X. Fulfilment in good faith of obligations under international law 

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X. Fulfilment in good faith of obligations under international law

The States will fulfil in good faith their obligations under international law, both those obligations arising from the generally recognized principles and rules of international law and those obligations arising from treaties or other agreements, in conformity with international law, to which they are parties.

In exercising their sovereign rights, including the right to determine their laws and regulations, they will conform with their legal obligations under international law; they will furthermore pay due regard to and implement the provisions in the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

The States confirm that in the event of a conflict between the obligations of the members of the United Nations under the Charter of the United Nations and their obligations under any treaty or other international agreement, their obligations under the Charter will prevail, in accordance with Article 103 of the Charter of the United Nations.


  1. Make up 3 questions to each paragraph of the text.



3. Match the words listed below with the dictionary definitions which follow.

Doctrine; resolution; analogy; misleading; statute; charter; dispute; convention; jurisdiction; provision; teaching; multilateral; to ratify; validity (of treaty); code; case; ban; claim; comity; reparations; equity; precedent; sovereignty; judge; reputation.

1. Agreement between States, rulers, etc.

2. Complete political power that a country possesses to govern it­ self or another country.

3. Condition in a legal document.

4. An assertion that one is entitled to something.

5. An official statement that something must not be done, shown, used, etc.

6. A public official whose function is to hear and decide legal dis­putes, preside over trials, and generally monitor the conduct of cases presented to a court.

7. Disagreement about the facts or truth of something.

8.A formal decision, usually by means of a vote, taken by a group of people at a meeting, conference, etc.

9.To give one's formal approval to some document, usually by signing it, and in this way make it official.

10.A written law enacted by a state legislature.

11.A judicial decision cited as authority by an attorney, or court in a subsequent case involving similar facts and issues.

12.Legal principle, a firm rule, sometimes a general guideline to be applied flexibly and judiciously.

13.An organized compilation of statutes or rules, or a coherent and comprehensive statute dealing with a major area of law.

14.Deceptive, giving one a wrong idea or impression.

15.The power and authority of a court or administrative tribunal to decide legal issues and disputes.

16.Compensation for war damages demanded from a defeated enemy.

17.AH proceedings with respect to a charge, claim, or dispute filed with a court.

18.Likeness, similarity in part.

19.A formal grant of rights and powers from a sovereign, or the document embodying such a grant.

20.Involving two or more participants.

21. The general opinion about the character, qualities, etc. of a person or thing.

22.All the ideas and principles taught by a particular person, school of thought, or religion.

23.The principle under which the courts of the jurisdiction will recognize and defer to the decisions, proceedings, and laws of another jurisdiction, not out of obligation but out of mutual respect.

24.State of being written or done in a proper manner so that a court of law would agree with it.

25.Overall fairness; justice in a moral as well as legal sense.



4. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.


1. Любой субъект международного права может вступать в обоюдные соглашения с другими организациями, заключать соглашения, осуществлять государственную власть внутри и за пределами своей территории в отношении своих граждан.

2. Возобновление контроля над своей территорией после вооруженного конфликта – это вопрос здравого смысла. Территориальная целостность, нерушимость границ и государственный суверенитет – это необходимые составляющие любого государства.

3. Согласно международному праву, нормы – наставительные предписания, соблюдение которых предотвращает присвоение любым субъектом какой-либо части нейтральных вод или космического пространства; гарантирует исполнение любых обязательств добросовестно, и дает право каждому государству осуществлять государственную власть над своими гражданами.

4. В средние века война была нормальным состоянием соседних государств. В ходе вооруженных конфликтов противники захватывали заложников, контролировали чужие территории, закладывали собственность королей в обмен на свои собственные жизни.

5. Установление рабочих рамок для межгосударственных отношений создает благоприятную почву для дальнейшего сотрудничества.

6. Одну из важнейших основ безопасности государств составляет принцип нерушимости государственных границ, что означает отказ от любых территориальных притязаний, а также признание существующих границ на законных основаниях.


5. Translate the following text from Russian into English


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