Ex. 4. Make up a dialogue using these phrases: 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Ex. 4. Make up a dialogue using these phrases:

Please, give me your driver's license.

You have violated...

- the traffic rules.

- the maneuvering.

- the rules for approaching crossroads.

- the rules of overtaking.

You have ignored a traffic sign.

I warn you.


- have driven on left side of the road

- did not dip your head lights for an oncoming car

You have overtaken...

- near the oncoming traffic near a sharp bend near a steep slope

You have not carried out the demands of the road traffic signs.

You are driving in a car which is out of on

It's necessary to draw up a report on the technical state of your car.

Please, give a written explanation I must draw up a statement of the offence

Please, follow me for a medical examination

You must leave your car with me. I forbid you to drive your car

The car will be in...

For violating the traffic rules you have to pay a fine of 25 hryvnyas.

I am going to take your driver's license

You can get your driver's license in the police station of the state Auto inspection.

You did not obey the red (yellow) light.

You are very careless.

You have exceeded the speed limit.

There is a road works here.

I must fine you.

Here is your receipt.

Please, obey the traffic rules.

You have deviated from the route.

Please, follow the rout.


Ex. 5. Explain true or false:

1. You must be light-minded crossing the street.

2. Never step off the pavement without making sure that the road is clear.

3. When you are crossing the road look to your right for the first.

4. You should walk round a bus from the front.

5. The roads are being made wider and better.

Тема 4

Traffic Accident

Дорожньо-транспортна пригода

Remember the words, write down them in your vocabulary.

registration plate number [red3istrәisn] [pleit][n^mbә] номерний знак
avoid [ә’void] уникнути
front wing [fr^nt] переднє крило
knock [nok] підкинути
ambulance [‘æmbjulәns] карета швидкої допомоги
scene [si:n] місце пригоди
pronounce [prә’nauns] оголошувати
an instruction [instr^csn] вказівка
Investigative Judge [investigeitiv] [d3^d3] слідчо-оперативна група
mortuary [mo:tjuәri] морг
pain [pein] біль
dizziness [‘dizinis] запаморочення
breathing [bri: әiη] дихання
fever [fi:vә] лихоманка
painting [peintiη] непритомність
burn [bә:n] опік
pulse [p^ls] пульс
wound [wu:nd] рана
strain [strein] розтягнення
spasm [spæzm] спазм
nausea [no:sjә] нудота
injury [indzәri] травма
bruise [bru:z] синяк
open (closed) fracture [fræktsә] відкритий (закритий) перелом
nasal bleeding [neizәl] [bli:diŋ] носова кровотеча
high blood pressure [hai] [bl^d] [presә] підвищений тиск
low blood pressure [lou] [bl^d] [presә] знижений тиск
heart attack [ha:t ә’tæk] серцевий напад
measure blood pressure [mezә] вимірювати тиск
belly [beli] живіт
wrist [rist] зап’ясток
hand [hænd] кисть (рука)
collar bone [kalә] [boun] ключиця
lung [l^ŋ] легеня
forehead [fo:rid] чоло
elbow [elbәu] лікоть
shoulder [sauldә] плече
spine [spain] хребет
spleen [splin] селезінка
neck [nek] шия
buttock [b^tok] сідниця
kidneys [kidniz] нирки



Read and translate into Ukrainian

Incident Report

At 13.35 hours on Thursday 8 March 2001, the UNMIK Police received a telephone call, reporting a Fatal Road Traffic Accident on the main VITINA to POZARANJE road. A police patrol was dispatched immediately to ascertain the exact whereabouts of the traffic accident At 13.47 hours the police patrol arrived at the scene of the reported Traffic Accident, it was located 2 kilometers to the North of VTTINA, on the road to POZARANJE. It would appear that a Blue Ford Sierra motorcar, registration plate number J735 OHM was traveling north away from VITINA, when an unknown female ran into the road, from an old farm building on its right side. The driver of the car, Raji XHAFERI from VITINA, could not avoid the female, hitting her with the vehicle's right side front wing. The female was knocked into the air by the force of the collision and then crashed through the front windshield of the vehicle before coming to rest on its rear seat KFOR emergency medical services from United States BONDSTEEL military base arrived at the scene at the same time as the police unit. Major A. MAHONEY, Doctor United States Army, pronounced the female dead at the scene. The driver of the Ford, XHAFERI had critical injuries to his head and chest; he was flown by helicopter ambulance to the Military Hospital BONDSTEEL. On the instructions of the Investigative Judge, the body of the female was removed to the mortuary at BONDSTEEL and the Ford Sierra was recovered to the Police Regional Headquarters. Investigations are continuing.

3. Fill in the gaps:

· At 13.35 hours on …………the UNMIK Police received a telephone call, reporting a Fatal Road Traffic Accident on the main VITINA to POZARANJE road.

· It would appear that a Blue………….., registration plate number J735 OHM was travelling north away from VITINA.


4.You are a policeman. Plan your actions during the traffic accident. Think about your questions and actions. Use these phrases:

Please, give me.

- your surname, name

- your address

- your telephone number

I must draw up a statement accident.

Please, sign it.

Please, move back.

Please, pull into side road.

Don't block street.

Move up, please. Don't block traffic.

Please, make a phone call to police station.

Please, ask to send a patrol car.

I am sorry. You may not go on.

Let me check technical state car.

Please, start up engine. Switch on light. Press foot brake. Please, put fault right. You'll have to wait a little

Please, give me...

- a pump

- a tool



4a. You are a doctor. Plan your actions during the traffic accident. Think about your questions and actions. Use these phrases:

Please call a doctor I am not well.

I am rather unwell.

Please call an ambulance.

Please take me to hospital.

Do you need medical aid?

It's hard for me to.

- breathe

- move my head

I have...

- a headache

- vomiting

- abscess

- dislocation

I have a pain...

- in my heart

- in my side

- in my knee

I am sick.

Where does pain radiate?

Strip to waist.

Show me your tongue.

Breathe in deeply.

Hold breath

Temperature goes up / rises

Temperature goes down/ falls.


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