And so the argument began all over again, and went on hotter than ever, until at last they decided to sit on the sacks one by one and squash them, and boil them next time. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


And so the argument began all over again, and went on hotter than ever, until at last they decided to sit on the sacks one by one and squash them, and boil them next time.


“Who shall we sit on first (на кого первого мы сядем)?” said the voice (сказал уже знакомый голос).

“Better sit on the last fellow first (лучше сесть сперва на последнего парня),” said Bert, whose eye had been damaged by Thorin (чей глаз был поврежден Торином). He thought Tom was talking (он подумал, что говорит Том).

“Don’t talk to yerself (не говори сам с собой)!” said Tom. “But if you wants to sit on the last one (но если ты хочешь сесть на последнего), sit on him (садись на него). Which is he (который он)?”

“The one with the yellow stockings (тот, с желтыми чулками),” said Bert.

“Nonsense (чепуха), the one with the grey stockings (тот, что в серых чулках),” said a voice like William’s (сказал голос, похожий на голос Вильяма).

“I made sure it was yellow (я специально удостоверился, что они были желтые),” said Bert.

“Yellow it was (желтые они и были),” said William.

“Then what did yer say it was grey for (тогда для чего ты сказал, что они были серые)?” said Bert.

“I never did (я /никогда/ не говорил). Tom said it (Том сказал это).”

“That I never did (я этого не делал)!” said Tom. “It was you (это был ты).”

“Two to one (двое против одного), so shut yer mouth (так что заткни свою пасть)!” said Bert.

“Who are you a-talkin’ to (кому это ты говоришь)?” said William.

“Now stop it (ну уж, прекрати)!” said Tom and Bert together (сказали Том и Берт вместе). “The night’s gettin’ on (ночь проходит), and dawn comes early (и рассвет наступает рано). Let’s get on with it (давайте продолжим с этим)!”


damage ['dxmIdZ] stocking ['stOkIN] dawn [dO:n]


“Who shall we sit on first?” said the voice.

“Better sit on the last fellow first,” said Bert, whose eye had been damaged by Thorin. He thought Tom was talking.

“Don’t talk to yerself!” said Tom. “But if you wants to sit on the last one, sit on him. Which is he?”

“The one with the yellow stockings,” said Bert.

“Nonsense, the one with the grey stockings,” said a voice like William’s.

“I made sure it was yellow,” said Bert.

“Yellow it was,” said William.

“Then what did yer say it was grey for?” said Bert.

“I never did. Tom said it.”

“That I never did!” said Tom. “It was you.”

“Two to one, so shut yer mouth!” said Bert.

“Who are you a-talkin’ to?” said William.

“Now stop it!” said Tom and Bert together. “The night’s gettin’ on, and dawn comes early. Let’s get on with it!”


“Dawn take you all (рассвет возьмет вас всех), and be stone to you (и обратит вас в камень)!” said a voice that sounded like William’s (сказал некий голос, который звучал, как голос Вильяма). But it wasn’t (но это был не /его голос/). For just at that moment (так как именно в этот момент) the light came over the hill (/солнечный/ свет появился над холмом), and there was a mighty twitter in the branches (и ветви деревьев сильно задрожали; mighty — могущественный, громадный). William never spoke (Вильям ничего не говорил; never — никогда) for he stood turned to stone (так как он стоял, окаменевший) as he stooped (в тот момент, когда он наклонился); and Bert and Tom were stuck like rocks (и Берт, и Том застыли, как скалы) as they looked at him (в тот момент, когда они смотрели на него). And there they stand to this day (и там они стоят до сего дня), all alone (совсем одни), unless the birds perch on them (если только птицы не садятся на них, как на насест); for trolls (так как тролли), as you probably know (как вы, возможно, знаете), must be underground (должны быть под землей) before dawn (до рассвета), or they go back (или они обращаются назад) to the stuff of the mountains (в тот горный материал) they are made of (из которого они сделаны), and never move again (и никогда больше не двигаются). That is what had happened to Bert and Tom and William (именно это и случилось с Бертом, Томом и Вильямом).

