Exercise.6 Choose the appropriate ending of the sentences. 

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Exercise.6 Choose the appropriate ending of the sentences.

1. He sheep are sheared

-to remove dist and fat

-to get the wool

2. Sheep are raised where

-no trace of wool can be found

-extensive pastures are available

3.To get fabric wool yarn

-can be belted or woven or knitted

-can be used for manufacture of garments

4. The fleece to be spun into yarn must be washed

-to be boiled

-to remove dirt and fat

5. Wool fibres are poor conductors of heat, that is

-they are sensitive to heat

-they retain head


Exercise 7. Match the definition with the word:

1. The soft, curly covering which forms the fleecy coat of the sheep. (a)Shearing
2. Spun threads prepared fibres weaving or knitting. (b) wool for
3. Soft and very elastic fibres (c) felt
4. Cloth, made by matting pelt woolen fibres. (d) skin or
5. Wool worn by ancient men. (e) Australia, New Zealand, South America, North America, Ukraine, South Africa
6. Regions where sheep are raised (f)Fleecy wool
7. He process of getting wool from yarn the sheep (g) yarn

IV. Comprehension.

Exercise 8. Answer the following questions:

1. What is wool? 2.In what from it was first worn? 3. What is the sheared wool called? 4. Where are sheep raised? 5. Which are the main sheep breeding countries? 6. Why is wool washed? 7. What are the properties of wool fibres? 8.What are the main uses of wool fibres?

Exercise 9. Say whether it is true or false, if false say why. Begin with:

1. I fully quite agree with you.

2. I can’t agree with you here.

3. To the best of my knowledge.

4. In my opinion.


1. Wool was the first fibre used by man as clothing, first in the farm of a skin or pelt.

2. Sheep are raised in all regions of the world.

3. Loose fibres are felted or knitted.

4. Wool fibres are as strong as flax and cotton fibres.

5. Wool fibres are used for the manufacture of warm winter garments, outwear and bathing suits.


Exercise 10. Retell the text according to the plan:

1. The first fibre used by man as clothing.

2. The formation of wool fibres into yarns and then into fabrics.

3. The principal sheep breeding regions.

4. The properties of wool fibres

5. Where are wool fibres used?


V. Reading and Comprehension

Exercise 11.Read the text B ”From the history of wool in England”.

Text B

From the history of wool in England

1. Sheep's wool has long been used as a textile fibre and of course, the skins from these animals were used for clothing for a still longer time. Sheep have been raised in practically every country, and the wool fibre is easy to work into textile products.

2. The ancient Romans were skillful in spinning and
weaving wool, and it is from them that the people of North­ern Europe learned the art. The art of wool weaving is known to come to the British Isles from the Romans. In the fourth century of our era Roman soldiers in Great Britain started a wool-weaving factory at the British town of Winchester to supply themselves with clothing.

3. It is from this factory that the native population of Great Britain learned the full value of wool, and began to spin and weave it for themselves.

4. Mediaeval Britain was already famous for wool. At first, it was a large exporter of raw wool and, later, it became an exporter of woolen textiles.

5. It is believed that Great Britain owed its wealth to wool which was manufactured into cloth at home and was not allowed to be exported to other countries as raw material. Eyen now the Lord Chancellor of England has his seat in Parliament on the wool sack, and this shows the importance of wool in the history of England.


Exercise 12. Answer the questions:

1. Haw long has sheep’s wool been used as a textile fibre?

2. Is the wool fibre easy to work into textile products?

3. From where has the art of wool weaving come to the British Isles?

4. From whom did the people of Northern Europe learn the art of wool weaving?

5. What did the Roman soldiers start in Great Britain?

6. Was medieval Britain famous for wool?

7. Why has the Lord Chancellor of England his seat in Parliament on the wool sack even now?


VI. Oral Practice

While doing the exercises given below. Use some of these conversational formulas:

1. To begin with… -Начнемо з того, що…

2. It’s interesting to note…-Цікаво відзначити…

3. It should be added…-Необхідно додати…

4. It’s well known that…- Добре відомо, що…

5. To rut a long story short…-Коротше кажучи…

6. It’s worth pointing out…- Слід підкреслити…

7. We can’t but mention…-Ми не можемо не згадати…

8. In conclusion, I’d like to stress …-На закінчення, мені б хотілося підкреслити…



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