The dwarves looked at him with quite a new respect, when he talked about dodging guards, jumping over Gollum, and squeezing through, as if it was not very difficult or very alarming. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


The dwarves looked at him with quite a new respect, when he talked about dodging guards, jumping over Gollum, and squeezing through, as if it was not very difficult or very alarming.

“What did I tell you?” said Gandalf laughing. “Mr. Baggins has more about him than you guess.” He gave Bilbo a queer look from under his bushy eyebrows, as he said this, and the hobbit wondered if he guessed at the part of his tale that he had left out.

Then he had questions of his own to ask, for if Gandalf had explained it all by now to the dwarves, Bilbo had not heard it. He wanted to know how the wizard had turned up again, and where they had all got to now. The wizard, to tell the truth, never minded explaining his cleverness more than once, so now he had told Bilbo that both he and Elrond had been well aware of the presence of evil goblins in that part of the mountains. But their main gate used to come out on a different pass, one more easy to travel by, so that they often caught people benighted near their gates. Evidently people had given up going that way, and the goblins must have opened their new entrance at the top of the pass the dwarves had taken, quite recently, because it had been found quite safe up to now.


“I must see (я должен посмотреть) if I can’t find a more or less decent giant (смогу ли я найти более или менее порядочного великана) to block it up again (чтобы снова завалить его; to block — преграждать, блокировать),” said Gandalf, “or soon there will be no getting over the mountains at all (или вскоре вообще не пройдешь через горы).”

As soon as Gandalf had heard Bilbo’s yell (как только Гэндальф услышал вопль Бильбо) he realized what had happened (он понял, что произошло). In the flash which killed the goblins that were grabbing him (вспышкой убив гоблинов, которые вцепились в него) he had nipped inside the crack (он протиснулся в расщелину), just as it snapped to (как раз тогда, когда она захлопывалась). He followed after the drivers and prisoners (он следовал за надсмотрщиками и пленниками) right to the edge of the great hall (прямо до начала: «края» огромного зала), and there he sat down (и там он присел) and worked up the best magic (и сотворил самое лучшее волшебство; to work up — обрабатывать, разжигать) he could in the shadows (которое смог во тьме).

“A very ticklish business, it was (это было очень рискованное дело; ticklish — деликатный, щекотливый; to tickle — щекотать),” he said. “Touch and go (все висело на волоске; to touch — касаться, трогать)!” But, of course (но, конечно же), Gandalf had made a special study (Гэндальф специально изучал) of bewitchments with fire and lights (колдовство с огнем и светом) (even the hobbit had never forgotten the magic fireworks (даже хоббит никогда не смог забыть те волшебные фейерверки) at Old Took’s midsummer-eve parties (на праздниках у Старого Тука, в канун летнего солнцестояния), as you remember (как вы помните). The rest we all know (оставшееся мы все знаем) — except that Gandalf knew all about the back-door (за исключением того, что Гэндальф знал все о задней двери), as the goblins called the lower gate (как гоблины называли нижние ворота), where Bilbo lost his buttons (где Бильбо потерял свои пуговицы). As a matter of fact (на самом-то деле) it was well known to anybody (о ней было хорошо известно любому) who was acquainted with this part of the mountains (кто был знаком с этим районом гор); but it took a wizard (но нужен был волшебник) to keep his head in the tunnels (чтобы сохранить голову = не потерять голову в /этих/ туннелях) and guide them in the right direction (и направлять их по правильному пути: «направлению»).


decent ['di:s(q)nt] ticklish ['tIklIS] bewitchment [bI'wItSmqnt]


“I must see if I can’t find a more or less decent giant to block it up again,” said Gandalf, “or soon there will be no getting over the mountains at all.”

As soon as Gandalf had heard Bilbo’s yell he realized what had happened. In the flash which killed the goblins that were grabbing him he had nipped inside the crack, just as it snapped to. He followed after the drivers and prisoners right to the edge of the great hall, and there he sat down and worked up the best magic he could in the shadows.

“A very ticklish business, it was,” he said. “Touch and go!” But, of course, Gandalf had made a special study of bewitchments with fire and lights (even the hobbit had never forgotten the magic fireworks at Old Took’s midsummer-eve parties, as you remember). The rest we all know — except that Gandalf knew all about the back-door, as the goblins called the lower gate, where Bilbo lost his buttons. As a matter of fact it was well known to anybody who was acquainted with this part of the mountains; but it took a wizard to keep his head in the tunnels and guide them in the right direction.


