And at this poor Tom flashed out like a hero. 

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And at this poor Tom flashed out like a hero.

3. 'Alan!' he cried. 'Then rest his soul for a true seaman! And as for you, John Silver, long you've been a mate of mine, but you're mate of mine no more. If I die like a dog, I'll die in my dooty. You've killed Alan, have you? Kill me too, if you can. But I defies you.'


1. And with that (и с этими /словами/), this brave fellow turned his back directly on the cook (этот храбрый парень повернул свою спину = повернулся тотчас к коку спиной), and set off walking for the beach (и зашагал к берегу; to set off — отправиться /в путь/, начать). But he was not destined to go far (но ему не суждено было уйти далеко; to destine — предопределять, предполагать). With a cry, John seized the branch of a tree (с криком = крикнув, Джон схватился за ветку дерева), whipped the crutch out of his armpit (выхватил костыль из-под мышки), and sent that uncouth missile hurtling through the air (и метнул этот неуклюжий снаряд, просвистевший в воздухе; uncouth — странный, неотесанный; missile — ракета, метательный снаряд; to hurtle — мчаться со свистом, громыхать). It struck poor Tom point foremost (он ударил бедного Тома острым наконечником; point — острие, наконечник; foremost — передний, выдающийся), and with stunning violence (с невероятной силой; stunning — ошеломляющий, сногсшибательный), right between the shoulders in the middle of his back (прямо между лопатками, в цент спины). His hands flew up (его руки взлетели /в стороны/), he gave a sort of gasp, and fell (он ахнул: «издал что-то вроде аханья» и упал).

2. Whether he were injured much or little, none could ever tell (был ли он ранен сильно или слабо, ни один человек не мог бы никогда сказать = трудно было сказать). Like enough, to judge from the sound (вполне вероятно, судя по звуку), his back was broken on the spot (его спина = позвоночник был сломан; on the spot — немедленно, сразу, в опасном положении). But he had no time given him to recover (но, не давая ему времени опомниться; to recover — оправиться, выздороветь) Silver, agile as a monkey, even without leg or crutch (Сильвер, проворный, как обезьяна, даже без ноги = на одной ноге, без костыля) was on the top of him next moment (вскочил на него в следующий миг; top — вершина, поверхность, верхняя часть), and had twice buried his knife up to the hilt in that defenceless body (и дважды вонзил свой нож по самую рукоятку в беззащитное тело). From my place of ambush (из своего места засады = из укрытия), I could hear him pant aloud as he struck the blows (я мог слышать, как он тяжело дышал, нанося удары).


destined [`destInd] uncouth [An`kHT] violence [`vaIqlqns] injured [`InGqd] knife [naIf]


And with that, this brave fellow turned his back directly on the cook, and set off walking for the beach. But he was not destined to go far. With a cry, John seized the branch of a tree, whipped the crutch out of his armpit, and sent that uncouth missile hurtling through the air. It struck poor Tom point foremost, and with stunning violence, right between the shoulders in the middle of his back. His hands flew up, he gave a sort of gasp, and fell.

Whether he were injured much or little, none could ever tell. Like enough, to judge from the sound, his back was broken on the spot. But he had no time given him to recover Silver, agile as a monkey, even without leg or crutch, was on the top of him next moment, and had twice buried his knife up to the hilt in that defenceless body. From my place of ambush, I could hear him pant aloud as he struck the blows.


1. I do not know what it rightly is to faint (не знаю, что значит по-настоящему падать в обморок = я прежде никогда не терял сознания), but I do know that for the next little while the whole world swam away from before me in a whirling mist (но я знаю, что в следующий миг весь мир уплыл: «поплыл прочь» передо мной = перед глазами в вертящемся тумане; whirl — кружение; вихрь; to swim — плыть); Silver and the birds, and the tall Spy-glass hill-top (Сильвер, и птицы, и вершина высокой Подзорной Трубы), going round and round and topsy-turvy before my eyes (/все/ кружилось и вертелось перед моими глазами; topsy-turvy — вверх дном, шиворот-навыворот), and all manner of bells ringing and distant voices shouting in my ear (и разнообразные колокольчики: «всячечкие виды колокольчиков» звенели и далекие голоса кричали = наполнили шумом мои уши).

