Exercise 6. Choose an appropriate English equivalent. 

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Exercise 6. Choose an appropriate English equivalent.

1. The cotton fiber grows around

- стебла

- насіння

- коробочки

(boll, stem, seeds)

2. When ripen the cotton fiber is

- очищують

- миють

- збирають

(cleaned, picked, washed)

3. Cotton fibers can be easily

- фарбувати

- очищувати

- продавати

(sold, dyed, cleaned)

4. Cotton is used for manufacturing

- столів

- одягу різного виду

- кулькових ручок

(ball pen, clothes of all kinds, tables)



Exercise 7. Match the words.

1. crease easily a) волога

2. relatively b) ізоляція проводів

3. can be easily dyed c) пух

4. a cooling effect d) тонина

5. durability e) легко мнеться

6. require f) відносно

7. in wear g) охолоджуючий ефект

8. fineness h) довговічність

9. wire insulation i) легко фарбується

10.linter j) потребувати

11.moisture k) коли носити


IV. Comprehension

Exercise 8. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the cotton fiber?

2. When is the cotton fiber picked?

3. What operations is the cotton fiber subjected after being picked?

4. Why does the cotton fiber take the leading place among textiles?

5. What are the leading cotton-cultivating countries?

6. What is the strength of cotton fibers?

7. Why do cotton fibers crease easily?

8. What are the useful properties of cotton fibers?

9. What is cotton used for?

10.How can cotton linters be used?

Exercise 9. Say whether it is true or false, if false, say why. Begin with:

I fully / quite agree with you.

I can’t agree with you here.

To the best of my knowledge.

In my opinion.

1. Cotton plant is a two-year plant.

2. Cotton fibers can be picked only manually.

3. Cotton must be subjected to some treatment before spinning.

4. The production of cotton is cheap.

5. Cotton is also grown in Ukraine.

6. Cotton fibres crease easily because cotton fibre is not elastic.

7. Because cotton fibre are not elastic they are dyed easily.

8. Cotton can be used as an insulator in the industrial electrical world.


V. Oral practice.

Exercise 10. Retell the text according to the plan:

1. Cotton plant and cotton fiber.

2. The leading cotton-cultivating countries.

3. Useful properties of cotton fibers.

4. The end-use of cotton.


VI. Reading and Comprehension.

Exercise 11. Read and translate text B “Cottonseed”.

Text B


Once a waste-disposal problem for gins, cottonseed is now a valuable by-product. The seed goes to oil mills, where it is delinted of its linters in an operation similar to ginning. The bare seed is then cracked and the kernel removed. The meal that remains after the oil has been extracted is high in protein. Linters are used for padding in furniture and automobiles, for absorbent cotton swabs, and for manufacture of many cellulose products such as rayon, plastics, lacquers, and smokeless powder for munitions. The hulls, or husks, are used as feed for cattle. Kernels, or meats, provide cottonseed oil. The cake and meal are used for feed and flour. Foots, the sediment left by cottonseed oil refining, provides fatty acids for industrial products.


gin – бавовноочисна машина

meal – мука

swab – тампон

munitions – боєприпаси

hull – шкаралупи

husk – лузга

kernel – ядро

meat – м’якуш

cake – жмих

foots – осадок


Exercise 12. Answer the following questions.

1. Where do the cottonseeds go?

2. What is done to cottonseed at oil mills?

3. What is the meal rich in?

4. What are linters used for?

5. What are hulls used for?

6. What is the cake and meal used for?

7. What provides fatty acids for industrial products?


VII. Oral Practice

While doing the exercises give below, use some of these Conversational Formulas:

1. To begin with… – почнемо з того, що…

2. It’s interesting to note – цікаво відзначити

3. It’s well known that...- добре відомо, що…

4. It should be added – необхідно додати

5. To cut a long story short – коротше кажучи

6. It’s worth pointing out – слід підкреслити

7. We can’t but mention – ми не можемо не згадати

8. In conclusion, I’d like to stress - на закінчення, мені б хотілося підкреслити



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