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Terms, definitions and acronyms

NAN Foundation

The national non-government charity fund No to Alcoholism and

Drug Addiction (NAN Foundation) was established in 1987 and since

1991 operates as the nationwide I ion-government charity foundation.

NAN Foundation operates more than 60 regional branches in various

Russian regions.

The Foundation is an associate member of the UN Public

Relations Department, a number of international associations and

closely cooperates with UNESCO, UNICEF, the UN Narcotics

Commission and other organizations.

In 1998. the Foundation was awarded the Euro-American

Democracy and Civic Society Award.

For many years the NAN Foundation has been working on social

technology aimed at preventing alcoholism and drug abuse, providing

assistance to people suffering from chemical dependency; drafting

integrated programs for helping children in critical situations; working

on restoring juvenile law in the Russian Federation; propagating the

principles of healthy living; implementing programs and technologies

encouraging the development of civil society institutions; formulating

social policies based on public initiative.

Our Objectives

Encouraging the use of spiritual-oriented techniques for treating

chemical dependency.

Creating a complex system for assisting children who find themselves

in a predicament, restoration of Russia's juvenile law.

Promoting public initiative in Russia and formulating efficient

social policies.

Scope of Activity

Containing the spread of alcoholism and drug abuse in Russia.

At present, the Foundation's activities in this field are focused on

establishing the so-called healing subculture, a new phenomenon

in Russian psychotherapeutic practice that makes possible


the provision of я most efficient assistance to the public in general

in a most democratic manner.

The framework of the healing culture comprises alleviation programs

developed for drug addicts. Vasen. the program aiming to

prevent IIIY infection among drug addicts operated by the

Foundation's Moscow branch in the capital's South-Western

administrative district is already in its third year.

Structurally, the healing subculture is represented by consulting

and information-support centers, their basic purpose being provision

of maximum public access to reliable information on treatment

and rehabilitation techniques, self-care groups.

In 2004. the Foundation has launched a program providing assistance

to people suffering from gambling dependency and their


Establishing a system of medico-social and legal assistance to

children. This program started in October 1992 with the opening

of Russia's first shelter for homeless children. In 1995, we developed

an integrated approach to addressing the issue of homeless

and neglected children, i.e. assisting children finding themselves

in a critical situation — the Rehabilitation Fnvironmcnt (RE)

Concept for under-age risk groups.

The NAN foundation initiated the movement to restore Russia's

juvenile law.

Propagating the priority of healthy living. One of the

Foundation's basic goals is propagating the values of health living.

The Foundation has assembled a team of professionals in the field

of arts and PR-campaigns that organizes public action (like presentations,

exhibitions, charity and motivational events, etc.), formulates

the strategy of interacting with the mass media, participates

in defining the principles of social advertisement, develops

new humanistic social technologies aiming to encourage the adoption

of healthy living standards by the public (such as the Clean

Slate technology). This technology provides an opportunity to offer

the young people a method for developing a negative attitude to

drugs through mechanisms of forming a positive youth culture.


"WORKING W i l l I VOl I'll VI RISK" series Issue III

I I I 1998. the Foundation's experts drafted the Conceptual

Program for initial prevention of drug dependency among

teenagers that was later endorsed by the Narcology R&I) Institute

affiliated to the Health Care Ministry. The program provides for

regular training of experts working with children and teenagers in

Moscow and other Russian regions. Го-date, we have conducted

over 60 seminars which were attended by some 1500 participants.

This activity was instrumental in developing an initial prevention

concept titled the Positive Majority.

Promoting and development of Russian civic institutions,

reforming the social infrastructure (social control, funding ot

social projects, development and implementation ol modern democratic

social policies).

Since 1993, the Foundation has actively participated in the development

and implementation of such civic institution as non-government

not-for-profit organizations (NGOs). In 1991, the

Foundation's experts devised a draft federal law "On social control

at the government and local levels", which subsequently became

the banner for rallying all efforts. The essence ol social control

is setting up competitive mechanisms for implementing government-

funded social programs, using the tools provided by an

independent external expert judgment and active participation of

NGOs in the implementation of such programs on a competitive

basis. As an analog of democratic norms associated with social

contracting, social control is more oriented to a specilic program

approach to addressing public issues ol social importance.

