Ex. 27. Give a summary of the text “Blood Groups”. 

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Ex. 27. Give a summary of the text “Blood Groups”.




The blood groups are based on which antigens are carried on the red blood cells. There are four blood groups: A, B, AB, and O. In the ABO blood group type A blood has type A antigens, type B blood has type B antigens, type AB blood has both types of antigens. Type O blood has neither A nor B antigens. Another important blood group is the Rh blood group. People are Rh positive if they have a certain Rh antigen (the D antigen) on the surface of their erythrocytes, and they are Rh negative if they do not have this Rh antigen. Avoiding the mixture of certain kinds of antigens prevents adverse transfusion reaction. Blood transfusion produces good results in patients with acute and chronic anemia as well as in shock, hemophilia, purulent and septic processes, anaerobic infection, hemorrhagic diatheses and others. While disorders of the cardiac function, severe lesion of the kidneys and liver, acute forms of TB and hypertension are stated to be contraindications for blood transfusion.




thoracic [TO:'rxsIk] грудний circulation [,sq:kju'leIS(q)n] кровообіг; циркуляція beat [bI:t] поштовх, скорочення, систола chamber ['CeImbq] камера contraction [kqn'trxkS(q)n] скорочення ventricle ['ventrIkl] шлуночок pump [pAmp] качати, накачувати; насос atrium (pl. atria) ['xtrIqm] передсердя; порожнина separate ['seprIt] окремий; ізольований; ['sepqreIt] відділяти(ся), розділяти(ся); роз’єднувати; розкладати valve [vxlv] клапан tricuspid[traI'kAspId] тристулковий mitral ['maItrql] двостулковий, мітральний bicuspid [baI'kAspId] двостулковий, мітральний interventricular [,Intqven'trIkjulq] міжшлуночковий septum ['septqm] перегородка flow [flqu] рух, потік, течія; швидкість; текти, протікати; циркулювати (про кров) through[Tru:] через, крізь superior [sju(:)'pIqrIq] такий, що міститься вгорі або спрямований угору, верхнійinferior [In'fIqrIq] нижній vena ['vI:nq] вена vein [veIn] вена cava [keIv] порожнина pulmonary ['pAlmqnqrI] легеневий via ['vaIq] через, крізь; за допомогою чогось aortic [eI'O:tIk] аортальний, такий, що стосується аорти aorta [eI'O:tq] аорта delivery [dI'lIv(q)rI] постачання; живлення, забезпечення exterior [eks'tIqrIq] зовнішній epicardium [,epI'ka:dIqm] епікард, зовнішня оболонка серця myocardium [maIq'ka:dIqm] міокард, шар стінки серця lining ['laInIN] слизова оболонка endocardium [,endo'ka:dIqm] ендокард, внутрішня оболонка серця smooth [smuD] гладкий pericardium [,perI'ka:dIqm] перикард, осердя fibrous ['faIbrqs] волокнистий, фіброзний


Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:

Prefixes and term-elements:

a-, an - (no, without)

anti- (against)

ab- (away from)


Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:

A. Apnea; anoxia; anabiotic; anabolic; anacidity.

B. Antigen, antibiotic, antihistamine; antibody; antitetanic; anti-inflammatory; antiviral; antidiuretic; antithyroid.

C. Abnormal; abductor; absorption.



(Passive Voice)


Ex. 3. Enter the Past Participle of the following verbs:

Locate; pump; consist; separate; call; enter; weight; know; flow; feel; bring; take; give.


Ex. 4. Find and translate sentences with predicates in Simple Tenses, Passive Voice:

1. The heart is located in the mediastinum within the pericardial sac. 2. The two upper cavities of the heart are known as atria. 3. Each pump consists of a pair of chambers formed by muscles. 4. The sinus node produced electrical impulses. 5. Its lower border rests upon the diaphragm by which it is separated from the liver and stomach. 6. In the lungs the blood is supplied with oxygen. 7. From the left chamber the well-oxygenated blood is pumped into the aorta. 8. The pericardium is a double-layered closed sac.


Ex. 5. Make up the following sentences interrogative:

1. The heart is divided into four chambers. 2. The blood is returned to the heart by means of the veins. 3. The two atria are separated from each other by the internal septum. 4. These muscles are attached by thin, strong connective tissue strings (сухожилля). 5. In the lungs carbon dioxide is released and oxygen is picked up. 6. Blood flowing through the aorta is distributed throughout all parts of the body. 7. The heart wall is composed of three layers of tissue.


Ex. 6. Find in the text “Heart” and translate the sentences containing Passive Voice. Ask your questions to these sentences.


Ex. 7. Read the following grammar material:


The cardiovascular system includes heart, blood vessels, and blood, which is pumped through the blood vessels by the heart. Серцево-судинна система складається з серця, кровоносних судин|посудин| і крові, яка нагнітається серцем по кровоносних судинах.
There are many glands in the stomach that produce pepsin and acid. У шлунку знаходиться|перебуває| багато залоз, які виробляють пепсин і кислоту.
He was the first who described the kidney texture. Він був першим, хто описав структуру нирки.

Ex. 8. Read and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The blood travels through the liver and kidneys, which remove waste products. 2. Blood is pumped from the ventricles of the heart into large elastic arteries that branch repeatedly to form many smaller arteries. 3. The DNA, which was dispersed as chromatine in interphase, condenses in mitosis to form chromosomes. 4. The skeleton is divided into the skull, vertebral column, thoracic cage, upper and lower limbs and the girdles that attach the limbs to the body. 5. Metabolism that occurs in the large mass of muscle tissue in the body produces heat. 6. An inner mucosa is folded into rugae (sing. ruga зморшка, складка, гребінь) that allow the gallbladder to expand. 7. The average pay is rather high, only advanced students who have high index in all the subjects may get grants. 8. The heart is a hollow muscle, which is located in the thoracic cavity.


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