Read the text and say which taboos were broken by the teacher. 

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Read the text and say which taboos were broken by the teacher.


Instead of teaching, I told stories.Anything to keep them quiet and in their seats.They thought I was teaching.I thought I was teaching.I was learning.And you called yourself a teacher?I didn't call myself anything. I was more than a teacher. And less. In the high school classroom you are a drill sergeant, a rabbi, a shoulder to cry on, a disciplinarian, a singer, a low-level scholar, a clerk, a referee, a clown, a counselor, a dress-code enforcer, a conductor, an apologist, a philosopher, a collaborator, a tap dancer, a politician, a therapist, a fool, a traffic cop, a priest, a mother-father-brother-sister-uncle-aunt, a bookkeeper, a critic, a psychologist, the last straw.

In the teachers' cafeteria veterans warned me, Son, tell 'em nothing about yourself. They're kids, goddam it. You're the teacher. You have a right to privacy. You know the game, don't you? The little buggers are diabolical. They are not, repeat not, your natural friends. They can smell it when you're going to teach a real lesson on grammar or something, and they'll head you off at the pass, baby. Watch 'em. Those kids have been at this for years, eleven or twelve, and they have teachers all figured out. The advice was wasted. I learned through trial and error and paid a price for it. I had to find my own way of being a man and a teacher and that is what I struggled with for thirty years in and out of the classrooms of New York. My students didn't know there was a man up there escaping a cocoon of Irish history and Catholicism, leaving bits of that cocoon everywhere.

My life saved my life. On my second day at McKee a boy asks a ques­tion that sends me into the past and colors the way I teach for the next thirty years. I am nudged into the past, the materials of my life.

Joey raises his hand. Yo, teacher man....

Call me Mr. McCourt.

Yeah. OK. So, you Scotch or somethin'?

No. I'm not Scotch. I'm Irish.

Joey looks sincere. Oh, yeah? What's Irish?

Irish is whatever comes out of Ireland.

Like St. Patrick, right?

Well, no, not exactly. This leads to the telling of the story of St. Patrick, which keeps us away from the b-o-r-i-n-g English lesson, which leads to other questions.

Hey, mister. Everyone talk English over there in Ireland?

Don't let them take over the classroom. Show them who's in charge. Be firm or be dead. Take no shit. Tell them, Open your notebooks. Time for the spelling list.

Yeah, yeah. So, mister, did you go out with girls in Ireland?

No, dammit. Sheep. We went out with sheep. What do you think we went out with?

The class explodes. They laugh. This teacher. Crazy, man. Talks funny. Goes out with sheep.

Excuse me. Open your notebooks, please. “We have a spelling list to cover.”

Hysterics. Will sheep be on the list?

That smart-ass response was a mistake. There will be trouble. The goody-goody, the saint and the critic will sorely report me: Oh, Mom, oh, Dad, oh, Mr. Principal, guess what teacher said in class today. Bad things about sheep.

I'm not prepared, trained or ready for this. It's not teaching. It has nothing to do with English literature, grammar, writing. When will I be strong enough to walk into the room, get their immediate attention and teach? Around this school there are quiet industrious classes where teachers are in command. In the cafeteria older teach­ers tell me, Yeah, it takes at least five years.

Next day the principal sends for me. He sits behind his desk, talking into the telephone, smoking a cigarette,keeps saying, I'm sorry. It won't happen again. New teacher, I'm afraid.

He puts the phone down. Sheep. What is this about sheep? Sheep?

I dunno what I'm gonna do with you. There's a complaint you said “dammit” in class. I know you're just off the boat from an agricultural country and don't know the ropes, but you should have some common sense.

No, sir. Not off the boat. I've been here eight and a half years, including my two years in the army, not counting years of infancy in Brooklyn.

Damn phone ringing off the hook. Parents up in arms. I have to cover my ass. You're two days in the building and two days you're in the soup. How do you do it? If you'll excuse the expression you're inclined to screw up a bit. Why the hell did you have to tell these kids about the sheep?

I'm sorry. They kept asking me questions, and I was exasperated. They were only trying to keep me away from the spelling list.

That's it?

I thought the sheep thing was a bit funny at the time.

Oh, yeah, indeed. You standing there advocating bestiality. Thirteen parents are demanding you be fired. There are righteous people on Staten Island.

I was only joking.

No, young man. No jokes here. There's a time and place. When you say something in class they take you seriously. You're the teacher. You say you went out with sheep and they're going to swallow every word. They don't know the mating habits of the Irish. This time I'll let it go. I'll tell the parents you're just an Irish immigrant off the boat. But I was born here. These kids will give you gray hair before you're thirty.

It was clear I was not cut out to be the purposeful kind of teacher who brushed aside all questions, requests, complaints, to get on with the well-planned lesson. That would have reminded me of that school in Limerick where the lesson was king and we were nothing. I was already dreaming of a school where teachers were guides and mentors, not taskmasters. I didn't have any particular philosophy of education except that I was uncomfortable with the bureaucrats, the higher-ups, who had escaped classrooms only to turn and bother the occupants of those classrooms, teachers and students. I never wanted to fill out their forms, follow their guidelines, administer their examinations, tolerate their snooping, adjust myself to their programs and courses of study.

If a principal had ever said, “The class is yours, teacher.’ Do with it what you like,” I would have said to my students, “Push the chairs aside. Sit on the floor. Go to sleep.”


I said, “Go to sleep.” Why?

Figure it out for yourself while you're lying there on the floor.

They'd lie on the floor and some would drift off. There would be giggling as boy wriggled closer to girl. Sleepers would snore sweetly. I'd stretch out with them on the floor and ask if anyone knew a lullaby. I know a girl would start and others would join. A boy might say, Man, what if the principal walked in. Yeah. The lullaby continues, a murmur around the room. Mr. McCourt, when are we getting up? He's told, Shush, man, and he shushes. The bell rings and they're slow off the floor.

(Teacher Man. Frank McCourt.)


Answer the questions.


1) Why was the teacher teaching and learning at the same time?

2) What roles does a teacher have to try on while educating children?

3) Which teachers are called veterans?

4) What pedagogical situation arose in class?

5) What price did the teacher pay for his joke?

6) Why were the parents indignant about the joke?

7) Would you take the joke seriously if you were a parent / a principal?

8) What is the purposeful kind of teacher?

9) Is it always necessary to brush aside allirrelevantquestions, requests, complaints to get on with the well-planned lesson?



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