Ex. 1. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian 

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Ex. 1. Read and translate the text into Ukrainian


A town is a large number of houses, schools, hospitals, theatres, factories, shops and other buildings built near each other. All these buildings are divided into blocks by streets. Short narrow streets that join larger ones together are called lanes. On one side of the streets the buildings have even numbers, on the other -odd numbers. The streets are usually paved with asphalt.

In the streets, roads and squares of the town we see people walking and vehicles driving. The vehicles are tram, buses, trolley buses, motorcycles, taxis, minibuses, motor scooters, cars, and bicycles. We can't imagine life without traffic. They connect the center with the suburbs. During the morning rush hour the transport system is usually overcrowded. During the evening rush hour, with everyone hurrying home it carries the greatest among of passengers too.

On both sides of the street there are pavements where people walk. People usually cross the streets at special places called crossings. When the traffic is heavy the policeman on point duty has to stop the never-ending stream by raising one hand, thus affording the pedestrians a chance to cross the street. At the corners of the streets there are traffic lights.

When the red light is switched on the traffic stops, when the green light is switched on the vehicles drive on. In any case, before crossing the road take care to look to the left and when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right. At big crossroads in large towns and cities there are underground crossing for pedestrians.

In England vehicles drive on the left. In Ukraine the traffic drives on the right. In very large towns, which are called cities, the fastest and the most convenient means of transport is the Metro. You can get from one end of a city to another in no time. In the Metro you find signs showing you where to change for other lines.

In the center and the important parts of a large town, there are squares, parks and market places. A town is generally situated near or on a river across which bridges are built. In all towns there are places of interest, which a stranger would be invited to see- monuments, cathedrals, museum, and so on. A council, the head of which is styled the mayor, governs a town. The police maintain public order, control the traffic and protect the people from different criminal individuals.


Ex. 2. Answer the questions:

1. What do we call short narrow streets that join larger ones together?

2. What are vehicles?

3. What do we call hours when the city transport system carries the greatest amount of passengers?

4. Where should one cross the street?

5. What are the things the pedestrians must remember to be safe and sound?

6. On which side do vehicles drive in England?

7. What do we call the underground railways in Kiev, London, New York?

8. What means of transport do you prefer?

9. Have you ever used the underground in London or other cities abroad?

Ex. 3. Read and translate the dialogues.


Dialogue 1

Passenger (P): Where is the nearest bus-stop, please? Can I walk there?

Militiaman (M): Certainly. It's not very far from here. You should cross the square. Use zebracrossing.

P: I am looking for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. What bus should I take?

M: You may take any bus from here.

P: Where should I get off?

M: This bus goes to Khreschatyk street. The Ministry is not far from it.

P: Thank you very much.

M: Not at all.


Dialogue 2

The driver of a British registered car addresses the police officer.

Driver (D): Excuse me, how do I get to Zhitomir then? Can you tell me the way?

Police officer (P): Of course, do you have a road map? Then it's easier to explain.

The man goes hack to his car, opens the hoot, takes out a road map and spreads it out on the bonnet of his car.

P: We are right here now.

D: yes, I see.

P: First you have to go through the next village and then on to Makariv until you get to big busy crossroads. When you approach the crossroads, watch the road signs. You haven't got the right of way. Then follow the blue signs for Zhitomir.

D: If the rout to the motorway is well signposted, it'll be easy to find.

P: Have a nice trip.


Dialogue 3

Passer-by (P): Excuse me. Could you help me?

The Militiaman (M): Sure. What's the problem?

P: Could you tell me the way to the school of

militia'7 Can I walk there? Is it too far?

M: It's about twenty minutes' walk. But you may

take a tram or a bus. The bus and the tram stops are at the same place.


P: Where is it?

M: Go straight ahead to the crossroads. Then turn right and go along the street to the next crossing. And you'll see the bus stop.

P: Thanks a lot.

M: You are welcome.


Dialogue 4

- Excuse me, sir.

- Yes, what is it?

- Which is the quickest way to the center, please?

- Let me think.... Oh, yes. Take number 26 bus and go as far as National Square.

- Thank you.

- Not at all.

Ex. 4. Make up dialogues using the situations:

Situation 1: A stranger comes up to you in Kiev and asks to show the way to the theatre, (the museum, the stadium). Give him or her the necessary directions.

Situation 2: You come out of a hotel where you are staying. You want to get to the police station (the Flower Street, the supermarket, the cinema, the library). But on crossing the road and taking the first turning you feel you losing the way. You address a passer-by.

Situation 3: Describe the route from the Police Academy to your home.


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