Образцы контрольных заданий по аудированию 

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Образцы контрольных заданий по аудированию



Task 1

Questions 8-13

· Look at the questions for this task.

· You will hear a tourist guide talking about some places to visit in London.

· Put a tick in the correct box for each question.

8. The guide says you can eat at the Canal Cafe Theatre...

A     before the show.
B     during the show.
C     in the interval.
D     after the show.

9. What has improved at the Donmar Warehouse?

A     It is more comfortable for the audience.
B     The performers are more famous.
C     The shows are more up-to-date.
D     It is now larger.

10. What does the guide like about the Hackney Empire?

A     Its shows.
B     Its audience.
C     Its appearance.
D     Its television stars.

11. The nearest station to the Hackney Empire is called...

A     London Seals.
B     London Hills.
C     London Theatres.
D     London Fields.

12. Which part of the Brixton Academy is unusually big?

A     The entrance.
B     The screen.
C     The stage.
D     The sign.

13 What is special about Mondays at the Drill Hall?

A     The performers are from abroad.
B     It is only open to students.
C     They experiment with new work.
D     Men can’t go in.


Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.

Guide: Now I’d like to tell you about one or two places you might like to go to during the week when we’re not visiting anywhere as a group.

The first is the Canal Cafe Theatre, which is a small sort of, well, not exactly theatre. It’s quite central, the tube station is Warwick Avenue. They don’t do ordinary plays, more comedy and music and things, sometimes with the audience joining in. It’s usually got a good atmosphere, and they serve food as well during the performance.

Another good place, which has been well-known for its high-quality performances is the Donmar Warehouse. This little theatre in Covent Garden also used to be famous for not being very comfortable for the audience. It’s had some work done on it and is now much improved and well worth visiting.

If you like seeing today’s performers on yesterday’s stage, then you should try and get to the Hackney Empire. This is a great old theatre. Inside it’s just beautiful, all gold and red. It’s where you can see shows by individuals well-known from television as well as groups who are popular with local audiences. You can best reach it from the British Rail station of London Fields by getting a train out from the centre.

I also want to mention Brixton Academy, which is also a very interesting building, in Brixton, naturally, with the largest stage in Europe, where you can see some of the really great international names in rock music and dance.

Lastly, you might consider the Drill Hall Arts Centre, where as well as food and drink they offer courses and classes, and you can watch a play or performance which will certainly be something quite new and experimental and might be from abroad. Mondays, you need to know, are for women only, which may be of interest to some of you. It’s very central, near Goodge Street tube, or you can walk from this hotel.

Now listen again. (The recording is repeated.)

Task 2

Questions 14-19

· Look at the notes about a competition.

· Some information is missing.

· You will hear a radio announcer giving information about the competition.

· For each question. Fill in the missing information in the numbered space.

Take a photograph showing (14) ______________________________ First prize: Holiday at (15) ________________________________Bay, Jamaica. Second prize: (16) _________________________________worth £500. Closing date: (17) __________________________________ Age: Must be (18) __________________________________ Send to DCM Radio, (19) ____________________________ Brighton, Sussex.


Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.

Radio announcer: And now here’s news about our latest competition. You won’t believe what we’re offering you this month. As this is International Year of the Family, you have the chance to win a wonderful family holiday in Jamaica. All you have to do is take a photograph which shows family life. It could be children with their parents or their grandparents or whatever you wish. You don’t have to have taken it on holiday of course. Now, the lucky winner has the chance to spend two weeks at Silver Sands Bay in Jamaica. Two weeks of beautiful beaches, sunshine, plenty for everyone to do. There are watersports, children’s entertainments and everything is included. That’s everything – food as well. Now, the second prize is a camera worth £500 and that’s certainly worth having for any holidays coming up. So send us your photograph – in colour or black and white – by 31 August – that’s the closing date for entries – and listen to this programme to hear if you’ve won or not. We will be announcing the winners on 19 September. Now, you must be over 18 years of age. I’m sorry, kids, but you’ll have a chance next month in our super sports competition! Send your lucky photograph to us at DCM Radio, 25 East Hill, Brighton, Sussex. And don’t forget to write your name and address on the back of the photo. We can’t return any photos, I’m afraid, so make sure that you’ve got another copy if it’s your favourite.

Now listen again. (The recording is repeated.)


Questions 20-25

· Look at the six statements for this task.

· You will hear a conversation between a girl, Fiona, and a boy, Robert.

· If you think it is correct, put a tick in the box under A for YES. If you think it is not correct, put a tick in the box under В for NO.

    A   B
    YES   NO
  Robert applied for the job because he wanted to work outdoors.      
  Fiona is looking for a job for the summer.      
  Robert has learnt the rules of American football.      
  Robert can swim but he’s not very good at it yet.      
  Fiona thinks that Robert isn’t suitable for the job.      
  Fiona thinks she would like to work in the summer camp.        


Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.

Fiona: You look very happy, Robert. You must be pleased about something.

Robert: I am. You know how I’ve always wanted to go to the States? Well, I’ve got a job there for the summer.

Fiona: Oh, well done. I’ve been trying to get a job for the summer holiday too. Last year I worked in my dad’s office but I didn’t enjoy it very much. I’d prefer an outdoor job.

Robert: Well, listen to what I’m going to do. Maybe it would suit you too. I answered an advert to work in a children’s summer camp in America. I had an interview in London and I’ve got the job. They’re sending me to a camp in the mountains near Seattle in the northwest. I just can’t wait.

Fiona: It sounds great. But what are you going to be doing?

Robert: The job title is sports leader. I’ll be taking the children swimming and arranging team games for them – football and things like that I expect.

Fiona: I thought you hated football – I’ve never seen you play.

