Read the text and fill in the gaps. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Read the text and fill in the gaps.

З теми «Applying for a Job»



асистент кафедри лінгвістики ДонНАБА Іванова О.В.



на засіданні кафедри лінгвістики

протокол № __ від «__» січня 2015 р.


Краматорськ 2015

My Future Occupation Lesson 1

The best augury of a man's success in his profession is

that he thinks it the finest in the world.

George Eliot

1. Warm-up questions:

1. Why is to choose the right occupation difficult?

2. What and who can influence this choice?

3. Is there any difference between profession and occupation?


2. Fill in the correct word: profession, job, career, occupation. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Her ……. as a dancer came to an end, when she broke her leg.

2. My father has been able to find a ……. despite of the fact that he’s fifty-two years old.

3. You must write your name, age and ……… on the application form.

4. John is a mechanical engineer by …… but at the moment he works for a building company.


Read the text and fill in the gaps.

I believe if a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing it well. It is very important to do what we are really interested in and what we are good at. It lets us show our worth and become aware of the importance and usefulness of our life. An occupation is an activity of any kind for which a person has the necessary qualification and training.

………….. is my future occupation, but I want it to become more than just the work I do to earn my living, I want to become a professional. A profession needs extensive training and specialized knowledge. It is an occupation which requires much intellectual work and a long period of higher education at a university or an academy. I work hard every day because I want to become a successful …………...

Active Vocabulary

- (to) show one’s worth – показати, довести свою користь

- (to) become aware of – знатись на чомусь

- (to) earn one’s living – заробляти на життя

- (to) do justice to sth – віддати належне чомусь

- mental ability – розумові здібності

- born/gained qualities – вроджені/здобуті якості

- job description – опис вакансії

- deliver the targets – досягати цілей

- job achievements – професійні досягнення

- required skill set – набір потрібних навичок; навички, яким потрібно відповідати

- long/short term career goals – довгострокові/короткострокові кар’єрні завдання, цілі

- career objective – кар’єрна мета - (to) hire – наймати(ся)

- (to) fire – звільнити - (to) resign – звільнитися


Read the extract and fill in the necessary words/word combinations from Active Vocabulary.

I want to get this position because I have the ……………….……….……….. to lead, delegate and direct. I have read the ………………………… and I understand that you require a person who can successfully manage a team in ‘retail space’ and …………………………..………… well.

My professional record, …………….…..., education and qualification …………. my abilities as a good specialist. Additionally, I possess the required educational qualification, ……………………………… and prior ………………………. in a similar capacity.

Lastly, I am an extrovert and thus, able to get well with people, existing …………………. or new clients.

Deliver the targets job description skill sets job achievements

Born/gained qualities customers prove experience

Essential Job Skills for Company/Individual Success Lesson 2

Pros are people who do jobs well

even when they don't feel like it.


1. What are top job skills for any company?

2. What are top job skills for an individual success?

3. What are the key employability skills that employers demand from candidates

4. What born/gained qualitiesdo you possess to gain success in your career?


Read the text. Would you add any other skills you consider important?

Active Vocabulary

- employer – працедавець; той хто, бере на роботу

- employee – працівник; той, хто наймається на роботу

- required skills – потрібні навички

- employability skills – навички для працевлаштування

- relevant experience – професійний досвід

- compatibility – професійна придатність

- honesty – чесність

- integrity – цілісність, спрямованість

- flexibility – гнучкість

- tenacity – завзятість

- (to) run a successful business – керувати, мати успішний бізнес

- (to) identify key issues – визначити ключові питання

- relevant software – відповідне програмне забезпечення

- spreadsheets – електронні таблиці

- promotion and advancement – просування, розвиток

- resolve conflicts – вирішення конфліктів

- paramount to the success of a business – першорядне значення для успіху бізнесу

- (to) implement a project – здійснювати, забезпечувати проект

- (to) draw on past experiences – спиратися на попередній досвід

- (to) carry out one’s job – впоратися з роботою



Writing a Letter of Application/CV Lesson 3

  1. Warm up. True or false?

- A resume summarizes effectively experience, skills and competencies of a job applicant.

- Writing a resume has nothing challenging for many people.

- A professional resume serves as your first impression on a prospective employer.

Active Vocabulary

- hurdle – перешкода, випробування

- recruitment tool – засіб підбору, найму, комплектації співробітників

- prospective employee – потенційний працівник

- applicant – заявник, претендент

- (to) conduct an interview – проводити співбесіду

- (to) face challenges – стикатися з труднощами

- (to) project oneself as a well aware candidate – позиціонувати себе як добре обізнаного кандидата

- (to) communicate strengths and expertise – розповісти про свої якості та професійні навички

- profile – професійне досьє

- succinct – вичерпний, лаконічний

- professional involvement – професійні обов’язки

- retail chain – мережа магазинів роздрібної торгівлі

- (to) pin-point and utilize the factors – точно вказати на фактори та використати їх

- footfall at the store – відвідуваність магазину

- (a) growth (of …%) in sales – зростання продажів (на n%)

- work deliverables – результати виконаної роботи

- prudent step – розумний крок

- long term goals – довгострокові цілі

- (to) obtain a chance – отримати шанс, можливість

- (to) acquire and hone skills – здобувати і відточувати навички

- (to) touch base – поговорити, торкнутися якоїсь теми


З теми «Applying for a Job»



асистент кафедри лінгвістики ДонНАБА Іванова О.В.



на засіданні кафедри лінгвістики

протокол № __ від «__» січня 2015 р.


Краматорськ 2015

My Future Occupation Lesson 1

The best augury of a man's success in his profession is

that he thinks it the finest in the world.

George Eliot

1. Warm-up questions:

1. Why is to choose the right occupation difficult?

2. What and who can influence this choice?

3. Is there any difference between profession and occupation?


2. Fill in the correct word: profession, job, career, occupation. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Her ……. as a dancer came to an end, when she broke her leg.

2. My father has been able to find a ……. despite of the fact that he’s fifty-two years old.

3. You must write your name, age and ……… on the application form.

4. John is a mechanical engineer by …… but at the moment he works for a building company.


Read the text and fill in the gaps.

I believe if a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing it well. It is very important to do what we are really interested in and what we are good at. It lets us show our worth and become aware of the importance and usefulness of our life. An occupation is an activity of any kind for which a person has the necessary qualification and training.

………….. is my future occupation, but I want it to become more than just the work I do to earn my living, I want to become a professional. A profession needs extensive training and specialized knowledge. It is an occupation which requires much intellectual work and a long period of higher education at a university or an academy. I work hard every day because I want to become a successful …………...

Active Vocabulary

- (to) show one’s worth – показати, довести свою користь

- (to) become aware of – знатись на чомусь

- (to) earn one’s living – заробляти на життя

- (to) do justice to sth – віддати належне чомусь

- mental ability – розумові здібності

- born/gained qualities – вроджені/здобуті якості

- job description – опис вакансії

- deliver the targets – досягати цілей

- job achievements – професійні досягнення

- required skill set – набір потрібних навичок; навички, яким потрібно відповідати

- long/short term career goals – довгострокові/короткострокові кар’єрні завдання, цілі

- career objective – кар’єрна мета - (to) hire – наймати(ся)

- (to) fire – звільнити - (to) resign – звільнитися



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