“Excellent (превосходно)!” said Gandalf (сказал Гэндальф), as he stepped from behind a tree (делая шаг из-за дерева), and helped Bilbo (и помог Бильбо) to climb down out of a thorn-bush (спуститься с колючего кустарника). Then Bilbo understood (тогда и Бильбо понял). It was the wizard’s voice (это был голос волшебника) that had kept the trolls bickering and quarrelling (который заставлял троллей продолжать пререкаться и спорить), until the light came (до тех пор, пока не появился дневной свет) and made an end of them (и не положил им конец).


twitter ['twItq] perch [pq:tS] underground ['AndqgraVnd] thorn-bush ['TO:nbVS]


“Dawn take you all, and be stone to you!” said a voice that sounded like William’s. But it wasn’t. For just at that moment the light came over the hill, and there was a mighty twitter in the branches. William never spoke for he stood turned to stone as he stooped; and Bert and Tom were stuck like rocks as they looked at him. And there they stand to this day, all alone, unless the birds perch on them; for trolls, as you probably know, must be underground before dawn, or they go back to the stuff of the mountains they are made of, and never move again. That is what had happened to Bert and Tom and William.

“Excellent!” said Gandalf, as he stepped from behind a tree, and helped Bilbo to climb down out of a thorn-bush. Then Bilbo understood. It was the wizard’s voice that had kept the trolls bickering and quarrelling, until the light came and made an end of them.


The next thing was (следующим действием было) to untie the sacks (развязать мешки) and let out the dwarves (и выпустить гномов). They were nearly suffocated (они были почти что задушены), and very annoyed (и очень раздражены): they had not at all enjoyed (им совсем не понравилось; to enjoy — любить, получать удовольствие, наслаждаться) lying there (лежать там) listening to the trolls making plans (слушая, как тролли строят планы) for roasting them (то поджарить их) and squashing them (и расплющить их) and mincing them (и перекрутить их на фарш). They had to hear Bilbo’s account (они вынуждены были выслушать отчет Бильбо) of what had happened to him (о том, что случилось с ним) twice over (два раза подряд), before they were satisfied (прежде, чем они были удовлетворены).

“Silly time (нашел время: «глупое время») to go practising pinching and pocket-picking (практиковаться в воровстве и карманных кражах),” said Bombur, “when what we wanted was fire and food (когда то, что мы хотели, было огонь и еда)!”

“And that’s just what (и это как раз то, что) you wouldn’t have got (вы бы не смогли получить) of those fellows (у этих ребят) without a struggle (без борьбы), in any case (в любом случае),” said Gandalf.

“Anyhow you are wasting time now (во всяком случае, сейчас вы попусту тратите время). Don’t you realize (неужели вы не понимаете) that the trolls must have a cave or a hole (что у троллей должна быть пещера или нора) dug somewhere near (вырытая где-то поблизости; to dig — рыть) to hide from the sun in (чтобы прятаться в ней от солнца)? We must look into it (мы должны заглянуть в нее)!”


untie [An'taI] suffocate ['sAfqkeIt] annoyed [q'nOId]


The next thing was to untie the sacks and let out the dwarves. They were nearly suffocated, and very annoyed: they had not at all enjoyed lying there listening to the trolls making plans for roasting them and squashing them and mincing them. They had to hear Bilbo’s account of what had happened to him twice over, before they were satisfied.

“Silly time to go practising pinching and pocket-picking,” said Bombur, “when what we wanted was fire and food!”

“And that’s just what you wouldn’t have got of those fellows without a struggle, in any case,” said Gandalf.

“Anyhow you are wasting time now. Don’t you realize that the trolls must have a cave or a hole dug somewhere near to hide from the sun in? We must look into it!”


