полагаю) I might have spent a warm and comfortable night in bed (я мог бы провести теплую и удобную ночь в постели)!”

“It’s me, Bilbo Baggins (это я, Бильбо Бэггинс), companion of Thorin (спутник Торина)!” he cried (закричал он), hurriedly taking off the ring (поспешно снимая кольцо).

“It is well that I have found you (отлично, что я вас нашел)!” said the man striding forward (сказал человек, шагая большими шагами к нему: «вперед»). “You are needed (вас разыскивают: «вы нужны») and we have looked for you long (и мы давно уже ищем вас). You would have been numbered among the dead (вас бы уже давно причислили к убитым: «вас бы числили среди мертвых»; to number — нумеровать, причислять, зачислять, числить кем-либо), who are many (которых очень много), if Gandalf the wizard had not said (если бы Гэндальф, волшебник, не сказал бы) that your voice was last heard in this place (что ваш голос в последний раз слышали на этом месте; to hear (heard)). I have been sent to look here (меня отправили: «я был послан» поискать: «посмотреть» здесь) for the last time (в последний раз). Are you much hurt (вы сильно ранены; hurt — раненый, травмированный, пострадавший)?”


invisibility [In"vIzq'bIlItI] drawback ['drO:bxk] hurriedly ['hArIdlI]


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