2. When I came again to myself (когда я вновь пришел в себя), the monster had pulled himself together (это чудовище было уже на ногах; to pull together — собраться с духом, взять себя в руки, встряхнуться), his crutch under his arm, his hat upon his head (костыль /был/ под мышкой, и шляпа — на голове). Just before him Tom lay motionless upon the sward (прямо перед ним Том лежал неподвижно на траве; sward — газон; дерн); but the murderer minded him not a whit (но убийца совсем не обращал на него внимания; not a whit — ни капельки, ни чуточки), cleansing his bloodstained knife the while upon a wisp of grass (очищая свой запачканный кровью нож о пучок травы). Everything else was unchanged (все остальное не изменилось: «было неизмененным»), the sun still shining mercilessly on the steaming marsh (солнце сияло = жгло беспощадно испускавшее пар болото; mercy — милосердие; жалость; пощада) and the tall pinnacle of the mountain (и высокую вершину горы; pinnacle — вершина, пик, шпиц), and I could scarce persuade myself (и я с трудом мог убедить себя = мне не верилось) that murder had been actually done (что убийство в действительности произошло), and a human life cruelly cut short a moment since (и человеческая жизнь жестоко оборвалась минуту назад), before my eyes (/прямо/ у меня на глазах: «перед глазами»).


rightly [`raItlI] topsy-turvy [`tOpsI`tq:vI] bloodstained [`blAdsteInt] persuade [pq`sweId]


I do not know what it rightly is to faint, but I do know that for the next little while the whole world swam away from before me in a whirling mist; Silver and the birds, and the tall Spy-glass hill-top, going round and round and topsy-turvy before my eyes, and all manner of bells ringing and distant voices shouting in my ear.

When I came again to myself, the monster had pulled himself together, his crutch under his arm, his hat upon his head. Just before him Tom lay motionless upon the sward; but the murderer minded him not a whit, cleansing his bloodstained knife the while upon a wisp of grass. Everything else was unchanged, the sun still shining mercilessly on the steaming marsh and the tall pinnacle of the mountain, and I could scarce persuade myself that murder had been actually done, and a human life cruelly cut short a moment since, before my eyes.


1. But now John put his hand into his pocket (но теперь = но вот Джон сунул руку в карман), brought out a whistle (вытащил свисток), and blew upon it several modulated blasts (и издал несколько низких гудков; to blow — дуть, свистеть; to modulate — регулировать, понижать частоту; blast — поток воздуха, звук духового инструмента, гудок), that rang far across the heated air (которые прозвучали = разнеслись далеко в знойном воздухе). I could not tell, of course, the meaning of the signal (я не мог, конечно, определить значение сигнала); but it instantly awoke my fears (но он тотчас пробудил мои страхи). More men would be coming (придут еще люди). I might be discovered (меня могут обнаружить). They had already slain two of the honest people (они уже убили двух честных людей; to slay); after Tom and Alan, might not I come next (после Тома и Алана /почему/ не стать мне следующей /жертвой/)?

2. Instantly I began to extricate myself and crawl back again (немедленно я начал выбираться и ползти назад снова; to extricate — выводить, эвакуировать), with what speed and silence I could manage (с такой скоростью и тишиной = так быстро и тихо, как только мог), to the more open portion of the wood (в более свободную = безлюдную часть леса). As I did so, I could hear hails coming and going between the old buccaneer and his comrades (делая это = удирая, я мог слышать возгласы идущие между = как старый пират перекликается со своими товарищами), and this sound of danger lent me wings (и этот звук опасности придал мне крылья = от их голосов у меня будто выросли крылья; to lend — одолжить; придать). As soon as I was clear of the thicket (как только я вышел из рощи), I ran as I never ran before (я побежал /так/, как никогда раньше не бегал), scarce minding the direction of my flight (едва разбирая направление своего бегства = дорогу), so long as it led me from the murderers (лишь бы он /путь/ увел меня от убийц); and as I ran, fear grew and grew upon me (и когда я бежал = с каждым моим шагом страх все рос и рос; to grow), until it turned into a kind of frenzy (пока не превратился в нечто вроде безумия; frenzy — неистовство, исступление).


modulated [`mOdjuleItId] extricate [`ekstrIkeIt] comrade [`kOmreId] flight [flaIt]


But now John put his hand into his pocket, brought out a whistle, and blew upon it several modulated blasts, that rang far across the heated air. I could not tell, of course, the meaning of the signal; but it instantly awoke my fears. More men would be coming. I might be discovered. They had already slain two of the honest people; after Tom and Alan, might not I come next?

