Task3. Answer the questions. Solve the problems. Do the task. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Task3. Answer the questions. Solve the problems. Do the task.

1. Why taxation is considered to be the crucial source of revenue for the Government?

2. What is taxation?

3. What are the supplementary sphere of taxation?

4. What are the largest sources of revenue?

5. What is charged with income tax?

6. What is charged with corporation tax?

7. What is charged with value added tax?

8. Who introduces the proposals for an annual Budget?

9. Where an annual Budget is usually presented?

10. How often is an annual Budget presented to the Parliament?

11. Where are the Budget debate amendment and proposals take place?

12. What is the title of the Act imposing the taxes for the current year?

13. What are the two main groups of taxes?

14. What are the direct taxes levied on?

15. What are the indirect taxes levied on?



Task4. Discuss the following items.

1. Direct taxes and the share of the budget revenue for each for them.

2. Indirect taxes and the share of the budget revenue for each for them.

3. The procedure of introducing the annual Budget.

4. The ways of influencing and controlling the economy by means of taxation.

5. Why does the Budget revenue should correspond its expenditure?


Task5. Do the Test.

1. Find the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:


1. influencing 1. добавленный
2.act 2. финансировать
3.economy 3. компания
4.divide 4. обсуждение
5. house 5. предложение
6. administered 6. путь
7.tax 7. разное
8.introduce 8. услуга
9.company 9. внутригосударственный
10.added 10. бензин
11. consumption 11.стоимость
12.to finance 12. таможня
13. way 13. закон
14.proposal 14. палата
15.inland 15. необходимость
16. debate 16. акциз
17.petrol 17. представлять
18.fuel 18. влияние
19.customs 19. текущий
20.value 20. руководимый
21. excise 21. налог
22.service 22. разделять
23. miscellaneous 23. топливо
24. current 24. потребление
25. need 25.экономика

Answer key:

1-18, 2-13, 3-25, 4-22, 5-14, 6-20, 7-21, 8-17, 9-3, 10-1, 11-24, 12-2, 13-6, 14-5, 15-9, 16-4, 17-10, 18-23, 19-12, 20-11, 21-16, 22-8, 23-7, 24-19, 25-15.


Choose the proper translation.


  1. Налогообложение помогает правительству сбалансировать бюджет.

A) Taxation helps the Government to balance the Budget.

B) Taxation help the Government

  1. НДС был введен в СССР в 1991 году.

A) VAT introduced in the USSR in 1991.

B) VAT was introduced in the USSR in 1991.

  1. Табачные изделия и алкогольная продукция будет облагаться акцизами и в будущем.

A) Tobacco and alcohol will excise in the future.

B) Tobacco and alcohol will be excised in the future.

  1. Налоги бывают местными и федеральными.

A) Taxes maybe local and federal.

B) Taxes can be local and federal.

  1. Повышение налоговых ставок привело к снижению потребления.

A) Rising in tax rates led to the consumption decrease.

B) Rising in tax rates lead to the consumption decrease.

  1. Парламент будет обсуждать бюджет на двух своих заседаниях.

A) The Parliament will discuss the Budget at two of its sessions.

B) The Parliament will be discussing the Budget at two of its sessions.

Министр финансов не смог объяснить плохих результатов своей работы.

C) The Chanceller of the Exchequer couldn’t explain poor results of his work.

D) The Chanceller of the Exchequer wouldn’t explain poor results of his work.

  1. Повышенные экспортные пошлины позволят увеличить объем предложения на рынке.

A) Export duties will allow to increase the volume of supply at the market.

B) Export duties will be able to increase the volume of supply at the market.

  1. Бюджетный год в США начинается 1 октября.

A) Fiscal year in the USA began on the 1st of October.

B) Fiscal year in the USA begins on the 1st of October.

  1. Импортные пошлины оказались неэффективными.

A) Import duties turns out to be ineffective.

B) Import duties turned out to be ineffective.

Answer key:

B, 2. b, 3 b, 4b, 5a, 6 b, 7 a, 8a, 9 b, 10 b.


Проблемы трудоустройства. Поиск работы.

Text 1. The job selection process

The organization

1 Decision made that a vacancy exists

Staff may leave, or be promoted, or a department may grow.

2 Details drawn up of the type of job to be done and the sort of person needed

Many firms carry out a careful review of what and who is needed before advertising the post.

3 The post is advertised

Some posts are first advertised internally. Depending upon the type of appointment, a classified or display advertisement will be placed in either the local or national press.

4 Application forms and job details are sent out

Smaller firms tend to expect letters of application as a direct response from their advertisements, but larger organizations require an application form to be requested and completed.

