Match the words in the left column with their synonyms in the right column. 

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Match the words in the left column with their synonyms in the right column.

examination evacuation
leaving adjustment
adaptation isolation
separation comprehension
feeling declaration
administration amusement
announcement government
entertainment standing
position sensation
amelioration improvement
understanding investigation
liberation emancipation
statement excitement


1.13 Form words using the suffix -age. Translate into Russian.

Model: percent (процент) – percent age – процентное отношение

store, bond, drain, short, link, pack, stop, pass, waste.

1.14 Translate into English, using the suffix -age.

коллекция, сбор (assemble); расстояние в милях (mile); родословная (parent); покровительство (patron); якорная стоянка (anchor); дрейф (drift); садоводство (garden); травы, травяной покров (herb).



1.15 Form words using the suffix -dom. Translate into Russian.

Model: book (книга) – book dom – книги, мир книг

free, official, newspaper, teacher, king, reader, bore.

1.16 Form words using the suffix -ment. Translate into Russian.

Model: equip (оборудовать) – equip ment – (оборудование)

arrange, imply, assign, achieve, establish, appoint, replace, enhance, improve, endorse,adjust, engage.

Translate into Russian.

enlargement, establishment, payment, punishment, retirement, treatment, equipment, astonishment, reconcilement, environment, accompaniment.


1.18 Translate into English, using the suffix -ment.

регулирование (adjust), продвижение (advance), основание, фундамент (base), окружение (encircle), ободрение (encourage), удовольствие (enjoy), правительство (govern), ослабление (abate), сокрытие, утаивание (conceal), измерение (measure).

1.19 Form nouns from the following verbs using the suffix -tion. Translate them into Russian.

Model:classification «классификация, сортировка» от classify «классифицировать, сортировать, распределять по сортам, категориям»

connect, evaluate, observe, ionize, regulate, reject, restrict, inspect,

associate, derivate, indicate, prohibit, conduct, recommend, contradict, accelerate.


Answer the following questions.

1. In what direction do you have to go to get to the centre of the city?

2. Do you have any objections to having English classes onSundays?

3. What impression did the last film make on you?

4. Did you have a lot of corrections in your last examination paper?

5. Are you under an obligation to anybody?

6. Do you have pleasant associations with your school days?

7. How can you keep up a conversation?


1.21 Form nouns from the following verbs using the suffix -ance (ence). Translate them into Russian.

Model: exist (существовать) – exist ence – (существование)

apply, resemble, allow, inherit, appear, guide, interfere, correspond, transfer, accept, perform, recognize, avoid, conduct, resist, present, signify, differ.


1.22 Form nouns using the suffix -cy. Translate them into Russian.

Model: accurate (точный) – accura cy – (точность)

sufficient, decent, dependent, frequent, efficient, secret, ascendant, transparent, constituent, current, obstinate, agent, aristocrat, regent, lieutenant, advocate, occupant.


Match the words in the left column with their synonyms in the right column.


transportation assemblage

gathering bondage

traveling carriage

accumulation pilgrimage

imprisonment storage

parentage lineage



1.24 Form nouns using the suffix -ry. Translate them into Russian.

Model: fish (рыба) – fish ery – (рыболовство)

grape, machine, bind, dean, distill, farm, found, rival, rocket, orange, rob, scene.



1.25 Translate the following words into English, using the suffix -ry.

рабство, рабовладение (slave); солдаты, военные (soldier); пушки, орудия (gun); колдовство (witch); обман, надувательство (trick); лесоводство (forest); рыболовство (fish); искусство, профессия художника (artist).

1.26 Form nouns using the suffix -ism. Translate them into Russian.

Model: parliament (парламент) – parliamentar ism – (парламентаризм)

conserve, favourite, modern, provincial, royal, military, moral, pragmatic, urban, artist, critic.



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