They searched about (они поискали вокруг), and soon found the marks (и вскоре обнаружили следы) of trolls’ stony boots (от каменистых ботинок троллей) going away through the trees (уходящие через деревья). They followed the tracks up the hill (они пошли по следам вверх по холму), until hidden by bushes (до тех пор, пока скрытые кустами) they came on a big door of stone (они не вышли на большую дверь из камня) leading to a cave (ведущую в пещеру). But they could not open it (но они не могли открыть ее), not though they all pushed (не смогли, хотя они все толкали /ее/) while Gandalf tried various incantations (в то время как Гэндальф пробовал различные заклинания).

“Would this be any good (а это может быть как-то полезно)?” asked Bilbo (спросил Бильбо), when they were getting tired and angry (когда все они становились все более уставшими и сердитыми). “I found it on the ground (я нашел это на земле) where the trolls had their fight (где у троллей была драка).” He held out a largish key (он протянул довольно большой ключ), though no doubt (хотя, без всякого сомнения) William had thought it very small and secret (Вильям думал что это был очень маленький и секретный /ключик/). It must have fallen out of his pocket (он, должно быть, выпал из его кармана), very luckily (к счастью: «очень удачно»), before he was turned to stone (до того, как он окаменел: «был превращен в камень»).


incantation [Inkxn'teIS(q)n] largish ['lQ:dZIS] luckily ['lAkIlI]


They searched about, and soon found the marks of trolls’ stony boots going away through the trees. They followed the tracks up the hill, until hidden by bushes they came on a big door of stone leading to a cave. But they could not open it, not though they all pushed while Gandalf tried various incantations.

“Would this be any good?” asked Bilbo, when they were getting tired and angry. “I found it on the ground where the trolls had their fight.” He held out a largish key, though no doubt William had thought it very small and secret. It must have fallen out of his pocket, very luckily, before he was turned to stone.


“Why on earth didn’t you mention it before (почему же, черт возьми, вы не упомянули об этом раньше; earth — земля, мир)?” they cried (закричали они). Gandalf grabbed it (Гэндальф поспешно схватил его) and fitted it into the key-hole (и вставил его в замочную скважину; to fit — соответствовать, приспосабливать, примерять). Then the stone door (после этого каменная дверь) swung back with one big push (распахнулась: «качнулась назад» от одного сильного толчка; big — большой, крупный), and they all went inside (и они все зашли внутрь). There were bones on the floor (на полу валялись: «были» кости) and a nasty smell was in the air (и в воздухе стоял: «был» отвратительный запах); but there was a good deal of food (но там было и большое количество пищи) jumbled carelessly (небрежно сваленной в кучи) on shelves (на полках) and on the ground (и на полу), among an untidy litter of plunder (среди неприбранного беспорядка из награбленного), of all sorts (всякого рода) from brass buttons (от медных пуговиц) to pots full of gold coins (до горшков, полных золотых монет) standing in a corner (стоящих в углу). There were lots of clothes, too (также была там и куча одежды), hanging on the walls (висящая по стенкам) too small for trolls (слишком маленькая для троллей), I am afraid they belonged to victims (я боюсь, что она принадлежала /их/ жертвам) and among them (и среди них) were several swords (было несколько/целый ряд мечей) of various makes, shapes, and sizes (различных моделей, форм и размеров). Two caught their eyes particularly (два /меча/ приглянулись им особенно; to catch (caught) — поймать, схватить), because of their beautiful scabbards (из-за их прекрасных ножен) and jewelled hilts (и украшенных драгоценными камнями эфесов). Gandalf and Thorin each took one of these (Гэндальф и Торин каждый взяли по одному из них); and Bilbo took a knife in a leather sheath (а Бильбо взял нож в кожаном футляре: «ножнах»). It would have made only a tiny pocket-knife for a troll (для тролля это был бы только крошечный карманный ножичек), but it was as good as a short sword for the hobbit (но для хоббита он был, в сущности, коротким мечом).


earth [q:T] swung [swAN] jumble ['dZAmb(q)l] carelessly ['keqlIslI] litter ['lItq] sword [sO:d] scabbard ['skxbqd] jewelled ['dZu:qld]


