Being interviewed successfully 

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Being interviewed successfully

Even before the interview starts, a sound preparation like that outlined above will give you the essential self-confidence you will need.

Before attending for interview, it helps to go through the application documents you have kept and to make a list of the type of questions you think you may be asked. Questions about your education, work experience, hobbies and interests, future ambitions and aspirations are almost certain to be asked. It is also important to commit to memory those questions which you have to ask. It always sounds lame when the interviewer asks: 'Are there any questions which you would like to ask us?' and you reply: 'Well, no, not really, you seem to have explained everything...'

Appearance matters!

The matter of dress is always important. Though it may seem unfair, people do tend to make judgments about others whom they do not know well, based on their appearance. Looking smartly turned out will not in itself get you the job, but it certainly won't do you any harm. Over-casual dress may give an impression of being an untidy and slipshod sort of person, while being 'dressed up to the nines', and, in the case of young ladies, wearing too much make-up may transmit a 'flashy' rather than conscientious image.

Speak up and speak out!

In the limited time available, the interviewer is clearly trying to obtain a clear idea of both the job competence of the applicant and some impression of his personality—drive, enthusiasm, loyalty and sense of commitment. He can only do so by posing a series of questions and evaluating the answers given. The interviewee, therefore, must respond to the interview by giving clearly expressed and fluent replies. Mumbling and monosyllabic answers will create a poor impression—but so also will erratic gabbling without pause for breathe!

The best course of action is to listen carefully to the question and then to compose a sensible answer given in a steady manner, all the while watching the interviewer's face for signs that you have said enough and should pause for him to make a com­ment or pose the next question.

If you feel you 'know your stuff' on a given subject, by all means demonstrate your expertise, but never 'woffle' or meander on when you find the going difficult. It is much better to be honest: “I must admit I don't know the answer to that one.' 'So far I haven't had experience with that piece of office equipment.”

Coping with nerves

One of the problems which face all interviewees, whether experienced or going for a first job, is how to cope with nerves. Remember that it is natural to feel nervous—and it even helps—because the mind often works faster and the senses are more alert when there is a challenge. Moreover, the interviewer will know just how you feel—he too has been interviewed—and will take pains to put you at your ease, since nervous candidates do not interview well. It is important to control the effects of nervousness, since self-confidence transmits itself to interviewers positively, while nervousness in a candidate tends to make the interviewer feel embarrassed and guilty. Try to avoid speaking in short panting bursts by taking silent deep breaths to help you to relax and enable you to speak more fluently. Avoid giving off signals of nervousness such as ring-twisting, finger-twining and toe-tapping. It is helpful to assume a comfortable but not slouching position in the chair and to rest hands on lap when not making a supportive gesture.

Be yourself!

Lastly, be your natural self, without becoming over-familiar—the firm should want to employ the real you! And, do not forget to thank the interviewer for his time and interest in your application.

  1. Read the following advertisement:
  FINER FOODS LIMITED   Cash And Carry Specialists require a CLERICAL ASSISTANT to work in their Newtown Food Centre   The successful applicant will need to be familiar with clerical procedures and able to work closely with customers and staff. Experience an advantage, but not essential, as full training given. Excellent prospects for advancement to office management. Salary according to age and experience. Special discount purchasing scheme. Luncheon Vouchers supplied.   For further details and forms of application, apply to:   Mr К Nesbitt Personnel Manager Finer Foods Limited High Street Midtown Newshire MT3 5RT  


2. In groups, devise a checklist of the sort of tasks and responsibilities you think the Finer Foods clerical assistant would carry out.

3. As a group activity, design an application form to be sent to applicants for the clerical assistant post.

4. From the checklist devised above, compose a schedule providing further information about the post.

5. Decide upon the best information schedule and application form and give a copy of each to every member of the group.

6. Individually, complete the application form and compose a suitable supporting letter of application.

7. Organize teams to act as interviewing panels and applicants. Study the applications, then role play the interview for the post of clerical assistant. (You may wish to tape-record each interview.)

8. In a general group session, review what you learned from this assignment about the job selection process.

9. Design and produce curriculum vitae for yourself. It may either be an accurate record of your personal details and accomplishments, or you may invent any information you wish.

10. What points should curriculum vitae seek to emphasise?

11. Design an eye-catching display advertisement for insertion in your local newspaper for one of the following posts:

• receptionist in a large insurance company's head office

• shorthand-typist to work in an accounts department of a medium-sized firm.

• junior secretary to work for the personal assistant of a sales manager in the fashion-wear business.

Try to make your advertisement as authentic as possible.



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