Robert: Well, no, I don’t really like it but I can easily get some practice before I go and I can find out the rules of American football.

Fiona: What else do you think they’ll ask you to do?

Robert: Oh, outdoor activities like rock climbing and sailing on the lake.

Fiona: It doesn’t sound like your kind of job at all, Robert. I just can’t imagine you taking a group of children rock climbing. You can’t even swim either!

Robert: Well, I’m going to learn. I’ve got three months.

Fiona: Did you tell them that you couldn’t swim and you’d never been rock climbing?

Robert: No, I wanted the job.

Fiona: Well, I think you should tell them the truth. Maybe they could give you a job in the office or something.

Robert: No, I’ll be all right when I get there.

Fiona: Well, it would really suit me. What’s the address?

Now listen again. (The recording is repeated.)


Task l

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-4, choose the best answer А, В or C.

  You are visiting a museum when you hear this man addressing a group of people. Who is he?
  A a security guard    
  В a tourist guide
  С a museum guide    
  You’re in a restaurant when you overhear one of the waiters talking. Who is he talking about?
  A a colleague    
  В the manager
  С a customer    


  You’re waiting in a hospital corridor when you hear this woman talking. What does she say about her doctor?
  A He’s made a mistake.    
  В He’s been unhelpful.
  С He’s been untruthful.    


  You are out shopping when you hear a shop assistant talking to a customer. What is she refusing to do?
  A give him some money    
  В change a faulty item
  С repair something    


Question 1

Tourist guide: OK everyone, uh, before we go into the next room I’d like to warn you not to try and touch any of the wall hangings or furniture. As you will see they’re very beautiful, with very delicate finishes. The museum is very strict about this and they will ask you to leave if they think you’re not taking the rule seriously. I actually had someone told to leave when I brought a group here last year because he accidentally brushed against something. Um? (Pause. The recording is repeated.)

Question 2

Waiter: Well, I said, I don’t stand for that sort of thing from anyone. I don’t care whether they’ve been coming here since before I was born, they’ve no right to speak to anyone like that. I’m doing my job and it’s my job to serve her a meal, not run up and down the road with messages. She’s going to complain about me she said. Well, I’m going to complain about her! (Pause. The recording is repeated.)

Question 3

Woman: To be honest I thought at first he’d got my notes mixed up with someone else. We didn’t seem to be talking about the same illness. He kept going on about how it’s not uncommon for these side effects to occur. And I thought, that’s all very well for you to say, but I’m the only case I know, and I asked what he was going to do now. Well, he just sort of smiled, and said something about ‘weighing discomfort against disease’, really pompous! And that was it as far as he was concerned. (Pause. The recording is repeated.)

Question 4

Shop assistant: Unfortunately, it’s just not possible for me to do that. I don’t have the authority, you see.

Man: But, but, it’s faulty. I know my rights.

Shop assistant: But I can’t tell if there’s really anything wrong with it, just looking at it, so the best I can do is give you a credit note as if you’d changed your mind about wanting it. Then you can choose goods to the same value, well, either now or at a later date. Because we don’t give cash refunds unless there’s something actually wrong with the item. Otherwise, I can have it sent back for checking, but I still can’t pay anything out till we’ve had confirmation of a fault. (Pause. The recording is repeated.)

Task 2

You will hear a student called Bill talking about his holiday job. For questions 9-18, complete the notes which summarise what he says. You will need to write a word or a short phrase in the box.

Reason for doing job:    
Building used to be a    
Good position because it’s near    
Main alteration: owner has added    
Bill’s favourite task:    
Owner is very careful about    
Attitude of male residents to staff    
Problem with woman who thought he was    
Other staff treated Bill as    
Bill is going back in order to    


Bill: Yeah, over last summer I did this job in an old people’s home. I’d been looking for work and I said I wanted something which might be useful, because I want to train as a nurse when I finish school, so they said what about a care assistant, and I said, sure. So, anyway, I went along and it’s in this old house, it was a farmhouse, but the farm’s all gone, now the town’s got bigger, and it’s just got a bit of a garden round it. It’s got a lawn and flowerbeds at the back, but the front is quite near the road. I was surprised but the old people like it they say, because they can watch what’s going on a bit. You know, some places, they’re very pretty, but so quiet and they feel cut off. It’s quite a nice building, with lots of the old woodwork and so on, just they’ve put in a couple of lifts for obvious reasons, because they’ve got some quite frail people among the residents.

I really liked the work, which was a relief, and I got on pretty well with most of the residents. Some of them were a good laugh. They like talking about when they were younger. The best part of my work was when I’d take round their evening drinks, I wouldn’t be having to rush off, and I could take time to listen. I suppose they’d told all their stories before but I hadn’t heard them, so I was a good audience.

I didn’t see much of Mrs Stone, that’s the owner, but she seemed all right. She’s got two or three of these places, and I think she’s always concerned about whether she’s going to lose money. But I don’t think she’s mean. She just can’t afford not to be businesslike about it, or they’d go bust. The residents mostly seemed to like her, anyway. They were nice, most of them, one or two of the old girls could be a bit snappy, but I think that was their arthritis, and the old boys were all ever so grateful if you had time to do them any little extras. The only really tricky one was this old girl who thought I was her son-in-law, because of my hair being the same colour, and she didn’t get on with her son-in-law, so she didn’t get on with me. But I survived, anyway. The rest of the staff did what they could. It was really good, being treated just the same, like an equal, by very experienced people. It made me value my own work and try to do it as well as them. It was a really useful experience, and I learnt a lot. I’m going back there next month, because I’m organising a concert for them. They’re looking forward to it. And what I wanted to ask, was whether anyone... (Pause)

Now you’II hear the recording again.

© Cambridge University Press

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