“Why on earth didn’t you mention it before?” they cried. Gandalf grabbed it and fitted it into the key-hole. Then the stone door swung back with one big push, and they all went inside. There were bones on the floor and a nasty smell was in the air; but there was a good deal of food jumbled carelessly on shelves and on the ground, among an untidy litter of plunder, of all sorts from brass buttons to pots full of gold coins standing in a corner. There were lots of clothes, too, hanging on the walls — too small for trolls, I am afraid they belonged to victims — and among them were several swords of various makes, shapes, and sizes. Two caught their eyes particularly, because of their beautiful scabbards and jewelled hilts. Gandalf and Thorin each took one of these; and Bilbo took a knife in a leather sheath. It would have made only a tiny pocket-knife for a troll, but it was as good as a short sword for the hobbit.


“These look like good blades (у этих, похоже, хорошие клинки),” said the wizard (сказал волшебник), half drawing them (наполовину вытягивая их /из ножен/) and looking at them curiously (и смотря на них с любопытством). “They were not made by any troll (они не были изготовлены каким-то троллем), nor by any smith among men (и никаким кузнецом среди людей) in these parts and days (в этих краях и в это время); but when we can read the runes on them (но, когда мы сможем прочитать руны на них), we shall know more about them (мы сможем узнать о них больше).”

“Let’s get out of this horrible smell (давайте уйдем от этого ужасного запаха)!” said Fili. So they carried out the pots of coins (и тогда они вынесли горшки с монетами), and such food as was untouched (и ту пищу, которая была нетронута) and looked fit to eat (и выглядела подходящей для еды), also one barrel of ale (а также один бочонок эля) which was still full (который был все еще полный). By that time (к этому времени) they felt like breakfast (они уже готовы были позавтракать; to feel like (doing) smth. — иметь желание, склонность сделать что-либо), and being very hungry (и так как они были очень голодны) they did not turn their noses up (они не стали воротить нос) at what they had got (от того, что они нашли) from the trolls’ larder (в кладовых троллей). Their own provisions were very scanty (их собственные съестные припасы были очень скудными). Now they had bread and cheese (сейчас же они съели хлеба и сыра), and plenty of ale (и /выпили/ большое количество эля), and bacon (и бекона) to toast in the embers of the fire (который /они/ поджарили на тлеющих красных угольках огня). After that they slept (после этого они заснули), for their night had been disturbed (так как ночь у них была нарушена); and they did nothing more till the afternoon (и они ничего больше не делали до самого вечера; afternoon — время после полудня до заката). Then they brought up their ponies (затем они привели своих пони), and carried away the pots of gold (и увезли горшки золота), and buried them very secretly (и закопали их в большом секрете; to bury — хоронить, погребать) not far from the track (недалеко от тропинки) by the river (/идущей/ вдоль реки), putting a great many spells over them (наложив огромное количество заклинаний на них), just in case (на тот случай, если) they ever had the chance (у них будет когда-нибудь шанс) to come back (вернуться) and recover them (и откопать их; to recover — получать обратно, возвращать). When that was done (когда это было сделано), they all mounted once more (они все вскочили на пони еще раз), and jogged along again (и потряслись снова) on the path towards the East (по тропинке, ведущей на Восток).


curiously ['kjV(q)rIqslI] coin [kOIn] untouched [An'tAtSt] scanty ['skxntI]


“These look like good blades,” said the wizard, half drawing them and looking at them curiously. “They were not made by any troll, nor by any smith among men in these parts and days; but when we can read the runes on them, we shall know more about them.”

