IV. State the difference between the following words. Give examples to illustrate their usage. 

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IV. State the difference between the following words. Give examples to illustrate their usage.

Slum – ghetto;

long – lengthy;

to steal – to loot.


V. Give the words for the following definitions:

· to speak in favour of;

· long and tiring;

· sth that’s necessary before sth else can happen or be done;

· to destroy during a long time;

· very offensive;

· to cause to seem smaller.


VI. Give synonyms to the words below using the words from the article.

· To plunder;

· to lessen;

· boring;

· carnage;

· to bolster;

· draggy;

· flagrant;

· to undermine;

· on condition that.


VII. Translate the following sentences.

1. Когда дела в стране доходят до большого, популярность правительства начинает уменьшаться.

2. Лекция была нудной, а погода гнетущей, что окончательно испортило мое настроение.

3. Порой, чтобы быть услышанным, приходится навязать свою волю грубой силой.

4. Работу правоохранительных органов подрывает коррупция тех, кто находится у власти.

5. Порядок в стране может быть наведен хорошо скоординированным усилием по очистке страны от правонарушителей.

6. Когда в стране бешеные цены, это вызывает народное негодование.

7. Вместо того чтобы разжигать расовую вражду, странам следует повернуть энергию в нужное русло и укрепить мир и дружбу. А это необходимое условие успешного сотрудничества.

8. Переговоры были затяжными, но увенчались прочными и конструктивными решениями.

9. «Этот квартал лучше обойти стороной, в нем живут бандиты,» сказал Сэм.

10.Во время любой войны происходит мародерство.


VIII. Enlarge on the idea.

1. In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences.

2. … when it comes to the crunch, we have made no actual progress at all.

3. We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged.

4. That tedious documentation of violence has taught us absolutely nothing.

5. Our strength is sapped by having to mop up the mess that violence leaves in its wake.

6. We must appreciate each other’s problems.


IX. Points for discussion.

1. Can violence do anything to diminish race prejudice?

2. What tedious documentation of violence does the author have in mind?

3. Why do reasonable men find it harder and harder to get a hearing?

4. Does the author believe it’s possible to fulfill the ideas of a stable social programme? What precisely should be done in this respect?

5. Can one find constructive solutions to the problem of race prejudice?

6. What do you make of the rounding sentence of the article?

7. Will people ever do away with race discrimination and animosity?


X. Role play.

The argument: key words

1. In countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence is taken for granted.

2. E.g. white man rules by brute force; black man protests: fire and pillaging.

3. Important people on both sides see violence as a legitimate solution.

4. It's frightening to realise that man has made no progress: collars and ties instead of war-paint, but unchanged.

5. Recorded history has taught us nothing.

6. Violence only makes problem more acute: horror, bloodshed are not solutions.

7. Truly reasonable men don't get a hearing.

8. They advocate law enforcement and are mistrusted and persecuted.

9. Energy should be directed at clearing up slums, ghettos, improving living-standards, providing education, employment.

10. Strength sapped by violence.

11. Well-directed efforts: great benefits.

12. We must always work within the framework of the law.

13. First step: we must appreciate each other’s problems.

14. An exercise in communication, exchanging information.

15. ‘Talk, talk, talk, and we are none the wiser’ – say advocates of violence.

16. Story of barrister and judge.

17. None the wiser. Possibly…but far better informed.

18. Knowledge, the prerequisite of wisdom: the knowledge that violence creates the evils it pretends to solve.


The counter-argument: key words

1. What are the lessons about democracy which the black man has learnt from the white man? What has he learnt about liberty, equality and fraternity?

2. He has learnt that universal suffrage is a myth; that there are many forms of justice; that his presence devalues property.

3. Above all, he has learnt that the status quo is preserved by violence.

4. When dealing with each other, white men depend on force.

5. E.g. Peaceful co-existence between east and west is maintained by the constant threat of war.

6. Weakness on one side means domination by the other.

7. Weak opponents are repressed by force and kept in subjection by violence.

8. The black man has learned the rules of the game and applies them.

9. The Christian ideal of turning the other cheek is something the white man preaches but fails to practise.

10. The white man sets all the examples.

11. The only way to get a hearing is through violence.

12. Violence improves your status, encourages others to respect you as a force to be reckoned with.

13. Only then can the parties negotiate on equal terms.

14. Violence is a well-tried means of achieving peace and can succeed where other means are bound to fail.




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