What is the primary requisite of a good computer programmer? 

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What is the primary requisite of a good computer programmer?

What is the primary requisite of a good computer programmer?

Отв: Logical mind

The first mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage was called..?

Отв: Analytical Engine

3. Networking and telecommunications technologies, along with computer hardware, software, data management technology, and the people required to run and manage them, constitute an organization's calls …

Отв: informaishn system

Which main business function is responsible for maintaining employee records?

Отв: Human resources

I am going to write a letter to my bank. Which piece of software do I need to use?

Отв: word prossesor

I want to write a story and keep it on my computer to read later. What will I need to use to save it to?

Отв: disk drive

How does Moore’s Law describe what happens to the speed of computers every two years?

Отв: the speed of new computers doubles every two years

Which of these modes best describes a computer system?

Отв: Input-process-output

Who, together with Ada Lovelace in 1837, designed the Analytical Engine, the first programmable computer?

Отв: Charles Babbage

How many generations of computers do we have?

Отв: 5 generations

11. Process is …

Отв: A programm in execution

12. The … is the administrative section of the computer system

Отв: Central Processing Unit

13. A device that converts digital signals to analog signals is …:

Отв: A modem

Which of the following is an example of non-volatile memory?

Отв: ROM

Which of the following is the software?

Отв: Microsoft Word

How many bits make a byte?

Отв: 8 bits

17. A magnetic disk on which you can store computer data called…:

Отв: Hard disk drive

18. What type of device - the keyboard is …?

Отв: Input device

19. Please, select the hardware of its function: … controls all operation in a computer

Отв: processor

Which of the following is NOT Network Operating System?


Which of the following is NOT an operating system?

Отв: Java

What is another word stands for “application”?

Отв: Programs

23.The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what has to be done, is…:

Отв: Operation code

24. A system program that combines the separately compiled modules of a program into a form suitable for execution:

Отв: Linking loader

25. A computer cannot "boot" if it does not have the …

Отв: Operating system

26. User-Friendly Systems are:

Отв: becoming more common

While working with MSDOS, which command will you use to transfer a specific file from one disk to another?


While running DOS on a PC, which command would be used to duplicate the entire diskette?

Отв: Diskcopy

Which of the following is Internal DOS Command?

Отв: exit

I work in a shop. I need to know what items I have and how many I have sold. What do I need to use?

Отв: sprishit

Which of these is often true about a RISC mobile processor when compared to a CISC processor?

Отв: The RISC processor speed is slower to preserve battery life and avoid overheating

What is the main purpose of the file system?

Отв: to provide a uniform way for programs to store and retrieve data on device

Why do many operating systems include a graphical user interface?

Отв: to make it much quicker for people to perform tasks on the computer

Which user interface allows the user to interact with the computer by typing instructions?

Отв: Command line interface

Who are command line interfaces best used by?

Отв: Experts

Which of the following is disadvantage of a graphical user interface?

Отв: they require a large amount of memory and processing power

What kind of operating system makes extensive use of a command line interface?


Which would be the most suitable user interface to use with a cashpoint machine?

Отв: Menu driven interface

In what situation it is easy to use command line interface to access files quickly?

Отв: data dais

What is data mining?


Отв: Purple AND trousers

Отв: Where

Отв: Primary key

53. Database Management Systems are featured with:

отв: The ability to store large amount of data to facilitate easy update, sort and retrieval

54. Collection of related records in a database is known as…

Отв: table

55. A part of database that stores only one type of data is…

Отв: Field

Отв: a programmer

57. In one-to-many relationship the table in ‘one’ side is called _______ and on ‘many’ side is called _______

Отв: Parent, Child

58. The complete information about an entity in a database is called…

Отв: Record

Отв: Select, From, Where

Отв: Data mining

61. The three activities in an information system that produce the information organizations use to control operations are…

Отв: Cleaning up of data.

64. The Synonym for data mining is …

Отв: Dimensional modeling

Отв: KDD process

70. A client device designed so that most processing and data storage occurs on the client side describes:

Отв: Fat Client

Отв: Server

Отв: Www.google.com

75. The principle of serial equivalence for distributed transactions says that…

Отв:a mail

Отв: Latency

Отв: Alerts

84. Application frameworks provide a means for creating ________ hosted applications using IDE

Отв: SaaS

Отв: 5GL

Отв: SaaS

Отв: Security

Отв: Ted Nelson

91. The visual representation of a project that includes a table of contents as well as a chart of the logical flow of the interactive interface is often called:

Отв: A navigation map

92. Interleaving the audio and video segments of a video clip together in a data file is:

Отв: Flattening

93. MIDI stands for:

I. Linear

II. Nonlinear

III. Structured link

IV. Web page

Отв: Saved либо Copyright

96. A video consists of a sequence of:

Отв: Frames

97. To receive signal, a translator is needed to decode signal and encode it again at a:

Отв: Lower Quality

98. This popular online payment service is owned by eBay:

Отв: PayPal

99. This internet business model generates revenue by offering pay-per-view Web pages, Web links, or Web services for small amounts of money:

Отв: Micropayment

100.This is an industry term used to describe the progression of steps a customer goes through when considering, purchasing, using and maintaining loyalty to a product or service:

Отв: Customer life cycle

101.This type of internet business charges individuals or enterprises an access fee for applications and related services that would otherwise have to be located in their own personal or enterprise computers:

Отв: government

105. A software or hardware that checks information coming from the Internet and depending on the applied configuration settings either blocks it or allows it to pass through is called:

Отв: antivirus


What is the primary requisite of a good computer programmer?

Отв: Logical mind


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