“Let’s get out of this horrible smell!” said Fili. So they carried out the pots of coins, and such food as was untouched and looked fit to eat, also one barrel of ale which was still full. By that time they felt like breakfast, and being very hungry they did not turn their noses up at what they had got from the trolls’ larder. Their own provisions were very scanty. Now they had bread and cheese, and plenty of ale, and bacon to toast in the embers of the fire. After that they slept, for their night had been disturbed; and they did nothing more till the afternoon. Then they I brought up their ponies, and carried away the pots of gold, and buried them very secretly not far from the track by the river, putting a great many spells over them, just in case they ever had the chance to come back and recover them. When that was done, they all mounted once more, and jogged along again on the path towards the East.


“Where did you go to (куда это вы ездили), if I may ask (если я могу задать этот вопрос)?” said Thorin to Gandalf as they rode along (спросил Торин у Гэндальфа, когда они скакали верхом).

“To look ahead (взглянуть, что там впереди),” said he (сказал он).

“And what brought you back (и что же вернуло вас назад) in the nick of time (как раз вовремя; nick — зарубка, бирка; зд. критический момент)?”

“Looking behind (/то, что я/ оглянулся),” said he.

“Exactly (ну конечно)!” said Thorin; “but could you be more plain (но не могли бы вы быть яснее = высказаться яснее; plain — плоский, ровный; ясный, отчетливый, простой)?”

“I went on (я двинулся дальше) to spy out our road (чтобы разведать наш путь). It will soon become dangerous and difficult (скоро он станет опасным и трудным). Also I was anxious (я так же очень беспокоился) about replenishing (о восполнении) our small stock of provisions (нашего небольшого запаса провизии). I had not gone very far, however (я, однако, не уехал очень далеко), when I met a couple of friends of mine from Rivendell (когда я встретил пару своих друзей из Ривенделла).”

“Where’s that (где это)?” asked Bilbo (спросил Бильбо).

“Don’t interrupt (не прерывайте)!” said Gandalf. “You will get there (вы сами туда попадете) in a few days now (теперь уже через несколько дней), if we’re lucky (если мы будем так удачливы), and find out all about it (и узнаете все о нем). As I was saying (как я уже говорил) I met two of Elrond’s people (я встретил двоих из людей Элронда). They were hurrying along (они очень торопились) for fear of the trolls (из-за боязни троллей). It was they who told me (именно они рассказали мне) that three of them (что трое из них) had come down from the mountains (спустились с гор) and settled in the woods (и устроились в лесах) not far from the road (не далеко от дороги); they had frightened everyone away from the district (они распугали всех и каждого из округи), and they waylaid strangers (и они устраивали засады на чужестранцев; stranger — незнакомец).

“I immediately had a feeling (у меня немедленно возникло чувство) that I was wanted back (что мне надо вернуться, так как во мне нуждаются: «что я желаем обратно»). Looking behind (оглянувшись: «посмотрев назад») I saw a fire in the distance (я увидел костер в отдалении) and made for it (и двинулся в его направлении). So now you know (вот, теперь вы все знаете). Please be more careful (пожалуйста, будьте более осторожны), next time (в следующий раз), or we shall never get anywhere (или мы так никогда никуда не доберемся)!”

“Thank you (благодарю)!” said Thorin.


spy [spaI] dangerous ['deIndZqrqs] anxious ['xNkSqs] replenish [rI'plenIS] waylaid [weI'leId] stranger ['streIndZq]


“Where did you go to, if I may ask?” said Thorin to Gandalf as they rode along.

“To look ahead,” said he.

“And what brought you back in the nick of time?”

“Looking behind,” said he.

“Exactly!” said Thorin; “but could you be more plain?” “I went on to spy out our road. It will soon become dangerous and difficult. Also I was anxious about replenishing our small stock of provisions. I had not gone very far, however, when I met a couple of friends of mine from Rivendell.”

“Where’s that?” asked Bilbo,

“Don’t interrupt!” said Gandalf. “You will get there in a few days now, if we’re lucky, and find out all about it As I was saying I met two of Elrond’s people. They were hurrying along for fear of the trolls. It was they who told me that three of them had come down from the mountains and settled in the woods not far from the road; they had frightened everyone away from the district, and they waylaid strangers.

