Exersice 5: Prove it by the facts from the story. 

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Exersice 5: Prove it by the facts from the story.

1. The gentleman was very old.

2. The doctor gave him a very useful piece of advice.

3. The gentleman didn't like the doctor's advice.

4. The gentleman did everything the doctor said.

5. The doctor was not attentive.

6. The old gentleman never smoked in his life before.


Exersice 6: Topics for discussion.

1. Do you always follow doctor's advice?

2. Is it necessary to follow doctor's instructions exactly?

3. Do you like to go to see a doctor?

4. What would you do if you were the old gentleman?

5. How does the behaviour of the old gentleman characterize him?

6. What can you say about the doctor as a professional?

7. How did you like the story?

8. What lesson does the story teach?


Заняття 18

В аптеці


· a drugstore – аптека

· cure – лікування

· insomnia – безсоння

· physician – лікар

· ointment – мазь

· to cause complications – викликати ускладнення

· germs – мікроби

· to suffer from – терпіти (про біль)

· rash – висипка

· backache - біль в спині

· to treat the patients – лікувати пацієнтів

· to prevent – запобігати


Exercise 1: Select the one word in a line which doesn't belong there:

1) fever, headache, treatment, insomnia;

2) drops, pain, hurt, ache;

3) surgeon, therapeutist, ambulance, physician;

4) examine, prescribe, consult, cough;

5) medicines, appointment, pills, ointment;

6) give injection, measure blood pressure, gargle throat, cause complications.


Exercise 2: Decide which of the following duties belongs to the chemist and which to the doctor:


§ to treat the patients

§ to prescribe treatment

§ to provide non-prescription medicines

§ to give general health advice

§ to compound medicines

§ to sell pills, ointments, mixtures

§ to examine patients

§ to visit patients at home

§ to give recommendations to patients


the duties of the doctor the duties of the chemist


B) Read and translate:


Pharmacy is the health profession that links the science of drug action in living systems with the use of medicine in patients. The goal of pharmacy is the development and use of medicine to cure, prevent; or ease the symptoms of disease.

Pharmacists are the link between the science of pharmacy and the patient.

Pharmacists provide the physician and patients with information about the uses, effects and interactions of medicines. They also assist patients in choosing non-prescription medicines and health products and may counsel a patient to seek the advice and treatment of a physician, dentist, or other health practitioner.


Exercise 3: Bring dialogues into the order and read them and translate:


§ Thanks, I’ll follow your recommendations.

§ After meals.

§ Recover soon.

§ A table spoonful three times a day.

§ How should I take this medicine?

§ May I look at your prescription? Yes, we have it. Here you are.

§ Before or after meal?

§ Excuse me, I’m looking for this medicine.


№ 2

§ Here you are. Anything else?

§ Afternoon.

§ Is Colgate toothpaste fine?

§ Thanks. That’s all.

§ What type of aspirin - the normal one or the safer-for-the-stomach one?

§ For sensitive teeth, if you please.

§ Can I help you?

§ Yes, thanks.

§ Would you like toothpaste for sensistve teeth or with whitening effect?

§ The one safer for my stomach, of course.

§ Good afternoon!

§ Yes. I would like some toothpaste and some aspirin.


№ 3

§ No, you don’t need a prescription for

Panadol. It’s like aspirin.

§ Morning. Would you like to get any


§ Here you are.

§ Yes, we do. How about Panadol pills?

§ Excuse me, do I need a prescription to

buy this medicine?

§ Do you have medicine for fever?

§ Okey. Give me one strip, please.

§ Good morning.


Exercise 4: Read and translate the dialogue:

At the Chemist's

Chemist: Hello, can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I have a bad cold. What would you recommend me?

Chemist: Let me see, I think Gripex will do. By the way, are you sure you have cold? What do you suffer from?

Customer: You see, I have a splitting headache and a running nose.

Chemist: Is that all? Is there something you don’t pay attention to?

Customer: I guess so. I have a backache too and some discomfort in my throat.

Chemist: Have you taken your temperature today? You have to consult a doctor.

Customer: I was too busy to go to the therapeutist. My temperature yesterday was 38 and 2 degrees.

Chemist: You’ve got a high temperature, a sore throat and a backache. It must be influenza.

Customer: Influenza?

Chemist: Sure, I mean flu. You’d better stay at home and drink more fluid.

Customer: And what about medicines?

Chemist: I advise you some hot relief, Panadol pills to put the temperature down and nasal drops.

Customer: How should I take them? Are they safe for my stomack? I must say I hate pills.

Chemist: You'd better take Panadol if you hate pills. Take it three times a day after meal. Make a water solution of the hot relief and take it two times a day.

Customer: Thank you very much. I’ll follow your advice.

Chemist: You’d better call for the therapeutist to get the sick leave.

Customer: I’m sure to do so. Thank you again.

Chemist: Recover soon.


· to catch a (bad) cold – підхопити (сильну) простуду

· to feel (felt, felt) – відчувати

· to have a running nose – мати насмарк

· to have a (bad) cough – сильно кашляти

· I have a sore throat – у мене болить горло

· to have a headache – мати головну біль

· to examine – обстежувати

· the flu – грип

· to stay in bed for five days, for a week, etc – залишитись в ліжку протяшлм 5 днів, тижня і т.д.

· medicine – ліки, медицина

· to prescrible – виписувати

· to take some medicine – приймати ліки

· to put smb. on the sick list – видавати лікарняний лист

· to treat smb – лікувати

· treatment – лікування

· recovery – одужання

· to get complications – мати, отримати ускладнення

· bandage – бинт

· to gargle — полоскати горло

· ointment — мазь

· illness – хвороба

· a backache — біль у спині

· аn earache — біль у вусі

· а burn — опік

· a hangover — похмілля

· to deal with – мати справу з

· to sneeze – чхати

· to hurt – боліти (my knee hurts \ I have a kneeache – у мене болить коліно)

· to see \ to visit a doctor - відвідувати лікаря

· to have an appointment – мати призначену зустріч

· to make an appointment – назначати зустріч до лікаря

· urgent – терміновий

· medical insurance - медична страховка

· to give an injection – робити укол

· to cut down on - припинити щось робити

· to lose some weight - втрачати вагу

· to follow doctor's advice – слідувати порадам лікаря




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