When you are writing a letter of application it is the best to use fixed phrases. Match them to the following sentences. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


When you are writing a letter of application it is the best to use fixed phrases. Match them to the following sentences.

1. I will be happy when I receive a letter from you. …………………………………………..

2. The advertisement that I saw made me think of writing to you. …………………………………..

3. Along with this letter I’m sending my CV. ……………………………...……………………

4. I would like you to give a job as an engineer. …………………………………..……………….

5. If you want to know anything, just ring me. …………………………………………………...


  1. Read a letter of application and fill in the gabs. 7 Hillside Rd

Cheesewood WD3 5LB

Tel. 01923 284171

Thursday 17 January

David Benton

Worldwatch UK Ltd

357 Ferry Rd


Dear Mr. Benton

I saw your ……………………….………. for a business journalist in today’s Guardian newspaper.

I am very ………………….. in the job and I think I have many of the necessary …………………………

I ……………………….…… politics and modern languages at Oxford University.

I am ………………….. in French, German and Spanish. I have ………….. in Europe and South America, and I ……… worked as a business journalist for the BCC ……………. the last five years.

I enclose the copy of my curriculum vitae.

I look forward ……… hearing from you soon. Please let me know if you need more information.


Nancy Gordon

5. Listen to the job interview dialogue (E-4 Jobs (2)) and fill in the necessary information.

- Hello, Miss Jones. …..

- Thank you, sir.

- Firstly, where did you see the advert for this post?

- I saw it ………………………...

- Have you brought your ……………………..? – Yes, here you are.

- Thank you.

- Could you …………………………………………..?

- Of, course. I left school with two ………………………………….

Then I did a Diploma at Crew College.

- What ………………………………...

- It is …………………………………

- Fine. Could you tell me …………………………………….

- Yes! I worked at Franco Bank ……………………………………

- Would you mind telling me why you left?

- Well, the salary was fairly good, but ……………….., so I decided to resign and ………….........

- I see. Now if you were offered the post would you be able to start straight away?

- Yes, of course. – Excellent. Now, ……………………………………

- Yes, I have a few questions. Could you please tell me what…………………..

- Yes, the normal office hours are (from) …………………….., but we are quite flexible about this.

- Oh, that’s sounds fine. Could you tell me what salary I could expect?

- Well, ………………………………………..… £ a month before tax.

After six months the salary increases by ……..

- Oh, that sounds good.

- Well, ……………………………………………………….

- No, I don’t think so. When could I expect to hear from you?

- We have a few more people to see, but I hope ……………..……………..

Will be in touch by the end of the week.

- Thank you for time. Good bye.

- Good bye and thank you.

Working in pairs, act out a job interview. Use the expressions from exercises 3-4.


Put the words in the correct order to make up interview questions. Answer them, using the tips below.

1. applying / why / this role / are / for / you ………………………………………………….

2. this position / you / to apply / for / motivated / what ………………………………………….

3. do / apply for / why / this job / you …………………………………………………………...

4. interested in / why / job / you / this / are ……………………………………………………………


- You believe that your skills, qualifications and experience are tailored to the position (підходять для вакансії) you applied for and therefore you think you can utilize your abilities to the maximum.

- You consider this job opportunity (i.e. the offered position) to be perfect for enhancing your career as you will learn a lot about your line of work and profession.

- Another point you can stress is that you would always have liked to work in their (successful, resourceful, initiative etc) company and the enormous amount of knowledge and information that you would get and develop while working with them.


e.g. “So, why do you want to work in our company? Or for this organization?”

“This Company is a well-known ABC industry leader. I have conducted web research and found/believe that DEF products and its future prospects are impressive and interesting/exciting. I have always wanted to work at this company. The ABC team is the team I’d be proud to work with. It’s a place where my background/skills can be utilized and developed.”

Active Vocabulary

- hurdle – перешкода, випробування

- recruitment tool – засіб підбору, найму, комплектації співробітників

- prospective employee – потенційний працівник

- applicant – заявник, претендент

- (to) conduct an interview – проводити співбесіду

- (to) face challenges – стикатися з труднощами

- (to) project oneself as a well aware candidate – позиціонувати себе як добре обізнаного кандидата

- (to) communicate strengths and expertise – розповісти про свої якості та професійні навички

- profile – професійне досьє

- succinct – вичерпний, лаконічний

- professional involvement – професійні обов’язки

- retail chain – мережа магазинів роздрібної торгівлі

- (to) pin-point and utilize the factors – точно вказати на фактори та використати їх

- footfall at the store – відвідуваність магазину

- (a) growth (of …%) in sales – зростання продажів (на n%)

- work deliverables – результати виконаної роботи

- prudent step – розумний крок

- long term goals – довгострокові цілі

- (to) obtain a chance – отримати шанс, можливість

- (to) acquire and hone skills – здобувати і відточувати навички

- (to) touch base – поговорити, торкнутися якоїсь теми



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