Instantly I began to extricate myself and crawl back again, with what speed and silence I could manage, to the more open portion of the wood. As I did so, I could hear hails coming and going between the old buccaneer and his comrades, and this sound of danger lent me wings. As soon as I was clear of the thicket, I ran as I never ran before, scarce minding the direction of my flight, so long as it led me from the murderers; and as I ran, fear grew and grew upon me, until it turned into a kind of frenzy.


1. Indeed, could anyone be more entirely lost than I (в самом деле, мог ли кто-либо быть более /полностью/ растерянным, чем я)? When the gun fired (когда пушка выпалит), how should I dare to go down to the boats among those fiends (как посмею я сесть в шлюпку посреди тех злодеев; to go down — спускаться, садиться), still smoking from their crime (еще дымящимися от своего преступления = пропитанными еще дымящейся кровью)? Would not the first of them who saw me wring my neck like a snipe's (разве первый = любой из них, кто меня увидит, не свернет мне шею, как цыпленку; snipe — бекас)? Would not my absence itself be an evidence to them of my alarm (разве само мое отсутствие не будет для них свидетельством моей тревоги), and therefore of my fatal knowledge (и, следовательно, моего рокового знания = того, что я знаю обо всем)? It was all over, I thought (все кончено, подумал я). Good-bye to the Hispaniola, good-bye to the squire, the doctor, and the captain (прощай, Испаньола, прощайте, сквайр, доктор и капитан)! There was nothing left for me but death by starvation (мне ничего не оставалось, кроме смерти от голода), or death by the hands of the mutineers (или смерти от рук этих бунтовщиков).

2. All this while, as I say (все это время, как я сказал), I was still running, and, without taking any notice (я все еще бежал, и, не обращая никакого внимания), I had drawn near to the foot of the little hill with the two peaks (я приблизился = добежал до подножия: «ступни» небольшого холма с двумя вершинами), and had got into a part of the island (и попал в часть острова) where the live-oaks grew more widely apart (где виргинские дубы росли не так густо; widely — широко, просторно; apart — в стороне, особняком), and seemed more like forest trees in their bearing and dimensions (и были больше похожи на лесные деревья своим видом и размером). Mingled with these were a few scattered pines (вперемежку с ними росли несколько отдельно стоящих сосен; to mingle — смешивать; to scatter — разбрасывать, раскидывать), some fifty, some nearer seventy, feet high (некоторые пятьдесят, а некоторые почти семьдесят футов высотой). The air, too, smelt more freshly than down beside the marsh (воздух был свежее, чем внизу, около болота; to smell — пахнуть, иметь запах).

3. And here a fresh alarm brought me to a standstill with a thumping heart (и тут новая: «свежая» тревога заставила меня замереть с тяжело стучащим сердцем; to bring to a standstill — «привести к остановке»).


fiend [fJnd] fatal [`feItl] snipe [snaIp] starvation [stR`veISn] thumping [`TAmpIN]


1. Indeed, could anyone be more entirely lost than I? When the gun fired, how should I dare to go down to the boats among those fiends, still smoking from their crime? Would not the first of them who saw me wring my neck like a snipe's? Would not my absence itself be an evidence to them of my alarm, and therefore of my fatal knowledge? It was all over, I thought. Good-bye to the Hispaniola, good-bye to the squire, the doctor, and the captain! There was nothing left for me but death by starvation, or death by the hands of the mutineers.

All this while, as I say, I was still running, and, without taking any notice, I had drawn near to the foot of the little hill with the two peaks, and had got into a part of the island where the live-oaks grew more widely apart, and seemed more like forest trees in their bearing and dimensions. Mingled with these were a few scattered pines, some fifty, some nearer seventy, feet high. The air, too, smelt more freshly than down beside the marsh.


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