5 Application forms and letters are sifted

Once applications are received, the company—usually personnel department—selects some six or eight candidates for interview.

6 References are taken up

The references of the short-listed candidates are taken up before interview. (But note that a candidate's current employers will not be approached without his permission.)

7 The interviews take place

Letters inviting candidates for interview are sent out and the interviews take place either with a panel of interviewers or as a one-to-one interview.

8 Confirmation of the appointment

The successful candidate may be offered the post at interview, or afterwards in a letter. At this stage references with a current employer will be taken up.

The candidate

1. Decision made to seek another post

People change jobs for a variety of reasons—boredom, lack of challenge, no advancement, etc.

2 Curriculum vitae drawn up

Many job seekers prepare duplicate copies of their personal details, education, work experience, etc which provides a 'potted history' of their careers to aid potential employers.

3 Advertisement answered

According to the type of advertisement, the candidate will either write a full letter of application, or send off for the details and application forms.

4 The application is made

The candidate dispatches a copy of his curriculum vitae, completed application form and supporting letter of application before any deadline set. (Note: prudent job-seekers keep photocopied records of the application documents for subsequent reference.)

5 Acceptance of invitation for interview

A courteous letter is sent to the organization accepting the invitation to attend for interview, confirming date and time.

6 Researching the organization

Before interview, the candidate will try to find out as much as possible about the organization, and prepare questions to ask at interview.

7 Attending for interview

The candidate seeks to make a good impression, having carefully prepared his ground.

8 Acceptance of the post

The candidate confirms in writing his acceptance of the post.

9 Resignation letter

Once the job has been offered and accepted, the candidate writes a courteous letter of resignation to his current employers.

Mastering the job interview

The prospect of applying for a job may seem daunting, yet we all go through the process several times in the space of our working lives. Practice certainly does help to make perfect and the experience of having made a number of job applications— even when they have been unsuccessful—is of great assistance.

For many, however, the first job application represents the highest hurdle to have to jump. The following guidelines will help you to cope successfully with your next job application or to jump the hurdle of a first job-seeking attempt.

What sort of job?

Obviously, when jobs are scarce, the job-seeker may have to lower his sights and limit his ambitions to fit in with what jobs are available. Ordinarily, though, it is important to give careful thought to the sort of job, and in broader terms, career, which is appealing and which is likely to give long-term satisfaction. Drifting into any job without thought often leads to disappointment and to starting the whole job-hunting process all over again after a few weeks or months. The sorts of questions to be asked are:

• Do I like working with people?

• Am I happier being left to get on with a task quietly?

• Would I like a job involving working with figures?

• Would I be happy constantly serving customers?

• Would I prefer a job with lots of variety, or do I work best in a familiar routine?

• What would I like to be doing in five years' time?

Preparing for job-hunting

When job-hunting, it pays to be well-prepared! One of the preliminary tasks to carry out is to compose and duplicate curriculum vitae. This is a kind of personal data sheet set out in schematic form and organized into sections. It provides a concise account of a person's 'life story'.

The curriculum vitae

A curriculum vitae is normally divided into the following sections:

• Personal details

Full name, age, sex, marital status, nationality, home address, telephone number.

• Education

Names and dates of schools, colleges attended etc, and brief details of courses followed, with notes of any posts of responsibility or sports and social activities.

• Qualifications

Usually set out in chronological order, supplying dates, subjects, examining boards and grades.

• Work experience

Names and addresses of past and present employers, stating post held and duties carried out. For people seeking a first post, it is helpful to supply details of any part-time work experience.

• Hobbies, interests

Brief details of social activities, pastimes or hobbies.

• Circumstances

Details of notice to be worked, willingness to move, availability, holder of clean driving license, etc.

Having a set of curriculum vitaes prepared will save a great deal of time, especially when applying for a post where application forms are not provided.

• References

The next step is to approach people who are willing to supply a reference either about your work or your personal character. Never give details of a referee on an application form without first seeking his permission.


CURRICULUM VITAE Personal details Name Robert Brown Address 4 Ash Grove Road, Anytown, OT2 7IR Tel: 0666 364 582 Email: robertb@mktg.ssu.co.uk Nationality British Date of birth 12/10/76 Marital status Single 1 - Personal profile I am reliable, well organized, and used to working on my own initiative. I am able to prioritize my workload. I am comfortable working on my own or as part of a team. 2 - Key skills Familiar with Microsoft Word and Excel Good problem-solver Confident communicator Self-motivated Able to cope under pressure Fluent in German Clean driving license 3 - Work experience 2007 - Present Marketing Assistant, Success Solutions Unlimited, Manchester Duties include planning and implementing all advertising and promotion, responding to enquiries, monitoring student performance. 2005 - 2007 Teacher of English, Churchill School of English, Munich, Germany August 2001 One month placement in the sales department of Newton Publishing, London 4- Education Dec 2002 Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language 1999-2002 London University: BA in English Literature and Language 1992-1999 Minster College Secondary School, Wells 8 GCSEs, 3 A levels: English (A), German (B), Art (C) 5 - Interests Football, sailing, reading, landscape painting 6 - References Available on request

Once these steps are carried out, it is a matter of scanning local or national newspapers, trade journals or details displayed in job centres, or of registering with a local job centre.