However, social control represents only a fraction ol the NAN

Foundation's system of interests in this field. In recent years

(starting from 1997). the Foundation's experts have been actively

involved in the development of an efficient social policy. Acting on

the assumption that such social policy can only be based mi the

principles of supporting public initiative (i.e.. with strong public

efforts to overcome government paternalism and social dependency),

the Foundation's experts have devised a number of social,

legal and socio-economic innovations that make possible viewing

social policies as an aggregate of social technologies based on
humanistic democratic values and principles rather than as an

abstract idea.

The Foundation's considerable publishing activities ensure a public

outreach for all the issues addressed by it. The literature being

published is a mix of publications prepared by the Foundation's

experts with reference to results achieved by its programs and

projects and other relevant publications.

The Foundation cooperates with the State Duma and the Moscow

City Duma, various Russian ministries and committees, representatives

of regional authorities. On social policy issues, the

Foundation also cooperates with a specter of politicians and political

parties. The Foundation's specialists are engaged in an active

educational work in many Russian regions.

Says Oleg Zykov, President of the NAN Foundations: "The basic

modus operandi oj our organization is using specific assignments

to influence those aspects of public activity that arc of professional

interest to us.. \ll our activities are aimed at implementing the values

of healthy living as a national priority".

We are open for cooperation. We are interested in disseminating

our ideas. We are confident oj tomorrow.

Address: 1 17449 Moscow. Shvernika str. 10-A

Phone: (19.")) 12(>-."i-l7Г>. fax: (195) 126-1064

E-mail: 1 1 a 1 1 @ 1 1 a 1 1. r 1 1 www.nan.ru


Kvartal. a rehabilitation facility for children and teenagers was

commissioned in 2002 to provide rehabilitation services to children

and teenagers using psychoactive substances.

The rehabilitation center comprises the following departments:

1. Outpatient department:

Reception by psychotherapists and therapists for substance abusers;

Consultations by psychiatrists;

• Lectures for parents;

Parental efficiency training course.


• - W O R K I N G W I T H V O I ' I I I AT R I S K " мтк-v KMIC Hi

2. Round-the-clock hospital department:

• An integrated medico-psychological rehabilitation program;

• Social and legal assistance to children and teenagers;

• Correctional pedagogies.

3. Day patient facility:

• Post-rehabilitation support program;

• Social adaptation;

• Parent self-help and mutual-help groups.

The center's has a qualified staff of therapists for substance

abusers, psychotherapists, psychologists, social workers and a lawyer.

The center is equipped with modern facilities for sports, recreation,

vocational and creative activities.

Our activity is based on the concept of an integrated rehabilitation

environment, a place where the child feels protected, where he can get

assistance and learn to choose a healthy model of behavior.

The program's efficiency results both from the efforts of the center's

staff and from active parent participation in family psychotherapy

c o u r s e s.

Rehabilitation of children and teenagers suffering from substance

abuse is normally a long process. The first 1.5 — 2 months are spent

by the teenager in the inpatient department where he participates in

an intensive rehabilitation program.

The integrated program comprises:

• Medical treatment;

Individual and group psychotherapy;

• Art therapy and theater;

I.ectnres and debates;

Fitness and swimming classes;

Vocational lessons (labor therapy);

Computer classes;

• Individual treatment by correctional instructor;

Psychological testing and career guidance.

After discharging, rehabilitation is continued in the daytime

patient mode, thus ensuring that the teenager can get further support,

follow up on the new ways of behavior and adapt in society. During this
stage, the center's social worker continues to actively work with the

teenager's family and school teachers.

Outpatient program is offered to teenagers and their parents

where the teenager shows deviations from normal behavior patterns or

has family relationship problems. Assistance in resolving these problems

is an important component within the program for preventing

psychoactive substance abuse.