“They made that gate ages ago (они сделали эти ворота много веков назад),” he said, “partly for a way of escape (частично как путь к отступлению: «побегу»), if they needed one (если им таковой понадобился бы); partly as a way out into the lands beyond (и частично как путь, ведущий наружу, к землям, лежащим за /горами/), where they still come in the dark (куда они все еще являлись в темноте) and do great damage (и наносили громадный ущерб). They guard it always (они всегда охраняли его) and no one has ever managed to block it up (и никому так никогда и не удалось заблокировать его). They will guard it doubly after this (они удвоят охрану: «они будут охранять его вдвойне» после этого),” he laughed (засмеялся он). All the others laughed too (все остальные тоже засмеялись). After all they had lost a good deal (в конце концов, они потеряли многое), but they had killed the Great Goblin (но они убили Великого Гоблина) and a great many others besides (и очень много других, кроме того), and they had all escaped (и всем им удалось сбежать), so they might be said (так что они, можно было сказать) to have had the best of it (взяли верх; to have the best of it — победить, одолеть, извлечь наибольшую выгоду) so far (пока). But the wizard called them to their senses (но волшебник привел: «призвал» их в чувства).

“We must be getting on at once (мы должны продолжать путь немедленно), now we are a little rested (теперь, когда мы уже слегка отдохнули),” he said. “They will be out after us in hundreds (они бросятся за нами сотнями) when night comes on (когда наступит ночь); and already shadows are lengthening (а тени уже удлиняются). They can smell our footsteps (они смогут разнюхать наши шаги) for hours and hours after we have passed (еще долгие и долгие часы после того, как мы пройдем). We must be miles on before dusk (мы должны уйти на /многие/ мили вперед до сумерек). There will be a bit of moon (кусочек луны будет /виден/), if it keeps fine (если погода останется такой же хорошей; to keep — держать, хранить, сохраняться), and that is lucky (и это везенье: «удачно»). Not that they mind the moon much (не то что бы они /гоблины/ уж очень боятся луны: «гоблины, правда, не очень-то боятся луны»; to mind — возражать; беспокоиться, беречься), but it will give us a little light to steer by (но она даст нам немного света, чтобы не сбиться с пути; to steer — править рулем, управлять; следовать, идти /по определенному курсу/).”


damage ['dxmIdZ] lengthen ['leNT(q)n] steer [stIq]


“They made that gate ages ago,” he said, “partly for a way of escape, if they needed one; partly as a way out into the lands beyond, where they still come in the dark and do great damage. They guard it always and no one has ever managed to block it up. They will guard it doubly after this,” he laughed. All the others laughed too. After all they had lost a good deal, but they had killed the Great Goblin and a great many others besides, and they had all escaped, so they might be said to have had the best of it so far. But the wizard called them to their senses. “We must be getting on at once, now we are a little rested,” he said. “They will be out after us in hundreds when night comes on; and already shadows are lengthening. They can smell our footsteps for hours and hours after we have passed. We must be miles on before dusk. There will be a bit of moon, if it keeps fine, and that is lucky. Not that they mind the moon much, but it will give us a little light to steer by.”


“O yes (о, да)!” he said in answer to more questions from the hobbit (сказал он в ответ на дальнейшие вопросы хоббита). “You lose track of time inside goblin-tunnels (вы потеряли счет времени в гоблиновских туннелях; track — след, курс, путь). Today’s Thursday (сегодня четверг), and it was Monday night or Tuesday morning (а тогда была ночь понедельника или утро вторника) that we were captured (когда нас схватили: «мы были схвачены»). We have gone miles and miles (мы прошли много и много миль: «мили и мили»), and come right down through the heart of the mountains (и прошли как раз сквозь самую сердцевину гор), and are now on the other side (и теперь мы находимся на другой стороне) — quite a short cut (считай кратчайший путь; short cut — путь напрямик; to cut — резать). But we are not at the point (но мы сейчас не в том месте) to which our pass would have brought us (к которому наш /первоначальный/ путь вывел бы нас); we are too far to the North (мы слишком далеко к Северу), and have some awkward country ahead (и перед нами впереди некая опасная страна; awkward — неуклюжий; неудобный, трудный; ahead — вперед; впереди). And we are still pretty high up (и мы все еще достаточно высоко). Let’s get on (давайте двинемся в путь)!”

“I am so dreadfully hungry (я так ужасно голоден),” groaned Bilbo (простонал Бильбо), who was suddenly aware (который внезапно осознал) that he had not had a meal (что он ничего не ел; meal — принятие пищи, еда) since the night before the night before last (с позапозапрошлого вечера: «с ночи, накануне ночи, накануне последней ночи»). Just think of that for a hobbit (только подумать об этом для хоббита)! His stomach felt all empty and loose (его желудок был: «чувствовал» совершенно пустой и обвисший) and his legs all wobbly (и его ножки дрожали: «совершенно шатающиеся, неустойчивые»; to wobble — качать(ся) из стороны в сторону; вихлять; идти шатаясь; трястись, дрожать), now that the excitement was over (теперь, когда возбуждение закончилось).

