Dynamics of the market and competitive situation. 

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Dynamics of the market and competitive situation.

In the first quarter 2013 of delivery of smartphones in the world for the first time exceeded deliveries of "ordinary" mobile phones, it is reported in the report of the research company IDC.


The IDC organization provided the report for the first quarter of the current year where in it there were quite unpredictable results. According to their data, simple mobile phones lagged behind on sales smartphones. Earlier the situation was another. Now smartphones at what, analysts claim became leaders of sales in 2013 that the similar tendency will develop further.

Thus, sales of simple mobile phones decreased on so many that such fact affected even total amount of profit with the general sales with smartphones. But, Strategy Analytics does not do distinctions between smartphones and simple mobile devices, and as a whole says that there was the general recession of sales on mobile devices. The percent of recession made 1,4%. If to speak about total amount, for the first 3 months of the current year 418, 6 million mobile devices were realized. From them – 51,06% are sales of smartphones.

The Samsung company, with result in 115 million sold devices became the leader of sales. The present quantity exceeds sales of the same quarter last year, for 5,2%. Such unusual popularity of this brand of phones can be explained with quite wide choice of a model range of phones. Among such models not only smartphones on the basis of the Android platform, but also other models which are capable to increase competitiveness of the company in the market of phones. The second place after Samsung takes American компанияApple.

The company is engaged in production of communicators, tablets, and it, undoubtedly, causes admiration. And let the company is not in the lead on sales of smartphones, but nevertheless the 2nd place is too quite good. The LG company got the third place. The South Korean company despite everything, could achieve increase in sales which exceeded 100%. It could realize 10, 3 million smartphones. The Chinese producers also were beaten out and take 4 and the 5th places. Together two Chinese companies realized about 19 million smartphones. The success which smartphones have, is explained by that the prices of them are reduced, plus, they have additional services and services.

IDC predicts that in 2013 to the world market more smartphones, than class "feature phone" phones for the first time will be put. The annual volume of deliveries of smartphones will make 918,6 million pieces, or 50,1% of all world market of mobile phones.

Reduction of prices of smartphones around the world, the increased variety of models and growth of networks of the fourth generation (4G) aimed at data transmission, - here those three factors which these "able do everything" devices more and more attractive to users. IDC predicts that by the end of 2017 1,5 billion piece of smartphones that will make over two thirds of total amount of deliveries of mobile phones for this moment will be around the world put.

Till today the main volume of deliveries of smartphones was direct result of demand in the mature markets, first of all in the USA. But the balance of demand for smartphones is gradually displaced towards the being formed markets where the user base of smartphones is still rather small, and economic prospects it is significantly better. Deliveries of smartphones to China, Brazil and India will make the growing percent in a total amount of this type of devices in every year of the expected period.

Demand for smartphones steadily grows in these big, multioccupied countries as their economy grows, promoting creation of the middle class, ready to buy smartphones. China which last year pushed aside the USA, having become the world leader on deliveries of smartphones, goes at the head of these changes.

Growth of the market of smartphones in China will proceed with a train speed as it was in the last two years, the factors supporting growth of the market which moves to more and more low prices on in process of country transition to networks 4G and still will remain, - writes Melissa Chau, the senior manager of research, IDC Asia/Pacific. - While the market of China becomes mature, there is still a huge untouched capacity of other being formed markets, first of all to India. Here by 2017 only less than a half of all put phones will be smartphones, and still India makes a powerful contribution as the third world's largest market.

Brazil - one more growing market of smartphones that is caused by improvement of economic conditions in the country. Brazilians just should make a choice for smartphones instead of feature phone in mass scale, - Bruno Freytas, the manager of research, Consumer Devices, IDC Brazil writes. - But flow of smartphones to Brazil becomes ripe - communications operators and the government prepared for this purpose the soil.

Top-5 the markets on smartphones deliveries:

China remains the largest world market for smartphones, especially inexpensive models on the basis of Android and to a lesser extent - to iOS. At the same time, by the end of the expected period growth will be slowed down. It is expected also that the prices of smartphones will fall in view of the growing competition. As a result, the share of China in the world market of smartphones will decrease a little as more and more devices will go to India, Brazil and other developing states.

Now, when users of smartphones make the majority of all owners of mobile phones in the USA, IDC expects slower growth in the forthcoming years. It will be fed by constantly changing landscape of operating systems: revived Black Berry OS and Windows Phone intend to win part of the market from Android dominating now and iOS.

In India growth of deliveries of smartphones by years will be the highest among the leading countries as now the vast majority of subscribers of mobile communication in the country is used by class "feature phone" phones. The market of smartphones will grow thanks to a number of factors, including big availability of inexpensive devices and advance of devices of the main vendors in less occupied parts of the country. Besides, the territory of coverage of networks 3G will extend, it is expected also that networks 4G will stimulate growth of sales of smartphones since 2015 and further.

In Brazil growth of the market of smartphones is provided with a combination of factors, including the tax concessions for the vendors, creating workplaces. Communications operators offer the increased subsidies to stimulate sales of smartphones, counting on more considerable flows of the income from data transmission services in the future. Key to growth of the market of smartphones in Brazil is successful introduction of the LTE networks in the country.

In Great Britain growth of the market of smartphones was significantly slowed down in the last quarters - economic growth remains at the best minimum that generates uncertainty of consumers. The size of this market and its relative wellbeing in comparison with mostly Western Europe will make him the leader on deliveries of smartphones to the expected period, considering transition to the LTE networks and remaining large subsidies of operators.

The number of the sold smartphones worldwide increased by 46,7% in the 3rd quarter in comparison with the similar period of previous year, is reported in the research Gartner.

The size of the market of smartphones makes 39,6% of all sold mobile phones in the 3rd quarter 2012, or 169,2 million units. Leaders of sales of Samsung and Apple occupy 46,5% of the market of smartphones. Further the producer of Blackberry - Research in Motion/RIM/and the Taiwan producer of HTC smartphones. Nokia fell by the 7th place with sales volume to 7,2 million smartphones in the 3rd quarter of year of/4,3% of the market/.

Success of Samsung explain with steady demand for Galaxy smartphones of different price range. In total company sold 55 million smartphones in the 3rd quarter, or 32,5% of the market.

The leader of the market of operating systems there is Google Android. The share of Android increased to 72,4% of the market from 52,5% in the 3rd quarter 2011. Further Apple - 13,9% of the market and RIM - 5,3%. The share of Microsoft increased to 2,4% of the market of operating systems from 1,5% in the 3rd quarter 2011.

Sales of smartphones grew by 46,7% in comparison with the similar period of previous year. While the sales volume of mobile phones was reduced by 3,1% for the studied period and made 428 million units. Analysts of Gartner expect increase in demand for smartphones until the end of the year, but delay of growth of the market of mobile phones in connection with increase in demand at tablets and other mobile gadgets.

The leader of the market of smartphones in the world scale, whose share of the market makes 29%, Samsung is. On the second place Apple Steve Jobs's child, whose share — 22,1%.

Once noticeable players of the Blackberry and Nokia market considerably concede not only to leaders, but also Huawei and Sony. (Picture 2)


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