Read the jokes about doctors. Decide whether they are funny or not and retell them to your friends. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Read the jokes about doctors. Decide whether they are funny or not and retell them to your friends.

Look at the picture. What is wrong with the people?



Read four conversations between the people in the waiting room and the doctor. Answer these questions.

1 Which of the people in the picture do you recognize?

2 What is wrong with them?

3 What is the doctor's diagnosis? Choose from this list.


flu aninfection a sprain depression

a virus a fracture an allergy high blood pressure

Some lines from the conversations, two from each, have been removed. Read the conversations once again. Put them (A-H) into the correct spaces (1-8).

A When should I go back to work?

B But I don’t have time. I'm just so busy at work.

C A bit, but it's very painful.

D Drops every six hours and tablets twice a day?

E No.

F I fell downstairs and I bent my wrist back.

G I see. But what sort of exercise should I do?

H Since yesterday afternoon.


D =Doctor P=Patient R=Receptionist


Conversation 1

P Good morning, Doctor.

D Good morning. What can I do for you?

P I've hurt my wrist.

D How did it happen?

P ……………………. 1 …………………………………….

D When was that?

P Three days ago now, I think, but it hasn't got any better.

D Well, let me just take a look at it. Hmm. Yes it is rather swollen. Can you move it?

P …………………… 2 …………………………….

D Well, I think you've only sprained it, but it could be a fracture, so we'd better get it X-rayed. You’ll have to go to hospital for that. Take this letter with you, and you ought to go as soon as possible.

P Right. Thank you. Goodbye,

D Goodbye now. And don't drive there, either!

P No, of course not, Doctor. Thanks. Bye.


Conversation 2

D Ah, Mr Scales. Do come in and sit down.

P Thank you.

D How are you? Are you still feeling very tired all thetime?

P Yes, I am.

D Well, I'vegot your test results back now and they confirm what I thought. Your blood pressure and your cholesterol level are very high, and well, in fact, if you don’t change your lifestyle, you're going to have a heart attack sooner or later.

P Oh, I see. Oh, dear. What do I have to do?

D Well, there are three things that you ought to do. First, stop smoking. Secondly, you really must lose weight. Your cholesterol level is very high so you must reduce the amount of fat that you eat. And lastly, you must take more exercise. You mustn't do too much exercise at first, but build up gradually.

P ……………………….. 3 …………………………

D Walking is best. You needn't exercise every day, but you should walk about three miles four or five times a week.

P ……………………… 4 …………………………….

D That's another thing. You mustn't work so hard. Look, take this information and read it through. Then make an appointment to see our lifestyle consultant. She will work out a full diet and exercise programme for you. And don’t worry. That's the last thing you should do! I'll see you, again next month.

P OK. Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye for now.

D Goodbye.


Conversation 3

R Julia Carson has come tosee Doctor Bates.

P Hello, Doctor.

D Good afternoon.Do take a seat. Now what seems to be the problem?

P My ear hurts. My left ear.

D I see. Could you just turn your head to theside a bit? That's it.

D Hmm.Yes. When did you first notice it?

P A couple of daysago. It started on Tuesday evening and it's been getting steadily worse.

D Could I just take a look at the other ear? Thank you.... Well, you've got a bit of an infection in your left ear. I'll give you a prescription for some medicine. Now, you aren't allergic to penicillin, are you?

P ………………………… 5 ……………………….

D Fine. I'm prescribing some drops and some tablets. Put the drops into your leftear every six hours andtake one tablet twice a day.

P ……………………. 6 …………………………

D Yes. That'sright. It should clear up in about three days, butdon't stop taking the medicine. Make another appointment for a week's time.

P I will. Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye.

D Goodbye.


Conversation 4

P Good morning, Doctor.

D Good morning. How can I help?
P Well. I don't feelvery well. I've got a headache and I've got this rash all over my neck and chest.

D Could you just slip your shirt off for a minute? How long have you been feeling unwell?
P ……………………… 7 ………………………
D Just pop this thermometer under your arm for me, will you? Do you feel feverish?

P Yes. I do.
D Yes. You've got a bit of a temperature. You can put your shirt back on now. Have you got a sore throat?

P No.

D Well, I think it's just a virus. There'snothing you can do really. But you must stay in bed and keep warm for a few days. Take some painkillers for
the headache, if necessary.

P ………………………….. 8 ………………….

D Well, you should feel better in two or three days, but it would be best to stay off work till next week. Come back and see me if you don't feel any better after three days.

P All right. Thank you. Goodbye.

D Goodbye.



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