“I immediately had a feeling that I was wanted back. Looking behind I saw a fire in the distance and made for it. So now you know. Please be more careful, next time, or we shall never get anywhere!”

“Thank you!” said Thorin.


Chapter 3

A Short Rest

(Глава 3. Короткий отдых)


They did not sing (они не пели) or tell stories that day (и не рассказывали истории в тот день), even though the weather improved (даже хотя погода и улучшилась); nor the next day (ни в этот день), nor the day after (ни на следующий). They had begun to feel (они начали чувствовать) that danger was not far away on either side (что опасность была не далеко, с обеих сторон). They camped under the stars (они вставали лагерем под звездами), and their horses had more to eat than they had (и у их лошадей было больше пищи, чем у них самих); for there was plenty of grass (потому как там было много травы), but there was not much in their bags (но в их сумках было не так уж много /еды/), even with what they had got from the trolls (даже с учетом того, что они забрали у троллей). One morning (однажды утром) they forded a river (они переправлялись через реку; to ford — переходить вброд) at a wide shallow place (по широкому броду: «у широкого мелководного места») full of the noise of stones and foam (заполненного шумом /перекатывающихся/ камней и пеной). The far bank (дальний берег реки) was steep and slippery (был крутым и скользким). When they got to the top of it (когда они взобрались на его вершину), leading their ponies (ведя своих пони), they saw that the great mountains (они увидели, что величественные горы) had marched down very near to them (надвинулись очень близко к ним; to march — маршировать, ходить парадным строем). Already they seemed (уже они, казалось, /расположены/) only a day’s easy journey (только в дне легкого пути) from the feet of the nearest (от подножия ближайшей /горы /; foot (pl. feet) — нога; основание). Dark and drear it looked (она выглядела темной и мрачной), though there were patches of sunlight (хотя были и куски, освещенные солнечным светом) on its brown sides (на ее коричневых склонах; side — сторона; склон), and behind its shoulders (из за ее хребтами/склонами; shoulder — плечо) the tips of snow-peaks gleamed (блестели пики снежных вершин).


shallow ['SxlqV] noise [nOIz] sunlight ['sAnlaIt]


They did not sing or tell stories that day, even though the weather improved; nor the next day, nor the day after. They had begun to feel that danger was not far away on either side. They camped under the stars, and their horses had more to eat than they had; for there was plenty of grass, but there was not much in their bags, even with what they had got from the trolls. One morning they forded a river at a wide shallow place full of the noise of stones and foam. The far bank was steep and slippery. When they got to the top of it, leading their ponies, they saw that the great mountains had marched down very near to them. Already they I seemed only a day’s easy journey from the feet of the nearest. Dark and drear it looked, though there were patches of sunlight on its brown sides, and behind its shoulders the tips of snow-peaks gleamed.


“Is that The Mountain (это Гора)?” asked Bilbo in a solemn voice (спросил Бильбо торжественным голосом), looking at it with round eyes (глядя на нее круглыми глазами). He had never seen a thing (он никогда не видел ничего) that looked so big before (что бы выглядело таким огромным раньше).

“Of course not (конечно же нет)!” said Balin. “That is only the beginning of the Misty Mountains (это только начало Мглистых Гор), and we have to get through (и мы должны пробраться сквозь), or over (или над), or under those somehow (или под ними каким-либо образом), before we can come into Wilderland beyond (до того, как мы сможем добраться до Дикого Края за ними). And it is a deal of a way (да еще будь здоров какой путь; deal — /разг./ большое количество, масса, куча) even from the other side of them (даже от их другой стороны) to the Lonely Mountain (до Одинокой Горы) in the East (на Востоке) where Smaug lies on our treasure (где Смауг залег на наших сокровищах).”