“Can’t help it (ничем не могу помочь),” said Gandalf, “unless you like to go back (если только вы не хотите вернуться /назад/) and ask the goblins nicely (и мило попросить гоблинов) to let you have your pony back and your luggage (позволить вам забрать своего пони и свой багаж).”

“No thank you (нет уж, спасибо)!” said Bilbo.

“Very well then (тогда очень хорошо), we must just tighten our belts (мы должны просто затянуть свои пояса) and trudge on (и идти вперед; to trudge — тащиться, идти с трудом) — or we shall be made into supper (или из нас сделают ужин), and that will be much worse (и это будет гораздо хуже) than having none ourselves (чем самим не поужинать: «не иметь ужина самим»).”


Thursday ['Tq:zdI] Monday ['mAndI] Tuesday ['tju:zdI]


“O yes!” he said in answer to more questions from the hobbit. “You lose track of time inside goblin-tunnels. Today’s Thursday, and it was Monday night or Tuesday morning that we were captured. We have gone miles and miles, and come right down through the heart of the mountains, and are now on the other side — quite a short cut. But we are not at the point to which our pass would have brought us; we are too far to the North, and have some awkward country ahead. And we are still pretty high up. Let’s get on!”

“I am so dreadfully hungry,” groaned Bilbo, who was suddenly aware that he had not had a meal since the night before the night before last. Just think of that for a hobbit! His stomach felt all empty and loose and his legs all wobbly, now that the excitement was over.

“Can’t help it,” said Gandalf, “unless you like to go back and ask the goblins nicely to let you have your pony back and your luggage.”

“No thank you!” said Bilbo.

“Very well then, we must just tighten our belts and trudge on — or we shall be made into supper, and that will be much worse than having none ourselves.”


As they went on (пока они продолжали идти) Bilbo looked from side to side (Бильбо поглядывал из стороны в сторону) for something to eat (в поисках чего-либо съедобного); but the blackberries were still only in flower (но ежевика была все еще в цвету), and of course there were no nuts (и конечно, не было ни орехов), nor even hawthorn-berries (ни даже ягод боярышника). He nibbled a bit of sorrel (он обгрыз щепотку щавеля), and he drank from a small mountain-stream (и выпил из маленького горного ручейка) that crossed the path (что пересекал их путь), and he ate three wild strawberries (и он съел три лесные земляники; wild — дикий, дикорастущий) that he found on its bank (которые он обнаружил на его берегу), but it was not much good (но это было все бесполезно). They still went on and on (они все продолжали идти и идти). The rough path disappeared (неровная тропинка пропала). The bushes (кусты), and the long grasses (и высокие травы; long — длинный), between the boulders (между валунов), the patches of rabbit-cropped turf (участки дерна, обглоданные зайцами; to crop — щипать траву; подрезать), the thyme (тимьян) and the sage (и шалфей) and the marjoram (и душица), and the yellow rockroses (и желтые скалистые розочки) all vanished (все исчезли), and they found themselves (и они неожиданно для себя оказались) at the top of a wide steep slope (на вершине широкого крутого склона) of fallen stones (из упавших камней), the remains of a landslide (остатка от оползня; to slide — скользить). When they began to go down this (когда они начали спускаться по ним), rubbish and small pebbles rolled away from their feet (мусор и маленькие камешки покатились из-под их ног); soon larger bits of split stone went clattering down (вскоре куски побольше из отколовшихся камней загромыхали вниз; to split — раскалывать) and started other pieces below them slithering and rolling (и заставили другие камни под собой: «под ними» скользить и перекатываться; to start — начинаться, отправляться, поражать); then lumps of rocks were disturbed and bounded off (затем глыбы скал оказались потревоженными и начали отскакивать), crashing down with a dust and a noise (и рушиться в пыли и грохоте).


hawthorn ['hO:TO:n] thyme [taIm] marjoram ['mQ:dZ(q)rqm]


As they went on Bilbo looked from side to side for something to eat; but the blackberries were still only in flower, and of course there were no nuts, nor even hawthorn-berries. He nibbled a bit of sorrel, and he drank from a small mountain-stream that crossed the path, and he ate three wild strawberries that he found on its bank, but it was not much good. They still went on and on. The rough path disappeared. The bushes, and the long grasses, between the boulders, the patches of rabbit-cropped turf, the thyme and the sage and the marjoram, and the yellow rockroses all vanished, and they found themselves at the top of a wide steep slope of fallen stones, the remains of a landslide. When they began to go down this, rubbish and small pebbles rolled away from their feet; soon larger bits of split stone went clattering down and started other pieces below them slithering and rolling; then lumps of rocks were disturbed and bounded off, crashing down with a dust and a noise.


