Give the English equivalents for the following words and phrases. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Give the English equivalents for the following words and phrases.

Выразить кому-либо признательность; ежегодное собрание акционеров; обзор рынка; честность; недавнее повышение по службе; посетить вечер; изобретательный человек; дать высокую оценку; обрисовать в общих чертах; уволиться по собственному желанию; банкет; быть в штате; преданность делу; лишнее зачеркнуть; рекомендательное письмо; принимать посетителей; сочувствие; как и было запланировано; с прискорбием сообщать; выполнять задачу; планировать встречу на 2 ноября; время регистрации.


Complete the following sentences in appropriate ways, using one word for each blank space.


1. On behalf of the Cooperville Bank, I _____ you our sincere congratulations on your recent promotion _____ national sales manager.

2. He is a friendly person _____ nature and has won the friendship as well as the business patronage of his customers.

3. We are sorry to see Mr. Clarence Logan go, because he has shown himself to be capable, _____, well-disciplined, intelligent, and pleasant.

4. We recommend him with enthusiasm since he should be a _____ asset to any company.

5. Working under difficult conditions and accelerated construction _____, your company completed the building on July 1, as scheduled.

6. It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Mr. Harvey Wright, who _____ a large bottling plant in our city.

7. I would like to express sincere _____ and congratulations to Davis Construction Company for successfully completing the reconstruction of our headquarters building.

8. I am delighted that you _____ to this new and challenging position.

9. Please let us know if you can, so that we can _____ our program.

10. We have convincing evidence of that from the letters we have received in response to the announcement that he is leaving our company _____ his own volition since he feels that he has advanced as far as possible under our current employment plan.

11. Your company is very fortunate to have benefited from your _____ as well as loyalty during the past nine years.

12. Please pass _____ my thanks to your sales team for an extraordinary comeback effort during the month of July.





¨ What is an enquiry?

¨ What should you write in an enquiry if you are going to buy some goods?

¨ Is an enquiry for goods different from an enquiry about new price-lists?

¨ Read the following text and comment on the main points.

Планирование запроса


Содержание запроса зависит от трех моментов: во-первых, насколько хорошо Вы знаете адресата; во-вторых, является ли адресат отечественной или зарубежной компанией; в-третьих, от вида товара, по которому запрашивается информация.

Начинать запрос рекомендуется либо с сообщения сведений о себе, либо о том, как Вы узнали об адресате.

Далее следует основная часть запроса, в которой может запрашиваться различная описательная литература; непосредственно информация о товаре, в котором Вы заинтересованы; можно также попросить адресата выслать Вам образцы товара и поинтересоваться условиями будущей сделки - ценами, скидками, условиями платежа.

В завершении используюся чаще всего стандартные формулы вежливости. Можно также указать и другие направления сотрудничества, в которых Вы заинтересованы, т.к. если адресату дать понять, что Вы намерены стать его постоянным клиентом, то Вы можете расчитывать на более выгодные цены и условия.



London, April 5, 20..

E Fowler & Co. Ltd.

15 Moonlight Rd


Great Britain


Dear Sirs


We were greatly impressed by the selection of gardening tools displayed on your stand at the Gardening Exhibition held in London last week.


We are a large store in the centre of London with a number of outletsall over the country and we would like to know more about your manufactures.


We shall be obliged if you will send us your up-to-date catalogues and price-lists quoting your best prices and most favourable terms of payment.


We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Yours faithfully

L Slocum (Mrs)



London, October 10, 20...

SuperFurniture Ltd.

19 Bee Rd




Dear Sirs


We have seen youradvertisement in the July edition of “Furniture & Office Equipment” and it interested us greatly.


Our bank is opening new branches in Manchester and Leeds and we will require office furniture and equipment urgently.


We are inclined to place a considerable order with your company and therefore would expect a quantity discount off list prices, and our terms of payment are normally payment for collection or as a special concession on our part by Letter of Credit.


We shall appreciate it if you will send us your brochures, prospectuses and catalogues in duplicate.


We hope to hear from you soon.


Yours faithfully

E Lacombe



Moscow, November 15, 20...

Fish & Fish Products Ltd.

15 Cornflower St.


Great Britain


Dear Sirs


We represent a chain of restaurants and cafeterias in Russia and are looking for a company engaged in the export of fish and fish products. The Chamber of Commerce of Russia has informed us of your address.


We are interested in tinned fish for shipment in equal lots at regular intervals during the next five months. We are ready to pay 50% by an irrevocable Letter of Credit.


We should be obliged to you if you would send us an offer for these goods stating the price of each item separately.


Your early reply will be very much appreciated.


Yours faithfully

A Smirnov



Glasgow, December 17, 20...

The Manchester Engineering Co.

15, Winston St.


Great Britain

Medical Instruments

Dear Sirs


We are regular buyers of Medical Equipment and Instruments on your market. At the annual fair last month we saw your instruments and got some publications covering the latest models. We applied to the Chamber of Commerce and found out your address.


We have read your ad published in the “Medicine” journal and learnt that your list prices have been reduced by 5%. Taking into account your advanced technology and attractive prices we would ask you to send us further data concerning your terms of payment and delivery as well as technical documentation.


We hope your prices as well as terms and conditions will be competitive and look forward to placing an order with you.


We trust you will make every effort to meet our particular requirements.


Yours faithfully

S. Grey



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