Address: Moscow, I.eninsky Prospekt 89-A

Phone:(495)935-97-95, 132-88-32


The Path to Home children's shelter was put into operation by

the national charity foundation No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

(NAN Foundation) in 1992.

While initially the shelter was meant for children whose parents

were receiving alcoholism treatment, it turned out that this category

of children is much less numerous as compared to homeless and

neglected children in need of adult assistance. The shelter started

working with children picked up by the police at railway stations,

uninhabited basements and garrets. Some kids came themselves,

other were brought by adults. But all of them needed help, warmth,

kindness, and understanding. It was important to define the child's

social status, find his parents, teach the children to regain their

confidence in adults, live in civilized conditions, return the child to

his family. In 1992. the Path to Home became Moscow's first children's


The shelter's main goal is providing assistance to children in critical

situations and reunification with their families.

The shelter can simultaneously take care of 35 children aged

between 1 and 15 years. It has a highly-skilled staff comprising

medics, psychologists, teachers, child minders, social workers, etc.

The shelter takes care of:

Neglected children devoid of parental care due to the parents'

death, illness, alcohol or drug abuse;



• Homeless children whose parents became victims of housing

scams, lost children or those who ran away after a conflict with

parents or because of domestic violence;

• Children with deviations in behavior, those who like vagrancy, use

alcohol or drugs, belong to various gangs, including criminal ones.

Children can be brought by adults or can come to the shelter on

their own.

These children need special attention and sympathy. They suffer

from a multitude of chronic diseases, intellectually lag behind their

equals in age, trust nobody, are accustomed to living on their own and

making money I albeit not always legally). They cherish their freedom

and do not know any better.

Our goal is to reunify the child with his family, restore his confideuce

in adults, become a lull-fledged member of society. The children

receive medical, psychological, social and legal help from the first

minute of their stay at the shelter. The child is discharged once he's

adapted to normal conditions of living in a family (either his own or

that of foster parents) or in a children's institution.

The shelter's doctors do physical checkups (upon the child's

admittance and on a regular basis after that), conduct initial disinfection,

identify and treat chronic ailments, deliue the status ol liinctional

and psychological deviations, devise individual treatment and rehabilitation


Psychologists' job is to restore the child's confidence in people, identify

and analyze his psychological traumatic experience, help reassess own

life experience, devise an individual correction program, prepare the child

to new conditions of life, work with parents, help sort out the conflicts

between children and parents, work with potential custodians.

Child minders' job is to stay with the children throughout the day,

organize their leisure, help with the homework, teach playing and

communication skills, monitor the child's psychological and emotional

condition, conduct individual and group enrichment classes.

Teachers assess the child's educational level, conduct individual

classes. Those children whose lag behind have individually-tailored

classes. Those who used to go to school, display a motivation for learn-

ing and an adequate knowledge base, start going" to a regular school

located close to the shelter.

The shelter is home to a number of hobby groups like drawing,

artistic modeling, decorative artwork, beading, and a puppet theater.

The shelter's social service's job is to define the child's social and

legal status, protect the child's rights in court, collect information on

his family, visit the child's family to assess its income and living conditions,

look for potential foster parents, obtain and restore the child's

documents, maintain contact with government bodies and take part in

settling the child.

All the shelter's units operate in close contact with each other,

which facilitates provision of assistance and reduces the number of

escapes from the shelter to a minimum. The child always has a choice:

to leave or to stay and see how other children live, try to understand

why they have no desire to leave the shelter.

The shelter's staff pays a lot of attention to working with the parents,

potential foster parents, remembering that our main goal is the

child's reunification with family (either his own or a foster family), the

basic criterion for that being love between the child and the parents. If

the parents swiivv from alcoholism, they are offered a treatment

course. Subject to consent from custody bodies of authority, the parents

may visit the children at the shelter and even take them home for

a weekend provided that they remain sober and have satisfactory living

conditions. If the child doesn't want to come back to his parents for

reasons of domestic violence, the shelter will try to find foster parents,

the first candidates being the child's relatives and old friends.

Address: Moscow, Piofsoyuznaya str. 27-4.

Phone: (495) 128-60-20




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