Before long (вскоре) the whole slope above them and below them (весь склон над ними и под ними) seemed on the move (казалось, был приведен в движение), and they were sliding away (и они скользили /на нем/), huddled all together (сгрудившись все вместе; to huddle — валить в одну кучу, сбивать в кучу; перемешивать), in a fearful confusion (в ужасной неразберихе) of slipping, rattling, cracking slabs and stones (из-за скользящих, гремящих и трескающихся кусков и камней). It was the trees at the bottom that saved them (именно деревья внизу спасли их). They slid into the edge of a climbing wood of pines (они проскользили до самого края растущего вверх соснового леса; to climb — карабкаться, взбираться) that here stood right up the mountain slope (который рос: «стоял» там как раз вверх по склону горы) from the deeper darker forests of the valleys below (из более густых и темных лесов из долины внизу). Some caught hold of the trunks (некоторые из них ухватились за стволы /деревьев/) and swung themselves into lower branches (и залезли на нижние ветви; to swing (swung) — качать(ся), колебать(ся); вешать, подвешивать), some (like the little hobbit) got behind a tree (некоторые (как наш маленький хоббит) спрятались за деревья) to shelter from the onslaught of the rocks (чтобы укрыться от стремительного натиска скал; onslaught — бешеная атака, нападение). Soon the danger was over (вскоре опасность миновала), the slide had stopped (оползень: «скольжение» прекратился), and the last faint crashes could be heard (и последний слабый грохот: «трески» можно было расслышать) as the largest of the disturbed stones (пока самые большие из потревоженных камней) went bounding and spinning (пронеслись, отскакивая и вращаясь) among the bracken and the pine-roots (среди папоротника и корней деревьев) far below (далеко внизу).


confusion [kqn'fju:Z(q)n] onslaught ['OnslO:t] bracken ['brxkqn]


Before long the whole slope above them and below them seemed on the move, and they were sliding away, huddled all together, in a fearful confusion of slipping, rattling, cracking slabs and stones. It was the trees at the bottom that saved them. They slid into the edge of a climbing wood of pines that here stood right up the mountain slope from the deeper darker forests of the valleys below. Some caught hold of the trunks and swung themselves into lower branches, some (like the little hobbit) got behind a tree to shelter from the onslaught of the rocks. Soon the danger was over, the slide had stopped, and the last faint crashes could be heard as the largest of the disturbed stones went bounding and spinning among the bracken and the pine-roots far below.


“Well (итак)! that has got us on a bit (это нас немного продвинуло вперед),” said Gandalf; “and even goblins tracking us (и даже гоблинам, выслеживающим нас) will have a job (придется потрудится: «найдется работа») to come down here quietly (чтобы спуститься сюда тихо).”

“I daresay (да уж: «я полагаю»),” grumbled Bombur (проворчал Бомбур); “but they won’t find it difficult (но для них окажется очень просто: «но они не сочтут это сложным») to send stones bouncing down on our heads (послать камни скатиться прямо нам на головы).” The dwarves (and Bilbo) were feeling far from happy (гномы (и Бильбо) чувствовали себя далеко не довольными), and were rubbing their bruised (и растирали свои синяки) and damaged legs and feet (и поврежденные ноги и ступни).

“Nonsense (чепуха)! We are going to turn aside here (мы свернем здесь; to turn aside — отклоняться: «повернуть в сторону») out of the path of the slide (с пути движения оползня). We must be quick (мы должны торопиться: «быть быстрыми»)! Look at the light (посмотрите на свет)!”

