Complete the following sentences, using the Conditional Mood (present or past) and the words in brackets. 

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Complete the following sentences, using the Conditional Mood (present or past) and the words in brackets.


1. She was angry with you, otherwise she… (to speak like this).

wouldn’t have spoken to you like this.

2. It is sure to rain later in the day, or the birds… (to be flying so low).

would not be flying so low.

1. She never intended to go, otherwise she… (to pack her things). 2. She’s really fond of children, otherwise she… (not to be popular with them). 3. He memorized his speech, otherwise he… (not to speak so well). 4. I use only the freshest butter, or my cakes… (not to be so good). 5. She must have heard of it, otherwise she … (not to be so glum). 6. I’m sure he didn’t get the job, otherwise he… (not to look so downcast). 7. Probably they are out, or somebody… (answer the phone).

Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Conditional Mood (present or past).


1. To do so (to result) in complications.

To do so would result in complications.

2. To have done so (to spoil) his chances.

To have done so would have spoiled his chances.

or: It would have spoiled his chances to have done so.

1. To stop now (to mean) losing everything. 2. To tell her the truth (can help) her. 3. To have refused (to hurt) the old people. 4. To have been told so (to upset) him greatly. 5. It (to please) him no end to have seen an old friend. 6. It (to delight) everybody to have heard the news. 7. To go back now (to be) impossible. 8. It (to be) nice to be able to say it. 9. It (to be) queer to feel a stranger in one’s own home town. 10. To have given him a hand (to cost) you very little. 11. To know it definitely (to be) a great help. 12. It (to be) a great privilege to have known you personally. 13. He saw it all now. To have landed on that field (to be) certain death. 14. To have settled the case out of court (to save) endless litigations.

Translate into English. Mind the usage of the subject expressed by the infinitive.

1. Прислухатися до поради вчителя було б дуже розумно. 2. Сказати їй правду ще тоді було б краще.3. Не отримати гарні оцінки минулої сесії було б погано. 4. Бігати вранці було б корисно. 5. Призначити зустріч зі стоматологом вчора було б розумно. 6. Піти на прогулянку зараз було б добре. 7. Написати твір протягом минулих вихідних було б краще за все. 8. Одержати такого листа минулого тижня змінило б всі мої плани. 9. Застудитися влітку було б смішно. 10. Не попередити сусідку по кімнаті минулої суботи було б легковірно.

Check Yourself

a) Fill in the blanks with “would rather” or “had better” according to the sense.

1. You ______ not annoy him with your silly questions. He is worked up as it is. 2. I do like the place, I really do. But it seems I ______ not go. The climate disagrees with me. 3. She ______ go there by plane. She says she’ll save at least two days this way. 4. “Did you reserve seats on the train?” “No.” “You ______ do it if you want a comfortable journey.” 5. I told him he ______ control his temper if he was really interested in keeping the job. 6. He ______ die than give up the idea. There is no way of talking him out of it. 7. We ______ put off our trip till we are certain about the reservations. 8. Where ______ you ______ put up: at a hotel or your friend’s? 9. It’s not a matter of money with her. Her tastes never change. She ______ have plain food than the elaborate menu of the hotel restaurant.

b) Give sentences illustrating:

a) a piece of advice;

b) a present unreal wish;

c) an imprecation;

d) “but for” in the past context;

e) choice, preference;

f) a past unreal wish;

g) “otherwise” in the present context;

h) subject expressed by the infinitive.

c) Define the form of the Oblique Mood in the following sentences and comment on their meaning.

1. If only I could bring down the fever! 2. But for his being busy he would go to the cinema with us. 3. To marry somebody so much beneath him would be absurd for him. 4. Be yours a happy life! 5. I’m sure he hated the sight of that man, otherwise he would have stayed. 6. Oh, if she hadn’t been in bad humour the night before! 7. You had better give up your bad habits and begin a new life! 8. It’s a pity he didn’t enter the medical college five years ago. He would have made a good doctor. 9. I’d rather not speak louder. I have a sore throat. 10. But for the dog the children would have wandered around the forest for a long time.


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