“O!” said Bilbo, and just at that moment (и как раз в этот самый момент) he felt more fared (он почувствовал себя более напутешествовавшимся; to fare — поживать, жить, ехать) than he ever remembered feeling before (чем он когда либо чувствовал раньше, как он помнил). He was thinking once again (он думал снова; once again — еще раз) of his comfortable chair (о своем удобном кресле) before the fire (перед камином) in his favourite sitting-room (в его любимой гостиной) in his hobbit-hole (в своей хоббитовской норе), and of the kettle singing (и о поющем чайнике). Not for the last time (и не в последний раз)!


solemn ['sOlqm] through [Tru:] favourite ['feIv(q)rIt]


“Is that The Mountain?” asked Bilbo in a solemn voice, looking at it with round eyes. He had never seen a thing that looked so big before.

“Of course not!” said Balin. “That is only the beginning of the Misty Mountains, and we have to get through, or over, or under those somehow, before we can come into Wilderland beyond. And it is a deal of a way even from the other side of them to the Lonely Mountain in the East Where Smaug lies on our treasure.”

“O!” said Bilbo, and just at that moment he felt more fared than he ever remembered feeling before. He was thinking once again of his comfortable chair before the fire in his favourite sitting-room in his hobbit-hole, and of the kettle singing. Not for the last time!


Now Gandalf led the way (теперь Гэндальф шел впереди и показывал дорогу).

“We must not miss the road (мы не должны отступать с тропинки; to miss — промахнуться, промазать, пропустить), or we shall be done for (а то нам всем крышка; to do for smb., smth. — губить, портить),” he said. “We need food (нам нужна пища), for one thing (прежде всего), and rest in reasonable safety (и отдых в разумной безопасности) — also it is very necessary (также это очень необходимо) to tackle the Misty Mountains by the proper path (подобраться к Мглистым Горам по правильной тропе; to tackle — привязывать /tackle — снасти/; /энергично/ браться), or else you will get lost in them (или, в противном случае, вы заблудитесь в них), and have to come back (и /вам/ придется возвращаться) and start at the beginning again (и начинать снова с самого начала) (if you ever get back at all (если вы вообще вернетесь)).”

They asked him (они спросили его) where he was making for (куда он направлялся; to make for — следовать, двигаться в каком-либо направлении), and he answered (и он ответил): “You are come to the very edge of the Wild (вы добрались до самого края Дикого /Края/), as some of you may know (как некоторые из вас могут знать). Hidden somewhere ahead of us (запрятанная где-то впереди от нас) is the fair valley of Rivendell (лежит красивая долина Ривенделл; fair — честный, благовидный) where Elrond lives (где живет Элронд) in the Last Homely House (в Последнем Домашнем/Уютном Жилище). I sent a message by my friends (я отправил сообщение с моими друзьями), and we are expected (и нас ожидают).”

That sounded nice and comforting (это звучало очень успокаивающе; nice — хороший, милый, зд.: nice and второе прилагательное — эмоц.-усилительная конструкция), but they had not got there yet (но они еще до туда не добрались), and it was not so easy (и это было не так легко) as it sounds (как это звучало) to find the Last Homely House (отыскать Последнее Домашнее Жилище) west of the Mountains (к западу от Гор). There seemed to be no trees (казалось, что там не было ни деревьев) and no valleys (и ни долин) and no hills (и ни холмов) to break the ground (что нарушали бы целостность земли; to break — ломать, разбивать) in front of them (/лежащей/ перед ними), only one vast slope (только один обширный склон) going slowly up and up (поднимавшийся медленно все выше и выше) to meet the feet of the nearest mountain (чтобы достигнуть: «встретиться с» подножия ближайшей горы), a wide land the colour of heather (широкая земля, цвета вереска) and crumbling rock (и крошащиеся скалы: «трещиноватые породы»), with patches (с кусками земли) and slashes (и прорезями) of grass-green (травяной зелени) and moss-green (и зелени мха) showing where water might be (показывающие, где могла бы быть вода).


reasonable ['ri:z(q)nqb(q)l] path [pQ:T] wild [waIld] hidden [hIdn] heather ['heDq] crumbling ['krAmblIN]



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