The sun had long gone behind the mountains (солнце уже давно ушло за горы). Already the shadows were deepening about them (уже тени сгущались вокруг них; to deepen — углубляться; усиливаться), though far away (хотя, вдалеке) through the trees (сквозь деревья) and over the black tops of those growing lower down (и над темными верхушками тех /деревьев/, что росли ниже) they could still see (они все еще могли видеть) the evening lights on the plains beyond (вечерний свет вдали, на равнинах). They limped along now as fast as they were able (они плелись теперь так скоро, как только они могли; to limp — хромать) down the gentle slopes of a pine forest (вниз по пологим склонам соснового леса; gentle — мягкий, тихий, слабый) in a slanting path leading steadily southwards (по наклонной тропе, ведущей неизменно на юг). At times they were pushing through a sea of bracken (временами они проталкивались сквозь море папоротников) with tall fronds rising right above the hobbit’s head (с высокими листами папоротника, поднимающимися прямо над головой хоббита; frond — расчлененный, похожий на ветку лист /напр., папоротника, пальмы, бананового дерева и т.п./); at times they were marching along quiet as quiet (временами они передвигались тихо, как только могли тихо) over a floor of pine-needles (по поверхности из сосновых иголок; floor — пол, настил, перекрытие); and all the while the forest-gloom got heavier (и все это время мрак леса становился все плотнее; heavy — тяжелый) and the forest-silence deeper (и тишина леса /становилась/ все беззвучнее: «глубже»). There was no wind that evening (тем вечером не было ветра) to bring even a sea-sighing (чтобы принести даже дуновение моря) into the branches of the trees (в ветки деревьев).


bruise [bru:z] southwards ['saVTwqdz] pine needle ['paInni:dl]


“Well! that has got us on a bit,” said Gandalf; “and even goblins tracking us will have a job to come down here quietly.”

“I daresay,” grumbled Bombur; “but they won’t find it difficult to send stones bouncing down on our heads.” The dwarves (and Bilbo) were feeling far from happy, and were rubbing their bruised and damaged legs and feet.

“Nonsense! We are going to turn aside here out of the path of the slide. We must be quick! Look at the light!” The sun had long gone behind the mountains. Already the shadows were deepening about them, though far away through the trees and over the black tops of those growing lower down they could still see the evening lights on the plains beyond. They limped along now as fast as they were able down the gentle slopes of a pine forest in a slanting path leading steadily southwards. At times they were pushing through a sea of bracken with tall fronds rising right above the hobbit’s head; at times they were marching along quiet as quiet over a floor of pine-needles; and all the while the forest-gloom got heavier and the forest-silence deeper. There was no wind that evening to bring even a sea-sighing into the branches of the trees.


“Must we go any further (а надо ли нам идти дальше)?” asked Bilbo (спросил Бильбо), when it was so dark (когда было уже так темно) that he could only just see Thorin’s beard wagging beside him (что он мог видеть только бороду Торина, что колыхалась рядом с ним), and so quiet (и было так тихо) that he could hear the dwarves’ breathing (что он мог слышать дыхание гномов) like a loud noise (как громкий шум). “My toes are all bruised and bent (мои ступни все в синяках и подгибаются: «согнуты»; toe — палец ноги; носок, мысок; to bend — сгибать, гнуть), and my legs ache (и ноги болят), and my stomach is wagging like an empty sack (и мой живот болтается, как пустой мешок).”

“A bit further (еще чуть-чуть дальше),” said Gandalf.

After what seemed ages further (после этого ‘дальше’, которое, казалось, длилось вечность: «после того, что казалось вечностью, дальше») they came suddenly to an opening (они внезапно вышли на опушку) where no trees grew (где не росли деревья). The moon was up (луна была высоко) and was shining into the clearing (и светила на прогалину). Somehow it struck all of them (каким-то образом, им всем показалось; to strick (struck) — ударить; зд. озадачивать, ставить в тупик) as not at all a nice place (что место это совсем не приятное), although there was nothing wrong to see (хотя, в нем ничего плохого не было видно; wrong — неправильно, неверно; дурно).

All of a sudden (совсем внезапно) they heard a howl away down hill (они услышали вой, далеко внизу холма), a long shuddering howl (долгий, вызывающий дрожь вой; to shudder — вздрагивать, содрогаться; бросать в дрожь).

It was answered by another (в ответ на него раздался другой) away to the right (в стороне, справа) and a good deal nearer to them (и гораздо ближе к ним), then by another (затем другим) not far away to the left (не очень далеко, слева). It was wolves howling at the moon (это были волки, воющие на луну), wolves gathering together (волки, собиравшиеся вместе)!


beside [bI'saId] stomach ['stAmqk] wolves [wVlvz] wolf [wVlf]


“Must we go any further?” asked Bilbo, when it was so dark that he could only just see Thorin’s beard wagging beside him, and so quiet that he could hear the dwarves’ breathing like a loud noise.

“My toes are all bruised and bent, and my legs ache, and my stomach is wagging like an empty sack.”

“A bit further,” said Gandalf.

After what seemed ages further they came suddenly to an opening where no trees grew. The moon was up and was shining into the clearing. Somehow it struck all of them as not at all a nice place, although there was nothing wrong to see.


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