Getting that interview!

In a sense, all the preliminary parts of the job application process are a preparation to enable you to walk smartly through the door of the interviewing room.

Once you have found an advertisement which looks interesting, you will need either to write a letter of application and send it off with your curriculum vitae, or write an initial brief letter requesting the further details and application forms mentioned.

Advertisements requiring the latter response normally state:

For further details of the post and forms of application, write to: Mrs К Thompson, personnel manager.

The application form

Application forms can sometimes cause a lot of trouble. A useful tip is to photocopy the blank application form and to carry out a 'trial run' on a copy, so that if mistakes are made, or items omitted, or boxes for information crowded and cramped, adjustments may be made on the fair copy to be returned.

Clearly some of the information asked for will already be set out on your curriculum vitae but this will not matter if it helps the interviewer to remember you among all the applications.

The letter of application

When the forms have been filled, it is often necessary to compose a detailed and supporting letter of application for the particular post advertised. Such letters are normally hand-written and are selective in the information they supply—there is little point in merely repeating what is on a curriculum vitae or application form. But there is a great deal of point in emphasizing those aspects of your education, qualifications, experience and aptitudes which seem particularly relevant to the job advertised, whether the aspects be a knowledge of a foreign language, good shorthand/typewriting speeds, knowledge of ladies' fashions, interest in motor-cycles or whatever.

The letter of application, therefore, provides you with an opportunity to 'sell yourself to a prospective employer by revealing your best side. But, remember, no one likes to read letters which seem conceited or boastful. The technique of projecting a suitable image of oneself is not easily mastered and requires practice.

14, Westland Avenue, Newtown, Midshire, NT3 4RT   Your ref: AB/TD   Mr. A Brown Personnel Manager, Starbrite Products Ltd, New Road, Westbury, Midshire. WT3 9 AB Dear Sir,   I should like to apply for the post of receptionist which was recently advertised in the “Newtown Echo”, and enclose my completed application form and curriculum vitae for your consideration. At present I am nearing completion of a full-time receptionist course at Newtown College of Technology. As my application form indicates, the course provides a thorough education in reception duties and emphasizes oral communication skills and switchboard techniques. In addition, I have studied typewriting and expect to pass at 50 wpm in the June examination. I am very much attracted to the post, since I enjoy meeting and helping people and feel I have the necessary friendly but responsible outlook. Last summer, I worked as a temporary clerk for two months at Lifeguard Security Limited, where I gained valuable experience in operating a PABX system and in dealing with visitors and enquiries. I shall be available at any time for interview and to commence work as soon as the summer term ends on 29 June.   Yours faithfully, Caroline Ewing (miss) encs.

Once the application details have been copied, the masters should be dispatched in good time and the copies kept until, all being well, the all-important interview invitation arrives.

Research and prepare!

Once called for interview, it is very important that you find out beforehand as much as possible about the organization. For large, national firms, the reference library will offer some help, but for smaller, local organizations, it is most useful to 'ask around' among relatives and friends, to gain some insights into the firm's reputation, stability and prospects for growth. Such preparation will help you to answer frequently occurring interview questions such as:

What makes you want to work for our company? What attracted you to the post?

The next important task is to prepare the list of questions which you wish to ask at the interview. After all, an interview is two-way communication and just as employers will want to establish whether they want you, so you should use the interview to make certain that you want to work for them.

Some information will be given in the job advertisement, though this is often very limited. There will be matters about which you will need reassurance. Normally, the essential information about conditions of service—hours to be worked, paid holidays, salary, etc are readily provided at interview—but the following types of question may help you to gain a better impression of the sort of organization you may commit yourself to:

What are the prospects for promotion if I make a success in the advertised post?

Would there be any opportunities for me to receive further training and development in the post? Does the company have a policy of promoting internally whenever possible?

Has the company any plans for future expansion (in the department where I might be working)?

Such questions may help you to establish whether the organization has developed training schemes, whether there exist prospects of advancement for you and whether you would be joining a lively firm likely to expand and thus help you to develop in your career.


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